Nakita Survives in Episode #3

After the Earth exploded, Nakita survived. Now she goes in search of air.

In protest of The Simpsons "Treehouse of Horror" segments not being considered canon in their series, the third episode of The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita continues where "Halloween I" left off.

Seizure warning! This program contains flashing lights.

About this episode

"Halloween II" was made in 2001, almost a full year after "Halloween I," but continues just moments after the end of "Nakita's Pocket Pita," answering the question of how a sitcom would even continue after the world explodes. It is the last episode to feature Ted Phillips as a writer.

"Halloween II" continues its homage to The Simpsons "Treehouse of Horror" episodes, and takes a moment to criticize some horror copouts such as "it was all a dream." Prescient in its exploration of the diverse-casting debate almost 2 decades before it began in earnest, this episode features the most diverse cast compared to prior episodes, notably casting a seven-year-old girl to play a fifty-year-old man. And viewer beware: "Halloween II" even tries its hand at parodying Bongomon by attempting to take long distance travel without jump cuts to a new extreme (analysis pending).

The episode concludes with a "Nakita Quickie," which like previous "Bongo Quickies" is not an original work; it was copied from a sample project that was included with the 3D Movie Maker program.

Some small changes have been made to the episode to improve audio audibility, text legibility, and to correct timing issues. Additional rotoscoping was performed to enhance believability of some scenes. The original ending credits sequence has been replaced with one that is more readable, but still uses the out-takes from the original.
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