CES Event Forums, aka CES VaultWiki Events, was a planned vBulletin software plugin to be developed by Cracked Egg Studios in early 2008, as a competing product to the third-party plugin Lv vB Event Forums and several other third-party plugins, after the discontinuation of Cracked Egg Studios' plugin CES Lv vB Event Forums - Query Blaster.

CES Event Forums would have provided the following features:
  • Increase visibility of calendar events through the forum system
  • Provide a tabbed interface for events
  • Support BB-Code syntax in event descriptions
  • Embedded maps of event locations
  • Allow users to post comments on events
  • Allow users to send invites and RSVP to events

Throughout 2008, CES Event Forums evolved into a planned VaultWiki software plugin, which would have also added an Event namespace to VaultWiki that integrated with the forum calendar, and would have been sold like other early VaultWiki plugins, such as CES VaultWiki Special:Categories. By April 28, 2009, the plugin had been renamed CES VaultWiki Events, with an anticipated release to coincide with the launch of the VaultWiki 3.x series.

Even though Cracked Egg Studios required the functionality for some of its existing forum data, little development time was allocated to this add-on, so it never reached a state where it could be released. This add-on was never officially cancelled, so there is still the possibility it will be revisited in the future.

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