CES Cookie Cutter (product ID: ces_xs_cookie) was a vBulletin software plugin developed by Cracked Egg Studios to allow persistent logins on forums with multiple domain names. It was published on February 13, 2007, at vbulletin.org.

vBulletin's standard use of HTTP cookies for maintaining a user's logged-in state was not persistent across domains due to the cookie standard. For some sites, such as Cracked Egg Studios, a unified forum was used across multiple web domains. In order to facilitate persistent logins, the plugin loaded additional content from each configured domain at the login location, with each domain sending its own cookies back to the browser, while providing a seamless experience for the end user.

The plugin had multiple versions, ending with 1.2.3 on April 12, 2009.

VersionRelease Date
1.2.3April 12, 2009
1.2.2April 11, 2009
1.2.0August 8, 2008
1.1.5February 18, 2008
1.1.0February 11, 2008
1.0.0February 13, 2007

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