Site Loader Update & More Fixes

You have all noticed the "Welcome. The page you requested is loading" message. There have been mixed reviews. Some people like that it ensures them their connection with the site isn't hanging, while others would just prefer to see the content they were looking for and not another screen.

We have made an update to the Site Loader that we believe should benefit everyone. The broken image has been removed from the loader, whose code has been restructured to allow faster loading times due to smaller file sizes. This not only means our site will load more quickly, but it will take up less of your browser cache, as it takes up less of our database space and less of our bandwidth.

The Forum Rules boxes have also been removed from all instances on the site, because they were causing sections of the site to visually overflow onto others. Forum permissions are pretty straightforward and probably don't need the reminder box anyway.

Broken menus have been fixed in the Gallery area and certain forums, as we were able to eliminate a redundant page template that was causing these errors.

If anyone runs into any pages that never seem to finish loading, with content overflows, or broken menus please contact Thanks!
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