This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines
This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2010.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
  1. January 1, 2010
  2. January 3
    • Cracked Egg Studios begins public beta testing for the VaultWiki 3.x series, with version 3.0.0 Beta 1.
  3. January 4
  4. January 7
    • Cracked Egg Studios converts from a sole proprietorship to an LLC.
  5. January 8
  6. January 11
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to enable automatic linking in VaultWiki for individual forums.
  7. January 12
    • Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to customize the URL path for each namespace in VaultWiki.
  8. January 13
    • Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 3.0.0 Beta 2.
  9. January 16
    • Cracked Egg Studios extends the wiki index page to show the list of namespaces in VaultWiki.
  10. January 22
    • Cracked Egg Studios launches a dedicated web site for VaultWiki licensing and support at
    • Cracked Egg Studios creates a new department called VaultWiki Team, for handling VaultWiki affairs.
  11. January 23
  12. January 24
    • VaultWiki Team programs an interface for generating the server configuration needed to support custom URLs in VaultWiki.
  13. January 31
  14. February 2
    • Ted and Nick Phillips write the lyrics for the Bongomon ending theme.
  15. February 3
  16. February 4
  17. February 19
  18. February 20
    • Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Bash goes for a walk.
    • Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Beam Socket beams up.
    • Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where the prison warden takes a call.
  19. February 22
  20. February 25
  21. February 26
  22. February 27
  23. February 28
  24. March 4
    • Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Bash's mom drives him home.
  25. March 5
  26. March 11
  27. March 15
    • Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Bash meets the mayor.
    • Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where a random old dude tries to talk to Bash in the street.
  28. March 19
    • VaultWiki Team reprograms Special page permissions in VaultWiki so there is no longer a separate permission for each Special page.
  29. March 20
  30. March 21
  31. March 24
  32. March 25
  33. March 26
    • Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Bash asks Crock for a rematch.
    • Cracked Egg Studios records backup vocals for the Bongomon theme song.
    • Cracked Egg Studios records more dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Bash's mom drives him home.
    • VaultWiki Team adds administrator notifications in VaultWiki alerting them when major changes occur in an update that require their attention.
  34. March 28
  35. April 6
  36. April 10
  37. April 15
    • VaultWiki Team programs the ability to disable individual BB-Codes in VaultWiki based on whether the content is wiki content or not.
  38. April 16
  39. April 17
    • Cracked Egg Studios documents the "Double Edge" duo-piano performance by Edmund Niemann and Nuritt Tilles.
  40. April 19
  41. April 21
  42. April 22
  43. April 24
  44. April 27
  45. April 28
    • The web site migrates its news content to vBulletin CMS.
    • The web site changes its home page to news content.
  46. April 29
  47. May
  48. May 1
    • The web site theme changes to a color palette based on eggs.
  49. May 2
  50. May 3
  51. May 6
  52. May 14
  53. May 15
  54. May 19
  55. May 20
  56. May 23
  57. May 24
  58. May 25
  59. May 30
  60. June 3
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2010-0096 in VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 3.0.0.
  61. June 5
  62. June 8
  63. June 9
  64. June 22
  65. June 23
  66. June 24
    • Ted Phillips applies to become a developer for vBulletin.
  67. June 29
  68. July 1
  69. July 3
  70. July 4
    • Cracked Egg Studios re-releases the short film Lead Dust on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios removes the short film Lead Dust from YouTube, making it a web site exclusive.
  71. July 9
  72. July 13
  73. July 18
  74. July 21
    • Cracked Egg Studios begins reprogramming the video game The Lost Pyramid from scratch using Unreal Developer Kit.
  75. July 27
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2010-0072 in VaultWiki.
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2010-0102, which can lead to HTML injection in VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 3.0.2.
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the denial of service vulnerability VWE-2010-0103 in VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 3.0.2.
  76. July 28
  77. August 2
  78. August 3
    • Cracked Egg Studios considers selling a Bongomon plush toy.
  79. August 5
  80. August 6
  81. August 7
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel WasitGood on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel E0Ho on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel X on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes remnants of the novel Candy Land Dies on its web site.
  82. August 9
  83. August 10
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel Fhi3F on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short children's story K'cap'n Lou on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the comic Pre-Production on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the comic Gofers on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the comic Empire State Building on its web site.
  84. August 11
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel THD on its web site.
  85. August 12
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the horror short story Bloody Mary on its web site.
  86. August 14
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short story Waiting on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short story Water on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short story The Right Stuff on its web site.
    • Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short story Demon of the Spanish Cloister on its web site.
  87. August 17
  88. August 18
  89. August 20
  90. August 21
  91. August 29
  92. August 30
    • Cracked Egg Studios digitally restores the water-damaged children's book manuscript of Rudolph Quits!
  93. September
  94. September 4
  95. September 10
    • Cracked Egg Studios begins improvements to its archives.
  96. September 13
    • Ted Phillips creates more illustrations for the Rudolph Quits! manuscript.
  97. September 16
  98. September 17
    • VaultWiki Team extends the FORUMINDEX BB-Code in VaultWiki to allow filtering the results alphabetically.
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the denial of service amplification vulnerability VWE-2010-0110 in VaultWiki, but a single-character typo prevents it from being successfully addressed.
  99. September 18
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2010-0075 in VaultWiki, which it partially addresses in the upcoming version 3.0.4.
  100. September 19
  101. September 22
  102. September 27
  103. September 30
  104. October 3
  105. October 4
  106. October 5
  107. October 6
  108. October 7
  109. October 11
  110. October 13
  111. October 18
  112. October 20
  113. October 23
  114. November 8
  115. November 9
  116. November 15
  117. November 16
    • VaultWiki Team reprograms the user session handler for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerabilities VWE-2010-0122-1, VWE-2010-0122-2, and VWE-2010-0122-3 in VaultWiki, but only considers them regular bugs and only addresses them in the upcoming version 3.0.6.
  118. November 17
  119. November 22
  120. November 23
  121. December 1
  122. December 13
    • VaultWiki Team updates the list of a page's categories in VaultWiki so they are shown alphabetically.
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2010-0136 in VaultWiki, but doesn't believe its severity is high enough, so only addresses it in the upcoming version 3.0.8.
  123. December 17
  124. December 18
  125. December 26
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the denial of service issue VWE-2010-0144 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 3.0.9.
  126. December 27

This page has been seen 90 times.

    • Created by on
      Last updated by on


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