This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines
This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2007.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
  1. January 3, 2007
  2. January 4
  3. January 5
  4. January 6
  5. January 7
  6. January 15
  7. January 16
  8. January 20
  9. January 21
  10. January 23
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases the vBulletin plugin CES Site News at, with version 1.0.0.
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Site News version 1.0.1.
  11. January 24
  12. January 25
  13. January 26
  14. January 27
  15. January 28
  16. January 29
  17. January 31
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel OH3i on its web site.
  18. February
  19. February 2
  20. February 3
  21. February 4
  22. February 5
  23. February 9
  24. February 11
  25. February 13
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases the vBulletin plugin CES Cookie Cutter at, with version 1.0.0.
  26. February 16
  27. February 18
  28. February 19
  29. February 22
  30. February 23
  31. February 25
  32. February 27
  33. February 28
  34. March 5
  35. March 11
  36. March 12
  37. March 14
  38. March 17
  39. March 22
  40. March 23
  41. March 24
  42. March 25
  43. March 26
  44. March 30
  45. April 1
  46. April 2
  47. April 3
  48. April 4
  49. April 5
  50. April 12
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases a digital version of the album HOJAID/2007 as downloadable content from its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Site News version 1.4.1.
  51. April 14
    • NuHit gifts Cracked Egg Studios with a copy of their new wiki software NuWiki.
  52. April 15
  53. April 17
  54. April 18
  55. April 20
  56. April 22
  57. April 23
  58. April 27
  59. May
  60. May 4
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel iTO3A on its web site.
  61. May 9
  62. May 11
  63. May 14
  64. May 20
  65. May 21
  66. May 22
  67. May 23
  68. May 24
  69. May 26
  70. May 29
  71. May 30
  72. June 1
  73. June 4
  74. June 6
  75. June 7
  76. June 10
  77. June 12
  78. June 29
  79. July 18
  80. July 20
  81. July 24
  82. July 27
  83. July 28
  84. July 31
  85. August 2
  86. August 3
  87. August 5
  88. August 6
  89. August 9
  90. August 20
  91. August 21
  92. August 28
  93. August 29
    • Cracked Egg Studios records Alex Hu on the bass for the album version of Basically.
  94. September 4
  95. September 8
  96. September 9
  97. September 11
  98. September 13
  99. September 21
  100. September 23
  101. September 24
  102. September 25
  103. September 26
    • Ted Phillips produces a scene for the horror film The Corner.
  104. October 7
  105. October 18
  106. October 21
  107. October 26
  108. October 29
    • Cracked Egg Studios completes upgrades to its workstation, dubbing it the DEATH-EGG.
  109. November
  110. November 6
  111. November 7
  112. November 29
  113. December 16
    • An announcement is posted on that the creator of NuWiki has taken a temporary hiatus for personal reasons.
  114. December 23
    • Nick Phillips classifies the local dialect Clarespeak.

This page has been seen 201 times.

    • Created by on
      Last updated by on
  • Contributors:


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