This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2006.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January 1, 2006
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the video game compilation Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Special Edition DVD collection.
- January 6
- Clare Phillips begins writing the novella Powisia: A sad, exciting, and true story.
- January 7
- January 10
- The web site brings its News back online by moving it to a back door at the Free United Club of Kids web site.
- The web site adds the ability to leave comments on News entries.
- January 11
- The web site brings the forum back online by moving it to a back door at the Free United Club of Kids web site.
- January 13
- Cracked Egg Studios opens a web hosting account with Global Internet Solutions.
- Cracked Egg Studios begins developing the CESHosting service, offering web site hosting packages.
- January 14
- Cracked Egg Studios moves the MASTER-EGG to 100% 64-bit computing.
- January 15
- January 16
- CESHosting sells its first hosting package.
- January 17
- The web site adds a link to the Discography under the Ni-Ki-Oh! section in the left-hand navigation.
- The web site adds the Games section to the left-hand navigation.
- The web site adds a link to The Lost Pyramid in the Games section in the left-hand navigation.
- The web site adds the Future Plans section to the left-hand navigation.
- The web site adds links to Bean of the Dead, The Big Crunch, and The Free United Club of Kids, DreamLand, and The Corner under the Future Plans section in the left-hand navigation.
- The web site moves the link to Contact Us from the left-hand navigation to the right-hand navigation.
- January 19
- The Cracked Egg Studios web site moves to
- Cracked Egg Studios launches CESHosting.
- January 20
- Tom Fulgione pitches the stage production The Balcony.
- January 21
- January 23
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the computer wallpaper Family Portrait.
- Cracked Egg Studios leaks audio previews from the Ni-Ki-Oh! season 3 episode "Power Surge."
- January 26
- Cracked Egg Studios begins providing web hosting services for the Free United Club of Kids.
- January 28
- Cracked Egg Studios hosts an audio-only screening of the Ni-Ki-Oh! season 3 episode 8 "Power Surge."
- January 31
- Cracked Egg Studios acquires Noey Productions.
- The web site adds the ability to skip the flash intro video.
- February 1
- Cracked Egg Studios removes Ni-Ki-Oh! on Paper from its web site.
- The web site launches the NKO News Archive.
- February 3
- Cracked Egg Studios announces that it is taking over development of the video game The Lost Pyramid.
- Cracked Egg Studios begins re-programming the video game The Lost Pyramid from scratch using the 3D RPG Builder engine.
- February 4
- Cracked Egg Studios produces the pilot for the reality series HoJeong Gets AIM.
- Cracked Egg Studios produces the theme song HoJeong Gets AIM (TV size), performed by David Collura.
- February 5
- Clare Phillips begins publishing information about Powisia.
- February 7
- Nick Phillips writes the short story The Most Important Meal of the Day.
- Ted Phillips produces the song Three-Headed Goat, performed by David Collura.
- Ted Phillips produces the song Thirteen Prophecies, performed by David Collura.
- February 9
- Ted Phillips produces an interview of HoJeong Park by David Collura.
- The web site removes the Future Projects section and its links to Bean of the Dead, The Big Crunch, and The Free United Club of Kids, DreamLand, and The Corner from the left-hand navigation.
- February 10
- Ted Phillips writes the poem Heatstroke, based on a planned Ni-Ki-Oh! scene, under the pseudonym Claustrus Fervemens.
- February 12
- Cracked Egg Studios opens the CES.WS web portal.
- The web site adds a link to "Earn CES Network Partnership" under Affiliates in the right-hand navigation.
- Cracked Egg Studios opens the In Development web portal as a source of company insider information.
- February 14
- Ted Phillips writes the philosophical poem The Great Apostrophe.
- Cracked Egg Studios upgrades the web site's layout to version 3.
- February 15
- Cracked Egg Studios launches The Arsenal, intended as a digital storefront for company media.
- February 17
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues Lightscribe versions of its DVD collections.
- February 21
- February 22
- Cracked Egg Studios launches Ni-Ki-Oh! Card of the Day on its web site.
- February 26
- Cracked Egg Studios hosts a screening of the Ni-Ki-Oh! DVD collection The World According to Maximillion Pegasus.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Ni-Ki-Oh! DVD collection The World According to Maximillion Pegasus.
- March 2
- Cracked Egg Studios begins issuing and accepting a digital currency called celbos for various forum activities.
- Cracked Egg Studios begins accepting donations to fund future projects.
- The web site adds a link to Make a Donation to the left-hand navigation.
- The web site adds a link for Kingdom Hearts: FM SE under New Releases in the left-hand navigation.
- March 7
- Ted Phillips writes a script outline for Ni-Ki-Oh! season 4.
- March 19
- The web site goes down while server hardware is upgraded.
- March 21
- Cracked Egg Studios incorporates elements of Powisia into The Lost Pyramid script.
- March 22
- Cracked Egg Studios begins production on the video game compilation Kingdom Hearts 2 Collection.
- March 24
- Ted Phillips produces the nightmare audio In the Tiger Exhibit.
- March 25
- Ted Phillips and Dave Collura design a Plumbing Notice for Rubin Hall dormitory.
- March 26
- Clare Phillips writes the poem Powisia: The Hooded Darkness.
- April
- Ted Phillips visits Appalshop in Whitesburg, Kentucky.
- Ted Phillips, et al collaborate on an adaptation of Dr. Seuss's The Sneetches for radio.
- Ted Phillips writes the scripts for Ni-Ki-Oh! season 4.
- April 2
- Cracked Egg Studios creates an account at Intellifilm and begins posting information about its various films.
- April 16
- Cracked Egg Studios performs website development for Sunnyside United Neighborhood Network.
- April 22
- Cracked Egg Studios hosts daily one-hour screenings of episodes from the video game compilation Kingdom Hearts 2 Collection at its headquarters.
- April 28
- Ted Phillips produces the parody The Wonderful World of Pokémon.
- April 30
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the video game compilation Kingdom Hearts 2 Collection.
- May 6
- Cracked Egg Studios announces planned upgrades to its workstation, the MASTER-EGG.
- May 8
- Clare Phillips writes the non-fiction paper Life During the Renaissance.
- May 20
- Cracked Egg Studios pulls the video game compilation Kingdom Hearts 2 Collection from the market.
- June 1
- Cracked Egg Studios closes its forum for upgrades.
- June 6
- The Cracked Egg Studios forum reopens with a new Downloads section and adds tangible merchandise to its Store.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the song HoJeong Gets AIM (TV size) as downloadable content on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the song Thirteen Prophecies as downloadable content on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the song Ted's Ya Hi as downloadable content on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the song Ted's Ya Hi (Inverted Sphere Mix) as downloadable content on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios teases the upcoming Ni-Ki-Oh! Final Genesis DVD collection by releasing the updated theme song as downloadable content on its web site.
- June 8
- Cracked Egg Studios teases the upcoming Ni-Ki-Oh! Final Genesis DVD collection by releasing the computer wallpaper The True Tommy as downloadable content from its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios re-releases the computer wallpaper Family Portrait as downloadable content on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios rereleases the Ni-Ki-Oh! DVD collection The Lost Episodes as downloadable content from its web site.
- June 9
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the documentary Free United Club of Kids as downloadable content on its web site.
- June 10
- Cracked Egg Studios hosts the final screening of episodes from the video game compilation Kingdom Hearts 2 Collection.
- June 11
- Nick Phillips leaks an extended version of the Ni-Ki-Oh! scene involving the Vacca Mobile as downloadable content on the web site.
- The web site closes for upgrades, as the entire architecture of the web site is combined with the CES Forum for version 5.
- June 14
- Mike Vacca and Joe Justus reconcile.
- June 15
- Cracked Egg Studios purchases the MiniDV camera.
- June 16
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo Loser duels Kemo.
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Joey duels a Rare Hunter named Tocts.
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo Loser duels Majin Buu.
- June 18
- The web site removes the Google search widget from its left-hand navigation.
- The web site removes Google banner advertisements.
- The web site removes the link to Earn CES Network Partnership from the Affiliates section in the right-hand navigation.
- The web site reopens.
- The web site adds a loading screen when visiting any content.
- June 24
- July 1
- Cracked Egg Studios films the documentary Ted, Tom, Joe, Nick, and Vinny Go North.
- July 2
- Cracked Egg Studios films an alternate telling of the Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Joey duels a Rare Hunter during a blizzard.
- July 7
- Cracked Egg Studios begins planning the video game Donkey Kong Country X: Kremian Wars.
- July 9
- Nick Phillips attends Yale Summer Session 2006 at Yale University.
- July 11
- Cracked Egg Studios begins planning the video game Banjo-Threeie.
- July 30
- Ted Phillips joins the forum Rare Witch Project.
- August 3
- Cracked Egg Studios launches a private BitTorrent tracker to handle large Downloads from its web site.
- August 4
- Clare Phillips begins programming the video game Edgewater Park.
- August 9
- Clare Phillips produces the documentary Dummy Has KO Zones?!
- Cracked Egg Studios releases Ni-Ki-Oh! <UNTITLED> on YouTube.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the video game music video of Kingdom Hearts footage set to Evanescence's Going Under on YouTube.
- August 10
- Cracked Egg Studios releases Life Just Hasn't Been the Same Without Ni-Ki-Oh! on YouTube.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Free United Club of Kids documentary on YouTube.
- Cracked Egg Studios announces plans to remake The Twisted Mile.
- The web site simplifies its loading screen.
- August 12
- The web site upgrades its server to reduce database limit errors.
- August 13
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the documentary Dummy Has KO Zones?! as downloadable content on its web site.
- August 14
- Cracked Egg Studios launches the EGG Builder, selling custom PCs based on studio workstations.
- August 16
- Clare Phillips begins publishing The Story of Powisia on Rare Witch Project.
- August 19
- Nick Phillips returns from his stint at Habitat for Humanity.
- August 22
- Cracked Egg Studios films the remake of The Twisted Mile.
- August 23
- Tom Fulgione produces a teaser called The Even More Slightly Twisted Mile.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases The Even More Slightly Twisted Mile on YouTube.
- August 24
- Clare Phillips writes a screenplay for the film Super Smash Bros. Movie.
- August 25
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the remake of The Twisted Mile on YouTube.
- August 26
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Niki teaches Joey how to play Duel Monsters.
- August 28
- Clare Phillips launches her forum BowserIsUltimate.
- August 30
- Cracked Egg Studios investigates developing a fighting video game with characters from The Story of Powisia, based on the MUGEN software.
- September
- Cracked Egg Studios develops a fantasy football web site for a client.
- September 1
- Clare Phillips begins writing the short story The Small Town of RareWitchVillage.
- September 2
- Clare Phillips begins programming the video game Italiana La Strada.
- Clare Phillips begins programming the video game Rare Witch Project.
- September 8
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the remake of The Twisted Mile on DVD.
- September 10
- Ted Phillips creates the official fan Facebook group "Cracked Egg Studios Kicked My Ass."
- September 12
- Ted Phillips produces the animation The Bear People.
- September 15
- Cracked Egg Studios greenlights The Twisted Mile to continue as a full series.
- Cracked Egg Studios acquires rights to develop The Story of Powisia into a fantasy series.
- September 16
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Ni-Ki-Oh! scene "How Maximillion Pegasus Gets His Millennium Eye" on YouTube.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the remake of The Twisted Mile on MySpace.
- September 18
- Clare Phillips compiles the screenplay for the comedy Rare Witch Parody.
- September 25
- Ted Phillips begins producing the situation comedy short Apple Pie.
- October 8
- Ted Phillips writes the screenplay for a scene in Isles of Fortune where Claw has a meeting with Tommy at a fallen tree.
- October 9
- Cracked Egg Studios continues 3D animation for the Ni-Ki-Oh! episode "Power Surge."
- Cracked Egg Studios leaks a Ni-Ki-Oh! animation clip on YouTube.
- October 10
- October 14
- The web site goes down for 9 days due to provider error.
- October 18
- October 23
- The web site comes back online.
- October 24
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the situation comedy short Apple Pie on YouTube.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the animation The Bear People on YouTube.
- October 26
- Cracked Egg Studios announces that the Ni-Ki-Oh! season 3 finale DVD Final Genesis will be divided into two releases, Final Genesis RC1 and RC2.
- October 27
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Ni-Ki-Oh! musical number set to Michael Pasternak's "No Matter What" on YouTube.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Ni-Ki-Oh! musical number set to Link Park's "Crawling" on YouTube.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Ni-Ki-Oh! musical number "Face Up Face Down" on YouTube.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Ni-Ki-Oh! musical number set to Linkin Park's "In the End" on YouTube.
- October 28
- October 30
- System instability in the MASTER-EGG workstation causes the release of Final Genesis RC1 to be delayed.
- November 10
- The web site goes down for 2 weeks due to provider error.
- November 12
- Cracked Egg Studios leaks the Ni-Ki-Oh! episode "Losing a Mind" on YouTube.
- November 13
- Ted Phillips films a rehearsal of a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo Wheeler finds a rogue program on the Wheeler Corp mainframe.
- November 14
- The MASTER-EGG workstation runs out of disk space, forcing unscheduled upgrades and a system reformat, and causing the loss of roughly a week of post-production work.
- November 20
- Ted Phillips writes the screenplay for the holiday short Thanksgiving from Hell.
- November 22
- The Free United Club of Kids web site launches its wiki, dubbed FUCKipedia.
- November 24
- The web site mostly comes back online, but the downloads service is still down.
- November 26
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Ni-Ki-Oh! musical number set to Linkin Park's "Papercut" on YouTube.
- Ted Phillips begins investigating integrating Crackipedia with the forum using vBWiki.
- November 28
- Ted Phillips pitches adapting the short story The Trick-or-Treat Bags into a horror film.
- November 30
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the short film Crossing the Border on YouTube.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the short film Lead Dust on YouTube.
- December 1
- The web site's downloads service comes back online.
- December 4
- Ted Phillips films the Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo Wheeler finds a rogue program on the Wheeler Corp mainframe.
- December 5
- December 12
- December 13
- Damage to the MASTER-EGG threatens to cause Ted Phillips to miss a screening deadline.
- December 14
- Ted Phillips submits the Ni-Ki-Oh! scene, where Gozaburo Wheeler finds a rogue program on the Wheeler Corp mainframe, for a screening at New York University.
- Ted Phillips integrates Crackipedia with the forum even more by upgrading to vBWiki Pro.
- The web site creates the sub-forum The Vault (#31) under the forum category The Next-Gen Entertainment Alternative.
- The web site creates the sub-forum Article Discussions under the forum The Vault.
- The web site renames the sub-forum "The Vault" (#6) to "New Releases" and moves it under the forum The Vault.
- The web site moves the sub-forum Games from under the forum New Releases to under the forum The Vault.
- December 15
- Cracked Egg Studios leaks the ending of the Ni-Ki-Oh! episode "Ice Breaker" on YouTube.
- December 22
- Clare Phillips writes the song parody CareBearlicious, featuring Noey, for her solo album of the same name.
- December 25
- Cracked Egg Studios begins using cell phones for communication.
- The web site launches a new version of The Vault with articles and other useful content.
- The web site removes the Ni-Ki-Oh! section and its links to NKO News Archive, Episode Guide, Character Bios, and Discography from the left-hand navigation.
- The web site removes the links to Ted N Joe's PC Repair and The Noey Site from Affiliates in the right-hand navigation.
- The web site adds the Current Projects section to the left-hand navigation.
- The web site adds links to The Vault portals for Ni-Ki-Oh!, The Twisted Mile, and Isles of Fortune under Current Projects in the left-hand navigation.
- December 29
- Cracked Egg Studios moves the web site hosting from Global Internet Solutions to Host Monster.
- Global Internet Solutions refuses to transfer the domain name to Host Monster, and the web site becomes inaccessible to the public.
This page has been seen 1,175 times.
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- Contributors: