This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines
This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2022.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
  1. January 1, 2022
  2. February 1
    • Cracked Egg Studios produces a color-corrected Poopy Logo.
  3. February 2
  4. February 4
  5. February 7
  6. February 8
  7. February 12
    • Cracked Egg Studios begins selling a color-corrected variant of the Logo T-Shirt with a white egg.
    • Cracked Egg Studios begins selling a VaultWiki T-Shirt.
  8. February 16
  9. February 17
    • Cracked Egg Studios produces a color-corrected Poopy Intro for video game releases.
  10. February 22
  11. February 28
  12. March 3
  13. March 5
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2022-6401, VWE-2022-6406, and VWE-2022-6411 in VaultWiki.
  14. March 6
  15. March 7
  16. March 8
  17. March 14
  18. March 22
    • Cracked Egg Studios moves its web sites to more powerful server infrastructure hosted by LeaseWeb.
  19. March 26
  20. April 1
  21. April 2
  22. April 4
  23. April 5
  24. April 6
  25. April 9
  26. April 10
  27. April 13
  28. April 14
  29. April 15
    • Ted Phillips preserves Y3K trading cards.
  30. April 17
  31. April 18
  32. April 21
  33. April 22
    • Cracked Egg Studios acquires restoration equipment for damaged VHS tapes.
    • Cracked Egg Studios begins planning to re-release the storybook animation Th.
  34. April 28
    • Ted Phillips finds the VHS transfer of the original Funny Fun tape.
  35. May 3
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2022-6416, VWE-2022-6420, and VWE-2022-6426 in VaultWiki.
  36. May 5
  37. May 6
  38. May 7
    • Ted Phillips digitizes the Ted's Tape VHS.
    • Ted Phillips finds the original Ni-Ki-Oh! season 1 air copies of the numbered episodes.
  39. May 8
  40. May 18
  41. May 19
  42. May 20
  43. May 24
    • VaultWiki Team extends the video streaming system in the VaultWiki 4.2.x series with bandwidth usage tracking and throttling.
  44. June 2
    • Ted Phillips re-digitizes the Funny Fun tape.
  45. June 7
  46. June 8
  47. June 9
    • Repairs to the north yard begin.
    • Ted Phillips digitizes the Shadow Games tape.
  48. June 11
  49. June 12
  50. June 16
  51. June 17
  52. June 18
    • Ted Phillips contracts COVID-19.
  53. June 22
  54. July 3
  55. July 4
    • Nick Phillips submits several Hi8 tapes to the archives.
  56. July 6
  57. July 7
  58. July 17
    • Ted Phillips writes the previouslies for Ni-Ki-Oh! season 1.
  59. July 21
  60. July 23
  61. July 31
    • Nick Phillips submits voiceovers for the previouslies in Ni-Ki-Oh! season 1.
  62. August 9
  63. August 13
  64. August 18
    • Repairs to the north yard are completed.
  65. August 21
  66. August 26
    • Cracked Egg Studios finalizes its 3D Movie Maker to high definition video conversion process.
  67. September 1
  68. September 9
  69. September 12
    • Ted Phillips undergoes the second surgery in the Nuss procedure.
  70. September 16
  71. September 17
  72. September 18
  73. September 21
  74. September 24
  75. September 26
  76. September 27
  77. September 30
    • Ted Phillips begins releasing articles related to studio histories on the web site.
  78. October 1
  79. October 2
  80. October 6
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerability VWE-2022-6463, VWE-2022-6466, VWE-2022-6469, and VWE-2022-6470 in VaultWiki.
  81. October 8
  82. October 10
  83. October 11
    • EggMail gets a public landing page.
  84. October 14
  85. October 15
  86. October 22
  87. October 24
  88. October 25
  89. October 27
  90. October 30
    • Cracked Egg Studios re-releases the storybook animation Th on its web site.
  91. November 1
  92. November 3
  93. November 5
  94. November 7
  95. November 8
  96. November 9
  97. November 10
  98. November 11
  99. November 12
  100. November 14
  101. November 18
  102. November 20
  103. November 21
  104. November 24
  105. November 27
  106. December 3
    • Ted Phillips recovers the short story USN 1156.
  107. December 5
    • Ted Phillips investigates the Angelfire account affected by the Angelfire Culling but finds no surviving data.
  108. December 6
  109. December 7
  110. December 9
  111. December 12
  112. December 16
  113. December 18
  114. December 19
  115. December 20
  116. December 21
  117. December 22
  118. December 23
  119. December 24
  120. December 25
  121. December 26
  122. December 30
  123. December 31

This page has been seen 63 times.

    • Created by on
      Last updated by on


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