Ted's Ya Hi was a single released by Cracked Egg Studios in May 2005, as a remix of O-Zone's hit "Dragostea Din Tei" that also used recorded material from the night of May 14, 2005.


In a car bound for random adventures, Ted Phillips, Nick Phillips, Vinny Meenan, Tom Fulgione, James Corbett, and Chris Conaro listened to O-Zone until the wee hours of the morning. Among others, Alex Zuleta also appears in this song.

This is the version of the song more popularly listened to, running just over 22:30. The original version of the song, called the "Inverted Sphere Mix", runs 45:25 (the latter half is the former in reverse). Both versions were available for digital download from the Cracked Egg Studios web site between June 6, 2006 and when the Downloads became defunct in 2008.

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Resident Ball-Stomper
Finally, I can put this on my iPod again!! yay!!


Resident Ball-Stomper
If I'm not mistaken, this particular remix was made after 2002. Maybe unvault this lol


Resident Ball-Stomper
I'm trying to re-download it, but I don't see the link. Arghhh!!!

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