This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2005.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- 2005
- Clare Phillips begins developing the video game Winter Rush.
- Noey Productions begins developing the video game Final Destiny.
- January
- Johnny Pradlik discovers a firearm in the attic of his grandfather's house.
- January 9
- Ted Phillips produces the music video and promotional DVD Ni-Ki-Oh! <UNTITLED> for his portfolio submission to Tisch School of the Arts.
- January 13
- Mike Vacca learns that the firearm still has one bullet in the chamber and Joe Justus manages to catch it.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases Ni-Ki-Oh! <UNTITLED>.
- Nick Phillips begins developing the video game History of the Free United Club of Kids.
- January 16
- Ni-Ki-Oh! <UNTITLED> is presented at a private screening for Free United Club of Kids members.
- February 5
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Ni-Ki-Oh! Soundtrack, bundled with six vanity Yu-Gi-Oh! trading cards.
- February 6
- Ted Phillips announces work on an official Ni-Ki-Oh! novel, called Ni-Ki-Oh! on Paper.
- February 11
- Cracked Egg Studios documents live performances of Oliver at Fordham Preparatory School.
- February 15
- Ted Phillips, et al, produce a French-language Flash video, where popular video game characters vie for control of a medieval kingdom.
- February 19
- Ted and Nick Phillips write a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo Loser duels Santa Claus.
- February 21
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo Loser duels Santa Claus.
- February 22
- Noey Productions begins developing the video game The Legend of Ryan.
- March 6
- A group of Free United Club of Kids members attend a Slipknot concert.
- March 12
- The Free United Club of Kids votes to invest a majority of its treasury in Twinkies.
- March 25
- Cracked Egg Studios begins developing a new Ni-Ki-Oh! music video codenamed Project: Waffle Iron.
- March 27
- Ted Phillips writes the essay An Unknown Seclusion of the Bronx, New York 10465 for consideration for the Rudin Scholarship.
- March 30
- Cracked Egg Studios begins planning upgrades to its workstations.
- April 1
- Cracked Egg Studios acquires various intellectual property by Ted Phillips, Nick and Ted's Excellent Game, and TM.
- April 9
- The Free United Club of Kids invests a majority of its treasury in Twinkies.
- April 23
- Cracked Eggs Studios documents a live performance of Crazy for You at Academy of Mount St. Ursula.
- April 30
- Noey Productions begins filming a music video set to Ralph Garman's Slim Santa.
- May
- Nick Phillips takes over as administrator of the Free United Club of Kids web site.
- May 7
- Noey Productions completes filming a music video set to Ralph Garman's Slim Santa.
- May 14
- Cracked Egg Studios produces the Dragostea Din Tei remix Ted's Ya Hi.
- May 16
- Ted Phillips and Joe Justus open the company Ted N Joe's PC Repair.
- May 22
- Ted Phillips and Joe Justus attend the MarketPro Computer Show in White Plains, New York.
- May 28
- Noey Productions writes the screenplay for the thriller Out of the Darkness.
- May 29
- The official Cracked Egg Studios web site launches.
- May 30
- Noey Productions launches its official Noey web site.
- June 1
- Clare Phillips produces a commercial for Murky's.
- Clare Phillips produces Prince Dittonian 2.
- Ted Phillips graduates from Fordham Preparatory School.
- June 2
- Cracked Egg Studios announces planned upgrades to its workstations to support higher quality productions.
- June 5
- Nick Phillips begins reproducing the first episode of Bongomon, "I Choose You!" from memory.
- June 6
- The Cracked Egg Studios web site opens its first community forums.
- Cracked Egg Studios announces the Ni-Ki-Oh! music video codenamed Project: Waffle Iron.
- June 10
- The Cat Cleanup of 2005 results in the loss of several VHS tapes at company headquarters.
- June 11
- Cracked Egg Studios hosts a screening of Bongomon, "I Choose You!"
- June 12
- Noey Productions films scenes for the thriller Out of the Darkness.
- Cracked Egg Studios announces development of the zombie horror feature film Bean of the Dead.
- June 13
- Nick Phillips pitches Cracked Egg Studios a feature film about the Free United Club of Kids.
- Ted Phillips works for Luca's Pizza.
- June 14
- Ted Phillips's work for Luca's Pizza is cut short.
- June 18
- Cracked Egg Studios releases an extended version of the Ni-Ki-Oh! scene about The Vacca Mobile.
- June 21
- Cracked Egg Studios puts out a casting call for the zombie horror feature film Bean of the Dead.
- June 28
- Ted Phillips makes public comments suggesting that Cracked Egg Studios may take over development or distribution of his video game The Lost Pyramid.
- July
- Ted Phillips begins working for Egidio Semintilli's city council campaign.
- July 11
- Cracked Egg Studios purchases a .ws domain name.
- August
- Ted Phillips provides graphic design and layout services for the newspaper The Bronx Advocate.
- Cracked Egg Studios begins offering WSDevelopment, web site hosting and development services, locally and to prospective international clients.
- Cracked Egg Studios advertises video transfer services in an issue of The Bronx Advocate.
- August 8
- Noey Games begins programming the video game Pokémon OceanBlue.
- August 27
- Ted Phillips begins attending Tisch School of the Arts at New York University.
- Ted Phillips meets HoJeong Park, Dave Collura, and Jeremy AuYeung.
- September
- Cracked Egg Studios and Nick and Ted's Excellent Game merge.
- Ted Phillips begins studying relativistic physics.
- September 28
- Cracked Egg Studios announces completion of its workstation the MASTER-EGG.
- October 7
- Cracked Egg Studios revives production of the Ni-Ki-Oh! DVDs Duelist Kingdom and The World According to Maximillion Pegasus.
- October 22
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Bongomon episode "I Choose You!" on DVD.
- October 26
- Damage to the MASTER-EGG delays the release of the Ni-Ki-Oh! DVDs Duelist Kingdom and The World According to Maximillion Pegasus.
- October 30
- Ted Phillips begins still photography for the Ni-Ki-Oh! music video Life Just Hasn't Been the Same Without Ni-Ki-Oh!.
- November
- Ted Phillips writes the essay The Vapor Sages.
- November 5
- Cracked Egg Studios films a live performance of JB at Fordham Preparatory School.
- November 11
- Cracked Egg Studios screens a beta version of the Ni-Ki-Oh! Duelist Kingdom DVD.
- November 12
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Ni-Ki-Oh! Duelist Kingdom DVD.
- November 14
- Ted Phillips submits the Ni-Ki-Oh! music video Life Just Hasn't Been the Same Without Ni-Ki-Oh! for a screening at New York University.
- November 25
- Nick Phillips writes the screenplay for the documentary Free United Club of Kids.
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene of the backstory where Maximillion Pegasus gets his Millennium Eye.
- November 26
- Cracked Egg Studios begins production on the documentary Free United Club of Kids.
- December 12
- Ted Phillips submits the DFS version of Free United Club of Kids for a screening at New York University.
- December 22
- Cracked Egg Studios films footage of the sunrise for Ni-Ki-Oh!, recording over several scenes from Free United Club of Kids.
- December 31
- Cracked Egg Studios hosts a screening of Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Special Edition.
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- Contributors: