After some extensive work, and the site undergoing erratic up and down times throughout the day, work has finally been completed on the changes to the main site layout. The inline frame body was removed, and now every page on the site can be individually bookmarked.
In order to accomplish this we switched our inline frame technique to a SSI method, easily implementing the header, side menus, and footer into every page on the site. This required file extension modifications, so check your Bookmarks and update them to make sure they all work.
There are several reasons for the decision to suddenly change the layout. First, Internet Explorer browser users have had their difficulties viewing site content in the past, and instead of continuing implementing workarounds, we just removed the problem <IFRAME> tags. Additionally, Cracked Egg Studios felt it was important to allow search engines direct access to interest specific areas of the site (e.g. the
section) without having to send visitors to the main page, where they may get lost and just leave before finding the info they were searching for.
Initially the layout change will result in longer load times for certain pages; however, since each page uses the same SSIs, this should not prove to be an issue over longer periods of time.
If anyone finds any broken links (probably due to file extension changes), contact
In order to accomplish this we switched our inline frame technique to a SSI method, easily implementing the header, side menus, and footer into every page on the site. This required file extension modifications, so check your Bookmarks and update them to make sure they all work.
There are several reasons for the decision to suddenly change the layout. First, Internet Explorer browser users have had their difficulties viewing site content in the past, and instead of continuing implementing workarounds, we just removed the problem <IFRAME> tags. Additionally, Cracked Egg Studios felt it was important to allow search engines direct access to interest specific areas of the site (e.g. the

Initially the layout change will result in longer load times for certain pages; however, since each page uses the same SSIs, this should not prove to be an issue over longer periods of time.
If anyone finds any broken links (probably due to file extension changes), contact