This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines
Work on this page is still very much in progress. This timeline is still far from complete, only reflecting data from a small number of sources.

This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2023.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. October
  9. December
  1. January 2, 2023
    • VaultWiki Team extends the cookie management system in VaultWiki to support the user consent options of the host platform.
  2. January 10
  3. January 13
  4. January 16
  5. January 19
  6. January 20
  7. January 25
  8. February 27
    • Ted Phillips converts the car prop from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
    • Ted Phillips converts a school bus from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
  9. March 1
    • Ted Phillips converts a gun prop from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
  10. March 3
    • Ted Phillips converts the airplane prop from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
  11. March 4
    • Ted Phillips converts the police car prop from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
    • Ted Phillips converts the taxi prop from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
    • Ted Phillips converts the Nakita actor from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
  12. March 15
    • Ted Phillips converts the Bongo actor from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
  13. March 16
    • Ted Phillips converts the Randolph actor from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
  14. March 19
    • Ted Phillips converts the Salvador actor from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
  15. March 20
    • Ted Phillips converts a gun prop from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
    • Ted Phillips converts the Alex actor from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
    • Ted Phillips finishes recreating the Chinatown scene from 3D Movie Maker in Unreal Engine for alternate camera angles in The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita.
  16. March 25
    • Ted Phillips converts the ambulance prop from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
  17. March 26
    • Ted Phillips converts the Gustave actor from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
  18. March 28
  19. April 2
  20. April 3
  21. April 4
    • Ted Phillips converts a chicken actor from 3D Movie Maker for use in Unreal Engine.
  22. May 14
  23. May 17
  24. June 12
  25. July 13
  26. October 15
    • Renovations begin at company headquarters.
  27. October 23
    • VaultWiki Team extends the DIV, SPAN, and WIDGET BB-Codes in VaultWiki with definable CSS class suffixes to assist with administrative style customizations.
  28. October 28
    • Nick Phillips programs an Observatory simulator using BASIC.
  29. October 30
    • Nick Phillips uses the Observatory simulator to more accurately calculate the odds of winning the game.
  30. December 1

This page has been seen 33 times.

    • Created by on
      Last updated by on


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