This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines
This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2021.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
  1. January 12, 2021
  2. January 16
  3. January 25
    • Cracked Egg Studios closes its web site for renovations.
  4. January 26
  5. February 1
  6. February 5
  7. February 24
  8. February 25
  9. March 5
  10. March 20
    • Cracked Egg Studios acquires book binding equipment.
  11. March 27
  12. April
  13. April 12
  14. April 28
  15. May 1
  16. May 2
    • VaultWiki Team begins programming support in the history management system in the VaultWiki 4.2.x series for the host platform's file attachment and upload system.
  17. May 3
  18. May 5
  19. May 7
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerabilities VWE-2021-6098 and VWE-2021-6099 in VaultWiki.
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerabilities VWE-2021-6100, VWE-2021-6101, and VWE-2021-6103 in VaultWiki.
  20. May 10
  21. May 28
    • Repairs to the headquarters hot water infrastructure begin.
  22. June 5
  23. June 6
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerabilities VWE-2021-6106 and VWE-2021-6107 in VaultWiki.
    • VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 4.1.2.
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2021-6097, VWE-2021-6098, VWE-2021-6099, VWE-2021-6100, VWE-2021-6101, VWE-2021-6102, VWE-2021-6103, VWE-2021-6104, VWE-2021-6106, and VWE-2021-6107 in VaultWiki.
  24. June 18
    • Repairs to the headquarters hot water infrastructure are completed.
  25. June 25
  26. July 1
  27. July 16
  28. July 24
    • VaultWiki Team finishes programming support in the history management system in the VaultWiki 4.2.x series for the host platform's file attachment and upload system.
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the data loss vulnerability VWE-2021-6148 in VaultWiki.
  29. July 25
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2021-6131, VWE-2021-6136, VWE-2021-6139, VWE-2021-6145, and VWE-2021-6148 in VaultWiki.
  30. August 8
  31. August 25
  32. August 27
  33. September 1
    • Upgrades to the workstation CHAOS-EGG are completed.
  34. September 2
  35. September 13
    • Ted Phillips begins a physical accounting of extant studio media and intellectual property.
  36. September 14
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerability VWE-2021-6191, VWE-2021-6205, VWE-2021-6207, VWE-2021-6208, VWE-2021-6209, and VWE-2021-6218 in VaultWiki.
  37. September 18
    • The Phillips family attends The Guilford Fair.
  38. September 19
    • VaultWiki Team extends the permissions system in VaultWiki so the ability to add content tags to various content can be separately granted.
  39. October 3
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerabilities VWE-2021-6236, VWE-2021-6237, and VWE-2021-6238 in VaultWiki.
  40. October 4
  41. October 5
  42. October 6
  43. October 7
  44. October 12
    • VaultWiki Team extends static image handling in VaultWiki to use browser-based lazy-loading functionality more often.
  45. October 14
  46. October 16
  47. October 17
  48. October 18
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerabilities VWE-2021-6256, VWE-2021-6257, and VWE-2021-6258 in VaultWiki.
  49. October 19
  50. October 25
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2021-6236, VWE-2021-6237, VWE-2021-6238, VWE-2021-6239, VWE-2021-6247, VWE-2021-6249, VWE-2021-6251, VWE-2021-6252, VWE-2021-6253, VWE-2021-6254, VWE-2021-6255, VWE-2021-6256, VWE-2021-6257, VWE-2021-6258, VWE-2021-6259, VWE-2021-6260, and VWE-2021-6261 in VaultWiki.
  51. October 30
  52. November 2
  53. November 29
  54. December 1
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2021-6267, VWE-2021-6343, and VWE-2021-6347 in VaultWiki.
  55. December 4
  56. December 21
  57. December 29
    • VaultWiki Team changes its integrated development environment to phpStorm to improve its debugging capability.

This page has been seen 58 times.

    • Created by on
      Last updated by on


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