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The Vacca Mobile was the sports car owned by Seto Vacca in Ni-Ki-Oh!. It appears in several episodes while parked, but is only seen driving in the episode Heart of the Cars.
Among fans, the phrase "The Vacca Mobile" has been expanded to refer to the entire scene in which Seto Vacca drives it back to his home after a duel with Niki Moto. This scene was extended and posted out of context by Nick Phillips on June 11, 2006 as a digital download from the Cracked Egg Studios web site. It was available until the Downloads became defunct in 2008.
Nick Phillips' version was featured in a clip called "Best Ni-Ki-Oh! Moments (as) of 2009" during the Ni-Ki-Oh! presentation at EggCon 2009.
The Vacca Mobile was the sports car owned by Seto Vacca in Ni-Ki-Oh!. It appears in several episodes while parked, but is only seen driving in the episode Heart of the Cars.
Among fans, the phrase "The Vacca Mobile" has been expanded to refer to the entire scene in which Seto Vacca drives it back to his home after a duel with Niki Moto. This scene was extended and posted out of context by Nick Phillips on June 11, 2006 as a digital download from the Cracked Egg Studios web site. It was available until the Downloads became defunct in 2008.
Nick Phillips' version was featured in a clip called "Best Ni-Ki-Oh! Moments (as) of 2009" during the Ni-Ki-Oh! presentation at EggCon 2009.
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