This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2009.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January 2009
- Cracked Egg Studios discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2009-0034 in CES VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 2.2.0.
- January 3
- Cracked Egg Studios re-releases the Bongomon episode "I Choose You!" on its web site.
- January 10
- Cracked Egg Studios begins updating EggPlayer.
- January 16
- January 24
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to view a user's contributions to specific content in VaultWiki.
- January 25
- Cracked Egg Studios programs a management system for wiki styles in VaultWiki.
- January 26
- Cracked Egg Studios programs tracking IP addresses in edit history in VaultWiki.
- January 29
- Cracked Egg Studios removes the IF BB-Code from VaultWiki and adds it to the plugin CES VaultWiki Parser Extensions.
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to use templates in VaultWiki inside other templates recursively.
- January 31
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.2.0.
- February
- Joe Justus pitches that Cracked Egg Studios hold a convention.
- February 2
- Cracked Egg Studios migrates from primarily using email addresses to addresses.
- February 3
- Cracked Egg Studios closes the webmail portion of its EggMail service.
- February 4
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 1.0.5.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.0.0 Beta 3.
- February 9
- The web site renames the "News" link in the left-hand navigation to "Home."
- The web site adds sections to Forum and About Us to the left-hand navigation.
- The web site adds direct links to Productions and Publications under The Vault in the left-hand navigation.
- The web site renames The Arsenal in the left-hand navigation to "Products" and moves it under The Vault.
- The web site adds a link to News under Forum in the left-hand navigation.
- The web site moves the In Development link in the left-hand navigation under Forum.
- The web site removes links to Special Features and Downloads from the left-hand navigation.
- The web site removes links to Satellites and the Free United Club of Kids web site from the left-hand navigation.
- The web site adds a link to the "Free United Club of Kids" web site under the forum category Oviraptor Hunting Ground.
- The web site renames "Make a Donation" in the left-hand navigation to "Donations" and moves it under About Us.
- The web site launches the Staff Blogs and adds a link in the left-hand navigation under About Us.
- The web site moves the "Contact Us" link in the left-hand navigation under About Us.
- The web site removes various DVD releases from Upcoming Releases in the right-hand navigation.
- The web site adds upcoming EggPlayer content to Upcoming Releases in the right-hand navigation.
- The CES.WS portal closes.
- February 10
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the experimental short The Angree Gun IV on its web site.
- February 13
- The web site renames "Home" in the left-hand navigation to "Main."
- The web site combines the sub-forum "CESHosting" into the support project "Web Site Issues and Support."
- The web site removes the forum category Hen House.
- February 14
- HoJeong Park grants Cracked Egg Studios permission to design a T-shirt line based on his likeness and adventures.
- February 18
- Cracked Egg Studios reorganizes the Special page list in VaultWiki.
- February 19
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to suppress automatic creation of redirects when renaming content in VaultWiki.
- February 20
- Cracked Egg Studios programs a separate data management system for wiki edits in VaultWiki.
- February 24
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to visually reorder namespaces in VaultWiki.
- February 26
- Cracked Egg Studios adds physical merchandise to its online store.
- Cracked Egg Studios begins selling a Ni-Ki-Oh! T Shirt.
- March 5
- Cracked Egg Studios releases remnants of the lost science-fiction film Dinosaur Insurance on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases an article about the lost science-fiction film The Ice Monster on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases remnants of the cancelled science-fiction short The Escape of Jurassic Park on its web site.
- March 6
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the science-fiction short Jurassic Park's Attack on Mt. Spooks on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the short Nicky's Movie on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the comedy Funny Fun on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases a user manual for VaultWiki.
- March 7
- Cracked Egg Studios extends the FOOTNOTE BB-Code to support arbitrary text in VaultWiki.
- March 15
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to quickly review used templates when editing content in VaultWiki.
- March 16
- Cracked Egg Studios extends the REDIRECT BB-Code to work with Special pages in VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios programs Special:WikiCodeList in VaultWiki.
- March 17
- Cracked Egg Studios releases an updated version of CES VaultWiki Special:XPages as a CES VaultWiki plugin, with version 1.0.0.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases an updated version of CES VaultWiki Special:XRedirects as a CES VaultWiki plugin, with version 1.0.0.
- March 18
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.2.1.
- March 19
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 1.0.6.
- March 21
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to upload non-image files to the Image namespace in VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.0.0 Beta 4.
- Cracked Egg Studios programs more visual indication that wiki content has new edits in VaultWiki.
- March 22
- Cracked Egg Studios extends access to the wiki navigation menu to non-wiki site contexts in VaultWiki.
- March 24
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to include a namespace's display container in its breadcrumb navigation in VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios extends the Special namespace in VaultWiki so that it can be shown in the forum hierarchy.
- Cracked Egg Studios extends the TABLE BB-Code in VaultWiki so it can be used outside wiki content.
- March 25
- Cracked Egg Studios extends the WIKI BB-Code to route a simple plural word to the singular variant in VaultWiki.
- March 28
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the science-fiction short High and Toon Noon on its web site.
- March 31
- Cracked Egg Studios generates multimedia elements for the upcoming Easter Extravaganza at Blessed Sacrament Saint Gabriel High School.
- Cracked Egg Studios programs support for thread prefixes in wiki content titles in VaultWiki.
- April 2
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.2.2.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.1.5.
- April 3
- Cracked Egg Studios submits congratulations to Ted Phillips in the Tisch Salute.
- April 4
- Cracked Egg Studios shortens the web site's flash intro by 15 seconds.
- April 11
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Cookie Cutter version 1.2.2.
- April 12
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Cookie Cutter version 1.2.3.
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the vBulletin plugin CES Cookie Cutter.
- The web site opens the sub-forum Random Questions under The Coop.
- April 16
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.2.3.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.0.0 Beta 5.
- April 17
- Cracked Egg Studios documents the Easter Extravaganza at Blessed Sacrament Saint Gabriel High School.
- Cracked Egg Studios re-releases the documentary Free United Club of Kids on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios removes the documentary Free United Club of Kids from YouTube, making it a web site exclusive.
- April 19
- Cracked Egg Studios begins planning to remaster the documentary Free United Club of Kids.
- April 21
- The web site creates a dedicated demonstration namespace called "VaultWiki Demo" under the category Product Wagon.
- April 22
- April 27
- April 28
- Cracked Egg Studios reprograms the namespace setup process in VaultWiki to automatically apply the appropriate forum settings.
- Cracked Egg Studios adds information pertaining to a user's wiki activities in VaultWiki to their forum profile.
- Cracked Egg Studios rebrands CES Event Forums to CES VaultWiki Events.
- April 30
- Cracked Egg Studios changes the option in VaultWiki that requires a reason for new edits to only apply in selected namespaces.
- May
- Cracked Egg Studios discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2009-0047 in CES VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 2.3.0.
- May 2
- Cracked Egg Studios extends the H BB-Code with the "1" option to create separate content boxes in VaultWiki.
- May 4
- The Post Erasure Event replaces all content on the web site with an empty string.
- May 5
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 1.0.7.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.0.0 RC1.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special:XPages version 1.0.1.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases an updated version of CES VaultWiki Parser Extensions as a CES VaultWiki plugin, with version 1.0.0.
- May 6
- Cracked Egg Studios discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2009-0046 in CES VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 2.3.0.
- May 7
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to toggle automatic linking in VaultWiki on whether the content is wiki content or not.
- May 10
- May 11
- The web site begins publishing more in-depth product pages about VaultWiki.
- The web site removes its loading screen.
- The web site removes the sub-forum Events from public view.
- The web site adds the sub-forum "Graveyard" under Productions and Publications.
- The web site closes the Downloads and moves the content into the Graveyard.
- The web site adds the forum category "VaultWiki."
- The web site renames the sub-forum "VaultWiki Usage Questions" to "VaultWiki Questions" and moves it to under the category VaultWiki.
- The web site moves the wiki namespace VaultWiki Demo to under the category VaultWiki.
- The web site renames the sub-forum "VaultWiki Addon Support" to "VaultWiki Modifications" and moves it to under the category VaultWiki.
- The web site adds the sub-forum "Commercial Addons" under the category VaultWiki Modifications.
- The web site moves the support project "VaultWiki" under the category VaultWiki.
- The web site creates the support projects "VaultWiki Xmods" and "VaultWiki Parser Extensions."
- The web site moves the wiki namespace The Arsenal to under the category Product Wagon.
- The web site moves the link to FUCKipedia to the category Oviraptor Hunting Ground.
- May 12
- Ted Phillips graduates from Tisch School of the Arts.
- May 13
- Ted Phillips graduates from New York University.
- May 16
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the vBulletin plugin CES Dynamic [IMG] Resize.
- Cracked Egg Studios sends an email blast to known NuWiki users notifying them about VaultWiki.
- May 17
- Cracked Egg Studios re-releases the pilot of The Twisted Mile on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios removes the pilot of The Twisted Mile from YouTube, making it a web site exclusive.
- May 19
- Nick Phillips begins a polyphasic sleep regimen.
- May 21
- Cracked Egg Studios designs banner advertisements for VaultWiki.
- May 22
- Joe Justus pitches the series The Chronicles of Bahud and the Narcoleptic Llama with Steel Leg Braces.
- May 26
- Cracked Egg Studios documents the Ring Day ceremony at Blessed Sacrament Saint Gabriel High School.
- June 1
- Cracked Egg Studios cancels development of CES Category View for Project Tools.
- Cracked Egg Studios programs support in VaultWiki for various vBSEO features.
- June 4
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to protect articles from having multiple editors in VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.3.1.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 1.0.8.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.0.0 RC2.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special:XPages version 1.0.2.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special:XRedirects version 1.0.1.
- June 9
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the science-fiction short Giant Monsters on its web site.
- June 24
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.1.6.
- July 2
- Cracked Egg Studios launches a customer testimonials page for VaultWiki.
- July 3
- Cracked Egg Studios signs a contract with Evan Domenech to star in Bean of the Dead.
- July 4
- Cracked Egg Studios begins selling Professional Installation services for VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios adds a web site directory for third parties to release their own plugins for VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios extends the TOC BB-Code in VaultWiki to support multiple arguments.
- July 7
- The web site replaces its black theme with more colors.
- The web site removes its left- and right-hand side navigation menus.
- The web site reorganizes with tabbed navigation, adding the "Home," "VaultWiki," "Studio," "Crate," and "Blog" tabs.
- The web site hides the category Product Wagon from public view.
- The web site adds the forum categories "VaultWiki Sales" and "VaultWiki Support" under the VaultWiki navigation tab.
- The web site changes the sub-forum "VaultWiki Modifications" to a forum category under the VaultWiki navigation tab.
- The web site adds the sub-forum "VaultWiki Pre-Sales Questions" under the category VaultWiki Sales.
- The web site adds a link to available "VaultWiki Services" under the category VaultWiki Sales.
- The web site moves the support project "VaultWiki" under the category VaultWiki Support.
- The web site adds the sub-forum "Third-Party Addons" under the category VaultWiki Modifications.
- The web site moves the support projects VaultWiki Categories, VaultWiki Images, VaultWiki Xmods, and VaultWiki Parser Extensions to under the sub-forum Commercial Addons.
- The web site adds the forum category "The Crate" under the Crate navigation tab.
- The Free United Club of Kids web site closes.
- The web site moves the Free United Club of Kids forum under the category The Crate.
- July 8
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Dynamic [IMG] Resize version 1.2.2.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Dynamic [IMG] Resize version 1.2.3.
- July 9
- VaultWiki Team launches its product Facebook page.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.3.2.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.0.0.
- July 12
- Cracked Egg Studios launches its corporate Facebook page.
- July 19
- Cracked Egg Studios extends content ratings to accept ratings from the content's original creator in VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to report suspicious content in VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios reprograms the CATEGORY BB-Code in VaultWiki so that the target is a wanted category.
- Cracked Egg Studios changes edit history in VaultWiki so that old text is compressed.
- July 23
- July 25
- July 26
- Cracked Egg Studios adds support for the vBulletin plugin Template Management System to VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios programs a management system for text replacements when generating URLs in VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios programs a management system for wiki content with matching titles in VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.5.0.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 2.0.0.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.1.0.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special:XPages version 1.1.0.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special:XRedirects version 1.1.0.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Parser Extensions version 1.1.0.
- July 27
- Cracked Egg Studios begins selling Branding Removal services for VaultWiki.
- July 28
- Cracked Egg Studios designs an updated flash intro and logo, featuring Poop Jaloop.
- August 2
- Cracked Egg Studios begins selling a Cracked Egg Studios Logo T-Shirt.
- Cracked Egg Studios begins selling a FUCK T-Shirt.
- The web site unhides the category Product Wagon under the Studio navigation tab.
- August 3
- Cracked Egg Studios begins selling an AMK T-Shirt.
- August 8
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the stop-motion short SWAT Kats: The Movie on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the horror short Rising of Evil Spirits on its web site.
- August 11
- August 13
- Tom Fulgione pitches the short New Age Heroes.
- August 14
- Cracked Egg Studios updates the URL replacement manager in VaultWiki to allow the creation of massive numbers of replacements at once.
- August 15
- Cracked Egg Studios updates the banned titles system in VaultWiki to support namespace wildcards.
- August 19
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.5.1.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 2.0.1.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.1.1.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special:XPages version 1.1.1.
- August 22
- Cracked Egg Studios invites HoJeong Park to EggCon 2009.
- August 26
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the earthquake short Bridge Under Destruction on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the horror short Ghost of The on its web site.
- August 27
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the holiday short The Night Before Christmas on its web site.
- August 28
- Cracked Egg Studios updates the URL replacement manager in VaultWiki to allow importing and exporting mass amounts of replacements.
- August 29
- September 4
- Ted Phillips digitizes the Phillips 2000 tape.
- September 5
- Cracked Egg Studios holds its first annual convention EggCon 2009.
- Cracked Egg Studios announces development of the horror series Life in Edgewater.
- Cracked Egg Studios announces development of the series The Chronicles of Bahud and the Narcoleptic Llama with Steel Leg Braces.
- Cracked Egg Studios announces development of the game show You've Been Ejaculated.
- Cracked Egg Studios announces development of new episodes of Bongomon.
- Cracked Egg Studios announces development of new episodes of The Twisted Mile.
- Gorath-Ur and the Riding Yaks perform their new song Three Trials.
- HoJeong Park speaks at EggCon 2009.
- September 10
- Cracked Egg Studios produces a The Twisted Mile scene where Tommy Famn, Chris Suck, and David Rap share a meal.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.5.3.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 2.0.2.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.1.2.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special:XPages version 1.1.2.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Parser Extensions version 1.1.1.
- September 14
- Ted Phillips is informed he inherited a sum from Fr. Ken Marks in 2000.
- September 16
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the parody Mortal Combat on its web site.
- September 22
- Cracked Egg Studios launches an incentives program for reviews of VaultWiki.
- September 26
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.5.4.
- October 3
- Cracked Egg Studios releases video coverage of EggCon 2009 on its web site.
- October 4
- Cracked Egg Studios begins updating EggPlayer for release as a vBulletin plugin called CES Egg Player.
- October 7
- The web site combines the sub-forum Suggestions into Productions and Publications.
- The web site renames the sub-forum "Productions and Publications" to "Studio Questions and Discussion" and moves it to the category The Coop.
- The web site moves The Vault directly under the Studio navigation tab.
- The web site removes the categories Crackipedia and Oviraptor Hunting Ground.
- The web site combines the sub-forums Other Games, Flame Board, and Random Questions into We Don't Care.
- The web site renames the sub-forum "We Don't Care" to "General Questions and Discussion."
- The web site renames the support project "Web Site Issues and Support" to "Site Road Map and Support."
- The web site renames the support project "VaultWiki" under the category VaultWiki Support to "VaultWiki Bugs, Requests, etc."
- The web site adds a link to the "VaultWiki Manual" under the category VaultWiki Support.
- October 10
- Cracked Egg Studios extends the tab renderer in VaultWiki to allow third parties to create custom tabs.
- October 11
- October 12
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the vBulletin plugin VaultWiki - vBSEO Sitemap Integration on, with version 1.0.0.
- October 13
- Cracked Egg Studios extends the H BB-Code in VaultWiki to allow setting the initial state of a section to hidden.
- October 15
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.5.5.
- October 19
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki - vBSEO Sitemap Integration version 1.0.1.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki - vBSEO Sitemap Integration version 1.0.2.
- The web site removes the sub-forum called "Graveyard."
- October 21
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the vBulletin plugin CES Site News.
- October 26
- Cracked Egg Studios programs UTF-8 support for URLs in VaultWiki.
- Thingamabob.com2 disappears from the internet as part of the GeoCities closure.
- October 27
- Cracked Egg Studios extends redirects in VaultWiki so they can be added to the categories of their targets.
- October 30
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.5.6.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 2.0.3.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.1.3.
- November 2
- Ted Phillips receives the inherited sum from Fr. Ken Marks, which he intends to invest in various Cracked Egg Studios productions.
- November 5
- Cracked Egg Studios programs adds support to VaultWiki for the older vBulletin series 3.6.x.
- November 6
- Cracked Egg Studios retires the MINI-EGG from service.
- November 9
- Cracked Egg Studios records coverage of a helicopter in flight for Ni-Ki-Oh!
- November 23
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.5.7.
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the VaultWiki plugin CES VaultWiki Categories.
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the VaultWiki plugin CES VaultWiki Special Images.
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the VaultWiki plugin CES VaultWiki Special:XPages.
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the VaultWiki plugin CES VaultWiki Special:XRedirects.
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the VaultWiki plugin CES VaultWiki Parser Extensions.
- December 11
- Repairs to facility roofing drain Cracked Egg Studios production funds.
- December 26
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the holiday short Christmas Crisis on its web site.
- December 28
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the variety show All Cat on its web site.
- December 31
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the science fiction short The Big Crunch on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the short The Twisted Mile on its web site.