This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines
This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2009.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
  1. January 2009
    • Cracked Egg Studios discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2009-0034 in CES VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 2.2.0.
  2. January 3
  3. January 10
    • Cracked Egg Studios begins updating EggPlayer.
  4. January 16
    • The web site launches the ability to seek and rewind videos using EggPlayer.
    • The web site launches a new skin for EggPlayer, allowing it to match the web site's theme.
  5. January 24
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to view a user's contributions to specific content in VaultWiki.
  6. January 25
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs a management system for wiki styles in VaultWiki.
  7. January 26
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs tracking IP addresses in edit history in VaultWiki.
  8. January 29
  9. January 31
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.2.0.
  10. February
  11. February 2
    • Cracked Egg Studios migrates from primarily using email addresses to addresses.
  12. February 3
  13. February 4
  14. February 9
  15. February 10
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases the experimental short The Angree Gun IV on its web site.
  16. February 13
  17. February 14
    • HoJeong Park grants Cracked Egg Studios permission to design a T-shirt line based on his likeness and adventures.
  18. February 18
    • Cracked Egg Studios reorganizes the Special page list in VaultWiki.
  19. February 19
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to suppress automatic creation of redirects when renaming content in VaultWiki.
  20. February 20
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs a separate data management system for wiki edits in VaultWiki.
  21. February 24
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to visually reorder namespaces in VaultWiki.
  22. February 26
    • Cracked Egg Studios adds physical merchandise to its online store.
    • Cracked Egg Studios begins selling a Ni-Ki-Oh! T Shirt.
  23. March 5
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases remnants of the lost science-fiction film Dinosaur Insurance on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases an article about the lost science-fiction film The Ice Monster on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases remnants of the cancelled science-fiction short The Escape of Jurassic Park on its web site.
  24. March 6
  25. March 7
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends the FOOTNOTE BB-Code to support arbitrary text in VaultWiki.
  26. March 15
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to quickly review used templates when editing content in VaultWiki.
  27. March 16
  28. March 17
  29. March 18
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.2.1.
  30. March 19
  31. March 21
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to upload non-image files to the Image namespace in VaultWiki.
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.0.0 Beta 4.
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs more visual indication that wiki content has new edits in VaultWiki.
  32. March 22
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends access to the wiki navigation menu to non-wiki site contexts in VaultWiki.
  33. March 24
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to include a namespace's display container in its breadcrumb navigation in VaultWiki.
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends the Special namespace in VaultWiki so that it can be shown in the forum hierarchy.
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends the TABLE BB-Code in VaultWiki so it can be used outside wiki content.
  34. March 25
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends the WIKI BB-Code to route a simple plural word to the singular variant in VaultWiki.
  35. March 28
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases the science-fiction short High and Toon Noon on its web site.
  36. March 31
    • Cracked Egg Studios generates multimedia elements for the upcoming Easter Extravaganza at Blessed Sacrament Saint Gabriel High School.
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs support for thread prefixes in wiki content titles in VaultWiki.
  37. April 2
  38. April 3
    • Cracked Egg Studios submits congratulations to Ted Phillips in the Tisch Salute.
  39. April 4
    • Cracked Egg Studios shortens the web site's flash intro by 15 seconds.
  40. April 11
  41. April 12
  42. April 16
  43. April 17
  44. April 19
  45. April 21
  46. April 22
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to disable tracking wiki links in non-wiki content in VaultWiki.
    • Cracked Egg Studios reprograms most namespaces to be optional in VaultWiki.
  47. April 27
    • Cracked Egg Studios reprograms the install and upgrade process in VaultWiki to allow for batching.
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends the HR BB-Code in VaultWiki with color and sizing options.
  48. April 28
    • Cracked Egg Studios reprograms the namespace setup process in VaultWiki to automatically apply the appropriate forum settings.
    • Cracked Egg Studios adds information pertaining to a user's wiki activities in VaultWiki to their forum profile.
    • Cracked Egg Studios rebrands CES Event Forums to CES VaultWiki Events.
  49. April 30
    • Cracked Egg Studios changes the option in VaultWiki that requires a reason for new edits to only apply in selected namespaces.
  50. May
    • Cracked Egg Studios discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2009-0047 in CES VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 2.3.0.
  51. May 2
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends the H BB-Code with the "1" option to create separate content boxes in VaultWiki.
  52. May 4
  53. May 5
  54. May 6
    • Cracked Egg Studios discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2009-0046 in CES VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 2.3.0.
  55. May 7
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to toggle automatic linking in VaultWiki on whether the content is wiki content or not.
  56. May 10
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability see what wiki content uses a specific template in VaultWiki.
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.3.0.
  57. May 11
  58. May 12
  59. May 13
  60. May 16
  61. May 17
    • Cracked Egg Studios re-releases the pilot of The Twisted Mile on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios removes the pilot of The Twisted Mile from YouTube, making it a web site exclusive.
  62. May 19
    • Nick Phillips begins a polyphasic sleep regimen.
  63. May 21
    • Cracked Egg Studios designs banner advertisements for VaultWiki.
  64. May 22
  65. May 26
    • Cracked Egg Studios documents the Ring Day ceremony at Blessed Sacrament Saint Gabriel High School.
  66. June 1
  67. June 4
  68. June 9
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases the science-fiction short Giant Monsters on its web site.
  69. June 24
  70. July 2
    • Cracked Egg Studios launches a customer testimonials page for VaultWiki.
  71. July 3
  72. July 4
  73. July 7
  74. July 8
  75. July 9
  76. July 12
  77. July 19
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends content ratings to accept ratings from the content's original creator in VaultWiki.
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to report suspicious content in VaultWiki.
    • Cracked Egg Studios reprograms the CATEGORY BB-Code in VaultWiki so that the target is a wanted category.
    • Cracked Egg Studios changes edit history in VaultWiki so that old text is compressed.
  78. July 23
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to create a new book in VaultWiki when a chapter was written first.
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability for editors to choose the location where red links are created in VaultWiki.
  79. July 25
    • Cracked Egg Studios reprograms the namespace management system in VaultWiki so that namespaces can be children of other containers.
    • Cracked Egg Studios streamlines the namespace creation process in VaultWiki to automatically create the appropriate forums.
  80. July 26
  81. July 27
  82. July 28
    • Cracked Egg Studios designs an updated flash intro and logo, featuring Poop Jaloop.
  83. August 2
  84. August 3
  85. August 8
  86. August 11
  87. August 13
  88. August 14
    • Cracked Egg Studios updates the URL replacement manager in VaultWiki to allow the creation of massive numbers of replacements at once.
  89. August 15
    • Cracked Egg Studios updates the banned titles system in VaultWiki to support namespace wildcards.
  90. August 19
  91. August 22
  92. August 26
  93. August 27
  94. August 28
    • Cracked Egg Studios updates the URL replacement manager in VaultWiki to allow importing and exporting mass amounts of replacements.
  95. August 29
    • Cracked Egg Studios completes programming a way to import MediaWiki data into VaultWiki.
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.5.2.
  96. September 4
  97. September 5
  98. September 10
  99. September 14
  100. September 16
  101. September 22
    • Cracked Egg Studios launches an incentives program for reviews of VaultWiki.
  102. September 26
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.5.4.
  103. October 3
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases video coverage of EggCon 2009 on its web site.
  104. October 4
  105. October 7
  106. October 10
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends the tab renderer in VaultWiki to allow third parties to create custom tabs.
  107. October 11
    • Cracked Egg Studios adds a comment counter to the discussion tab in VaultWiki.
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends the REDIRECT BB-Code in VaultWiki to support nested wiki link BB-Codes.
  108. October 12
  109. October 13
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends the H BB-Code in VaultWiki to allow setting the initial state of a section to hidden.
  110. October 15
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.5.5.
  111. October 19
  112. October 21
    • Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the vBulletin plugin CES Site News.
  113. October 26
  114. October 27
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends redirects in VaultWiki so they can be added to the categories of their targets.
  115. October 30
  116. November 2
    • Ted Phillips receives the inherited sum from Fr. Ken Marks, which he intends to invest in various Cracked Egg Studios productions.
  117. November 5
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs adds support to VaultWiki for the older vBulletin series 3.6.x.
  118. November 6
    • Cracked Egg Studios retires the MINI-EGG from service.
  119. November 9
    • Cracked Egg Studios records coverage of a helicopter in flight for Ni-Ki-Oh!
  120. November 23
  121. December 11
    • Repairs to facility roofing drain Cracked Egg Studios production funds.
  122. December 26
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases the holiday short Christmas Crisis on its web site.
  123. December 28
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases the variety show All Cat on its web site.
  124. December 31
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases the science fiction short The Big Crunch on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases the short The Twisted Mile on its web site.

This page has been seen 142 times.

    • Created by on
      Last updated by on


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