This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2008.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January 6, 2008
- Cracked Egg Studios moves Ni-Ki-Oh! Card of the Day into The Vault.
- Cracked Egg Studios moves back to
- Ted Phillips visits Viet Nam with the Tisch University Scholars.
- January 19
- Cracked Egg Studios begins developing the vBulletin plugin CES Category View for Project Tools.
- January 23
- Cracked Egg Studios begins developing the vBulletin plugin CES Human Verification for Project Tools.
- February 11
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Cookie Cutter version 1.1.0.
- February 12
- Users of the vBulletin plugin CES NuWiki Special Pages approach Cracked Egg Studios to develop a successor to NuHit's NuWiki.
- February 17
- Ted Phillips digitizes the The Twisted Mile tape.
- February 18
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Cookie Cutter version 1.1.5.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.0.0.
- February 19
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.0.1.
- February 24
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.0.2.
- March
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the vBulletin plugin CES Lv vB Event Forums - Query Blaster.
- Cracked Egg Studios begins planning the vBulletin plugin CES Event Forums.
- March 1
- Ted Phillips discusses Cracked Egg Studios reluctance to release CES NuWiki Special Pages as a commercial product, citing potential legal issues.
- Cracked Egg Studios develops the vBulletin plugin CES Mystery Avatars.
- March 6
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.1.0.
- March 20
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Debug Mode Switcher version 1.1.0.
- March 22
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.1.1.
- March 28
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues CES Pre-Process Hooks.
- April
- Ted Phillips portrays Buddy in Andrew Rupinski's Jesus Fish.
- Ted Phillips begins an internship for Norman Green at MTV.
- April 7
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Site News version 1.6.0.
- April 15
- Cracked Egg Studios closes its Downloads section for upgrades, but never reopens it.
- April 16
- Cracked Egg Studios releases an updated version of the NuWiki plugin CES NuWiki Special Pages to investors, version 2.0.0 Beta 1.
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the NuWiki plugin CES NuWiki Special:Books.
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the NuWiki plugin CES NuWiki Special:RecentChanges.
- April 17
- Vinny Meenan pitches a film based on Ted's Ya Hi.
- April 23
- Cracked Egg Studios learns of cross-site request forgery vulnerabilities VWE-2008-0004-1 and VWE-2008-0004-2 in CES NuWiki Special Pages, addressing them in the upcoming version 2.0.0 Beta 2.
- April 27
- Cracked Egg Studios begins development of the proprietary video player, the EggPlayer.
- April 28
- Cracked Egg Studios updates the web site's flash intro with a vintage look.
- May
- Cracked Egg Studios announces that Free United Club of Kids will be removed from YouTube and become a web site exclusive.
- May 2
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Site News version 1.6.1.
- May 5
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Site News version 1.6.2.
- May 7
- Nick Phillips enters The Twisted Mile into the Feer film festival at Fairfield University.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.1.2.
- May 13
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES NuWiki Special Pages version 2.0.0 Beta 2 to investors.
- May 15
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Site News version 1.6.3.
- May 24
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues the NuWiki plugin CES NuWiki Headers.
- Cracked Egg Studios reprograms the NuWiki plugin CES NuWiki Special Pages as standalone software that does not rely on NuWiki code.
- Cracked Egg Studios rebrands CES NuWiki Special Pages to CES VaultWiki.
- May 27
- The web site migrates Crackipedia and FUCKipedia from NuWiki to CES VaultWiki.
- May 28
- The web site re-links to the Free United Club of Kids web site under the Affiliates section in the left-hand navigation.
- June 1
- Cracked Egg Studios develops the vBulletin plugin CES User Issue Note Counts.
- June 9
- Cracked Egg Studios discovers cross-site request forgery vulnerabilities VWE-2008-0006-1, VWE-2008-0006-2, VWE-2008-0006-3, and VWE-2008-0006-4 in CES VaultWiki, addressing them in the upcoming version 2.0.0 Beta 3.
- June 15
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki to the general public, with licensing available through its web site, with version 2.0.0 Beta 3.
- June 20
- Cracked Egg Studios rebrands CES NuWiki Special:Categories to CES VaultWiki Categories.
- Cracked Egg Studios rebrands CES NuWiki Special:Images to CES VaultWiki Special Images.
- Cracked Egg Studios rebrands CES NuWiki Special:XPages to CES VaultWiki Special:XPages.
- Cracked Egg Studios rebrands CES NuWiki Special:XRedirects to CES VaultWiki Special:XRedirects.
- Cracked Egg Studios rebrands CES NuWiki Parser Extensions to CES VaultWiki Parser Extensions.
- June 25
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.0.0 RC 1.
- June 30
- Ted and Nick Phillips launch the satirical blog Beyond the Wrap, under the pseudonym Three Prominent Men.
- Ted and Nick Phillips release the satirical article "State of the Communion" for the blog Beyond the Wrap.
- July 3
- The web site adds links to Crackipedia, containing The Arsenal, The Vault, and FUCK to the forum home page.
- The web site creates the forum category Product Wagon, containing the new VaultWiki support project.
- The web site creates the forum category Oviraptor Hunting Ground.
- The web site moves the sub-forums The Vault and Ongoing Projects from The Next-Gen Entertainment Alternative into Oviraptor Hunting Ground.
- The web site moves the sub-forum Suggestions from General Discussion into Oviraptor Hunting Ground.
- The web site renames the forum category "The Next-Gen Entertainment Alternative" to "Info Carton."
- The web site renames the forum category General Discussion to The Coop.
- The web site renames the forum category "Network Partners" to "Hen House."
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.0.0 RC 2.
- July 5
- Cracked Egg Studios continues the playoffs of the Duel Monsters II Tournament that was never completed.
- July 6
- The web site moves the link "The Arsenal" in the left-hand navigation to its own section.
- The web site removes the links "New Releases," "Games," and "Gallery" from the left-hand navigation.
- The web site renames the section "Affiliates" in the left-hand navigation to "Satellites."
- The web site renames the link "FUCK" under the Crackipedia forum category to "FUCKipedia."
- The web site renames the link "The Vault" under the Oviraptor Hunting Ground forum category to "Productions and Publications."
- The web site renames the link "Support" under The Coop forum category to "Web Site Issues and Support."
- July 9
- The web site creates the sub-forum VaultWiki Usage Questions under the category Product Wagon.
- The web site adds a link to the sub-forum Card of the Day under the forum Productions and Publications.
- July 12
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the use custom BB-Codes for namespace links in VaultWiki.
- July 14
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.0.0 RC 3.
- July 17
- July 21
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the NONUM parameter for the TOC BB-Code in VaultWiki.
- July 22
- The third Annual Animal Crossing Party goes down as the worst yet.
- July 24
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the option to set polls as separate wiki tabs in VaultWiki.
- July 25
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the option to use more human-friendly wiki URLs for VaultWiki content.
- July 27
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the option to disable NuWiki-related plugin locations in VaultWiki.
- August
- Cracked Egg Studios begins planning an internet time-based video game based on Observatory.
- Cracked Egg Studios discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2008-0016 in CES VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 2.0.0.
- August 3
- Cracked Egg Studios adds links to create new wiki content to the main wiki navigation menu in VaultWiki.
- August 4
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to collapse integrated VaultWiki content on forum pages.
- August 5
- The web site combines the sub-forum Ongoing Projects into Productions and Publications.
- August 7
- Cracked Egg Studios releases its first stable version of VaultWiki, with version 2.0.0.
- August 8
- Cracked Egg Studios releases an updated version of CES VaultWiki Special Categories as a CES VaultWiki plugin, with version 1.0.0.
- The web site creates a separate support project for CES VaultWiki Special Categories called VaultWiki Categories.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Cookie Cutter version 1.2.0.
- August 10
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.0.1.
- August 11
- Cracked Egg Studios programs a management tool for wiki-related BB-Code options in VaultWiki.
- August 13
- Cracked Egg Studios releases a Ni-Ki-Oh! commercial, based on Robot Team 11249, for the Ni-Ki-Oh! Ad Campaign.
- August 15
- Cracked Egg Studios releases a Ni-Ki-Oh! commercial called "i like to kill ppl", parodying Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek," for the Ni-Ki-Oh! Ad Campaign.
- August 16
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.0.2.
- August 17
- Cracked Egg Studios releases a patch for CES Parser Permissions when used with vBAdvanced.
- August 23
- Cracked Egg Studios releases a Ni-Ki-Oh! commercial, based on The Iced Tea Proposition, for the Ni-Ki-Oh! Ad Campaign.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases a Ni-Ki-Oh! commercial, based on The Nick Files episode "Case of the Missing Cards," for the Ni-Ki-Oh! Ad Campaign.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases a Ni-Ki-Oh! commercial, based on the Ni-Ki-Oh! commercial "Ni-Ki-Oh! The New Craze," for the Ni-Ki-Oh! Ad Campaign.
- August 24
- Cracked Egg Studios releases a Ni-Ki-Oh! commercial, based on 0009 & 0008, for the Ni-Ki-Oh! Ad Campaign.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases a Ni-Ki-Oh! commercial, based on Prince Dittonian 2, for the Ni-Ki-Oh! Ad Campaign.
- August 25
- Cracked Egg Studios releases a new version of the Ni-Ki-Oh! episode "No One to Duel" on its web site.
- August 26
- Cracked Egg Studios extends content read-marking to visually reflect when VaultWiki content has been edited.
- August 28
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.0.3.
- August 29
- Cracked Egg Studios launches a public demo where customers can try out VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.0.4.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the software VaultWiki Lite on
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 1.0.1.
- August 30
- Cracked Egg Studios purchases the HD camera.
- September 3
- September 5
- David Como contacts Ted Phillips on Myspace and discusses their lost horror film Never on the Ghost.
- September 13
- Cracked Egg Studios tests the HD Camera in preparation for upcoming Isles of Fortune shoots.
- Clare Phillips documents Poop Jaloop in his cage.
- September 14
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo Loser is driving.
- September 17
- Cracked Egg Studios programs a management system for customizing namespaces in VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios documents David Collura learning about his character Bokaju in Isles of Fortune.
- September 18
- Ted Phillips writes the philosophical essay Tropes Are Complex Individuals.
- September 19
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to protect VaultWiki content from various changes.
- Ted Phillips and Ming Jue Hu meet to discuss filming techniques for Isles of Fortune.
- September 20
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the first VaultWiki index page, containing only a giant icon and a search box.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki 2.1.0.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 1.0.2.
- September 22
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to convert markdown syntax to BB-Code in VaultWiki.
- September 27
- Cracked Egg Studios improves search engine optimization of non-critical tabs and namespaces in VaultWiki.
- September 30
- Ted Phillips, Rich Falantano, and Vinny Meenan have a call to prepare documents for casting Isles of Fortune roles.
- October
- Ted Phillips begins an internship for Ramin Bahrani at Noruz Films.
- October 1
- Cracked Egg Studios holds auditions for various Isles of Fortune roles.
- October 2
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 1.0.3.
- October 4
- Cracked Egg Studios films an Isles of Fortune scene where Nikolai is at the beach.
- October 8
- Cracked Egg Studios holds auditions for various Isles of Fortune roles.
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to require moderator approval for new edits to VaultWiki content.
- October 9
- Cracked Egg Studios programs an option to create a wiki page, if the search results don't contain an exact match, in VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to search for VaultWiki pages using the main forum search bar.
- Ted Phillips writes the philosophical essay Freedom of the Strand.
- October 10
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.1.1.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Categories version 1.0.4.
- October 12
- Cracked Egg Studios produces an Isles of Fortune scene where Bokaju tells Neir "what veyed."
- October 16
- Cracked Egg Studios releases an updated CES VaultWiki Special Images as a CES VaultWiki plugin, with version 1.0.0 Beta 1.
- The web site creates a separate support project for CES VaultWiki Special Images called VaultWiki Images.
- The web site creates the forum category VaultWiki Addon Support under the sub-forum VaultWiki Usage Questions.
- The web site moves the support projects VaultWiki Categories and VaultWiki Images into VaultWiki Addon Support.
- The web site removes the Noey Productions link from the left-hand navigation.
- October 18
- Ted Phillips, Ani Neimann, and Chelsea produce the live event A Circular Canvas.
- Cracked Egg Studios programs a management interface for new edits requiring moderator approval in VaultWiki.
- October 23
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to disable comments on VaultWiki content.
- October 24
- Ted Phillips, Ani Neimann, and Chelsea perform the live event A Circular Canvas.
- October 26
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.1.2.
- October 29
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo Loser has surgery.
- November 3
- Cracked Egg Studios records an Isles of Fortune scene where Nimue sings "Nikolai."
- November 6
- Ted Phillips writes the philosophical essay I am a Sponge Pore.
- Cracked Egg Studios films an Isles of Fortune scene where Bokaju is in prison.
- November 7
- Cracked Egg Studios films an Isles of Fortune scene where Clera Gardner has a dream.
- November 10
- Ted Phillips digitizes the Teds Movies tape.
- Ted Phillips partially digitizes the Ted's Tape 2 + John Egan + School tape.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the stop-motion short Deep in the Woods on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios acquires distribution rights to Tyrannosaurus Rex 2.
- November 11
- Cracked Egg Studios takes over Ted Phillips's Myspace page.
- November 12
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the stop-motion short King Kong vs. Roboman on its web site.
- Clare Phillips begins writing the short story The Small Town of RareWitchVillage II.
- November 14
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the stop-motion short The Bloody Man on its web site.
- November 15
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the stop-motion short King Kong 2: King Kong Comes Back vs. The Bloody Man! on its web site.
- November 16
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo and Terra Loser play chess.
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo and Erin Loser talk about their Niki problem.
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo scolds Joey.
- November 18
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES VaultWiki Special Images version 1.0.0 Beta 2.
- November 22
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the stop-motion short Double-Headed Rex vs. Super Man on its web site.
- November 24
- Ted Phillips prepares a fundraising prospectus for Isles of Fortune.
- November 30
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the stop-motion short Tyrannosaurus Attacks Somallya on its web site.
- December 1
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the storybook animation When There Were Monsters on its web site.
- December 3
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Bandit Rich delivers groceries to Croquet.
- December 4
- Cracked Egg Studios films coverage of a Hooded Darkness for Isles of Fortune.
- December 9
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 2.1.3.
- December 11
- Ted Phillips writes the philosophical essay We Live in a Computer, or We Live in a Lagging Computer.
- December 12
- Cracked Egg Studios films an Isles of Fortune scene where Bokaju assaults a guard, as witnessed by Claw Snuff and Neir.
- December 16
- December 18
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to modify Special page titles in VaultWiki.
- December 26
- Cracked Egg Studios recovers footage from The Angree Gun IV.
- Cracked Egg Studios recovers footage from Dinosaur Insurance.
- Cracked Egg Studios recovers footage from The Escape of Jurassic Park.
- Cracked Egg Studios recovers footage from Funny Fun.
- Cracked Egg Studios recovers footage from Jurassic Park's Attack on Mt. Spooks.
- Cracked Egg Studios recovers footage from Nicky's Movie.
- December 27
- Cracked Egg Studios programs a management system for sites spanning multiple domain names in VaultWiki.
- December 28
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the stop-motion short Dinosaur Attack on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the stop-motion short Tyrannosaurus Rex 2 on its web site.