
The EggPlayer was originally a proprietary player for Cracked Egg Studios productions that was designed to replace use of the YouTube <embed> code on the web site. Development of the player began on April 27, 2008. Since 2021, EggPlayer is a reskinned version of the bundled media player in VaultWiki.


When the Cracked Egg Studios Official Web Site first launched in 2005, The Vault was created with the intention that it would display original content on the site using an embedded player. During the first several months, promises of The Vault's completion were stated to rely upon moving to a new host server with more disk space and bandwidth.

At the same time the web site moved to a more viable server solution, TK Seya proposed that Pegasus host the videos on YouTube as a director. Ted Phillips began the process of trickling the videos onto YouTube via the channel "CrackedEggStudios." However, videos that were available as Downloads were not posted, because he shortly became aware of the simplicity of ripping videos from YouTube.

On April 25, 2008, Ted began his search for an alternative to YouTube, and began development of EggPlayer just two days later. Within 10 days, a proprietary EggPlayer was launched on the web site. Over the next few years, EggPlayer would occasionally develop issues in response to browser and player component updates, and often these issues went undiscovered and thus unresolved for several months.

On December 25, 2013, as part of the aftermath of the CoachZ Infection, the hosting account containing the video files EggPlayer played was unintentionally erased. It was not realized that the live copies had disappeared until Nick Phillips brought it to Ted's attention in early March 2014. EggPlayer remained broken and all videos missing until April 13, 2014.

On April 13, 2014, Ted Phillips installed a streaming server on the Cracked Egg Studios web site and re-uploaded a handful of the missing videos. He attempted to fix the EggPlayer itself, but had to change it back to a branded FlowPlayer until the correct player component versions were located on April 22, 2014. With these changes EggPlayer would no longer rely on third-party hosting, could be protected by SSL technology in the future, and would be able to support live streaming.

On July 25, 2017, Adobe announced that it would stop supporting Flash Player at the end of 2020. The end of Flash Player would cause all content based on Flash, such as EggPlayer and its videos, to stop functioning entirely.

On August 14, 2020, Cracked Egg Studios began rewriting EggPlayer as a VaultWiki 4.2.x series component, using HTML video elements and native browser APIs to handle player controls and digital rights management. The new EggPlayer was completed on September 23, 2020; however, VaultWiki 4.2.x was not available on the public version of the web site, so existing videos were unable to benefit from the changes at that time.

On January 12, 2021, all existing EggPlayer content stopped functioning, due to browsers no longer being able to use Adobe Flash Player. Cracked Egg Studios closed the web site for upgrades on January 25, and reopened it February 8, 2022.

Upon reopening, the studio began rereleasing its old EggPlayer content using the new video format. To date, most prior content has been rereleased.


There were several of the advantages to Cracked Egg Studios serving its own videos with EggPlayer.

  • Videos can be longer and of higher quality, because there is no 100 Megabyte upload limitation.
  • Videos have lower risk of piracy, since flash ripping software would have to be modified to affect the custom player system.
  • Videos are not regulated by another corporation like Google.
  • Videos can be presented in more professional environment.
  • Videos are not presented alongside competing or lower quality videos.
  • Videos can be broken up by advertisements.
  • The embedded player can fit the overall look of the site.
  • Videos can use forum permissions.
  • Videos are only available on the Cracked Egg Studios web site.

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