The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita

The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita was an animated series produced by Dannick Studios in 2000-2001 using Microsoft 3D Movie Maker, based on a number of animated shorts made by Nick Phillips in 1998. It was remastered and distributed on the Cracked Egg Studios web site beginning September 26, 2022.[1]

You can watch the entire remastered series in the playlist below, as new episodes are released.
Seizure warning! This program contains flashing lights.


The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita follows Bongo and Nakita, two friends growing ever closer as the world devolves into chaos around them.


The show contained a total of six episodes, five of which aired from 2000 to 2001.
#TitleSegmentsAir DateOnline Date
01Guard???Guard??? / The Fief! / Bongo Quickie~August 2000September 26, 2022
02Halloween ICar Crash / Ghost / Nakita's Pocket Pita / Coming Soon~October 2000October 10, 2022
03Halloween IINakita in Space / The Fief Returns! / Nakita Quickie~October 2001October 24, 2022
04CrisisCrisis / The Trip to MexicoDecember 16, 2001November 7, 2022
05These Things HappenThese Things HappenDecember 26, 2001November 21, 2022
06Ugly GirlUgly Girl / B&N XM / La Sofrit(never aired)TBA


The original shorts were produced using the trial version of Microsoft 3D Movie Maker in 1998. One limitation of the trial version was only being able to choose from 2 possible actors: Bongo or Nakita. Another limitation was the inability to save your work. As a result, the shorts were remade multiple times until Dannick Studios was able to obtain a full copy of 3D Movie Maker. Throughout this process, Teddy Phillips of T.J.'s Cracked Egg Studios provided some creative input.

By early 2000, the shorts had been lost in possibly the earliest catastrophic data loss event in Cracked Egg Studios history, which occurred between 1998 and 2000.

In August 2000, Dannick Studios began remaking the shorts and including them as segments in a new series called The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita. Some clips of Cracked Egg Studios movies that were also made using 3D Movie Maker were incorporated into the episodes. While the prior input by Teddy Phillips earned him a writing credit on these episodes, the inclusion of these clips also led to the addition of the following line to the opening theme:
... with ideas stolen from T.J's Cracked Egg Studios.

The series survived the next data loss event in April 2001, thanks to a backup made with the help of a CD burner purchased during summer 2000.

In September 2001, Nick Phillips began extending existing episodes of the series with new segments, such as Bongo Quickies, as well as new episodes. Beyond the second Halloween special, Cracked Egg Studios involvement was minimal, and Nick Phillips later admitted in an interview that episode quality diminished because of that.

By January 2003, the previous backup CD had been lost, and a systems migration took place. With additional migrations and data loss events in that decade, by 2009, it was widely held that insufficient planning had resulted in the loss of a significant amount of content, including The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita, that had been stored on the Aptiva Computer.

Several years after Dannick Studios's merger with Cracked Egg Studios, the general panel at EggCon 2009 announced that The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita would be remade again from scratch from memory and given an internet release. However, by 2011, the only work that had been done was development of a modern production process for 3D Movie Maker content, and like all other Cracked Egg Studios projects of the time, work all but halted in 2012, due to infrastructure problems and natural disasters.

In early 2022, during a renewed push to preserve content in the archives in 2021 led Ted Phillips to find a backup CD labeled "RM2K Backups" that was unreadable and required special data recovery in order to access. A hidden directory on that CD contained the .3dmm files for The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita dated from 2001.

On April 10, 2022, Ted Phillips published a news article about the discovery, promising a remaster of all the episodes, as well as the unreleased season finale, to be released during the fall.[2] On September 1, 2022, it was revealed that the series would be returning on September 26.[3]

Teasers and Commercials

The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita "Great Show" was advertised during the commercial break in the original version of Bongomon's pilot episode in August 2000. This commercial was remade from memory by Nick Phillips in 2022 for the series remaster.

A variation of the series theme song was shown in a teaser on April 10, 2022, comparing it with its remastered version and announcing the series return.

Cultural References

The theme song and the series overall pay homage to the following aspects of popular culture:
  • The opening theme song is a parody of the famously bad song "DK Rap" from Donkey Kong 64, which includes the lyrics "they're finally here," compared to the series lyrics "they're finally back."
  • Several episodes include "Bongo Quickie" or "Nakita Quickie" segments, unrelated shorts that are only a few seconds long, similar to the "Garfield Quickie" segments in the Garfield and Friends animated series.
  • The opening theme in both Halloween episodes uses different theme music, just like the opening theme in The Simpsons "Treehouse of Horror" episodes.
  • In the Halloween episodes, the credits use a creepy font and change many credited names to horror-inspired aliases, just like the credits in The Simpsons "Treehouse of Horror" episodes.


  1. ^Phillips, T. (2022, September 26). Series Premiere: The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita. Cracked Egg Studios. Retrieved from
  2. ^Phillips, T. (2022, April 10). They're Finally Back. Retrieved from
  3. ^Phillips, T. (2022, September 1). Bongo and Nakita Return September 26. Cracked Egg Studios. Retrieved from
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