This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2000.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. June
  6. July
  7. August
  8. September
  9. October
  10. November
  11. December
  1. January 2000
  2. 2000
  3. February 19
    • Ted and Nick Phillips embark on their first Biomon journey, during which their cat Mew runs away.
  4. February 23
  5. February 24
    • Ted and Nick Phillips distribute posters for their lost cat Mew.
  6. February 27
    • A citizen responds to the poster and Mew is returned home.
  7. March 1
  8. March 5
  9. April 7
  10. June
  11. July 19
  12. July 29
  13. August
  14. August 21
  15. September
    • John Phillips moves to Millbrook, New York.
    • Ted Phillips regains internet access and opens a new America Online account for Cracked Egg Studios, called crackedeggs1.
  16. September 13
  17. September 14
  18. October
  19. October 22
    • Ted Phillips's copy of the Pokémon Silver video game is stolen while the family has dinner out at Luca's Pizza.
  20. October 24
  21. November
  22. November 3
  23. November 5
    • Cracked Egg Studios attempts to film the second part of SWAT Kats: The Movie, but the audio is unusable.
  24. November 11
    • Meowth succombs to her injuries.
  25. November 12
    • Cracked Egg Studios produces the variety show All Cat.
  26. November 14
  27. November 15
  28. November 20
  29. November 22
  30. December 11
  31. December 20
    • John Phillips's apartment building in Millbrook, New York, burns down.

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Pages in 2000


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