This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2010.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January 1, 2010
- Ted and Nick Phillips write the Bongomon episode "After a Bongomon Emergency, Bash Catches a Bongomon and Has a Showdown in Parrot Town."
- January 3
- January 4
- The web site removes the category Commercial Addons.
- January 7
- Cracked Egg Studios converts from a sole proprietorship to an LLC.
- January 8
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.2.0.
- January 11
- January 12
- Cracked Egg Studios programs the ability to customize the URL path for each namespace in VaultWiki.
- January 13
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki version 3.0.0 Beta 2.
- January 16
- Cracked Egg Studios extends the wiki index page to show the list of namespaces in VaultWiki.
- January 22
- Cracked Egg Studios launches a dedicated web site for VaultWiki licensing and support at
- Cracked Egg Studios creates a new department called VaultWiki Team, for handling VaultWiki affairs.
- January 23
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.0 Beta 3.
- January 24
- VaultWiki Team programs an interface for generating the server configuration needed to support custom URLs in VaultWiki.
- January 31
- VaultWiki Team programs a separate data management system for protecting wiki content in VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team extends the data manager for content in VaultWiki to allow for more third-party customization of content metadata.
- February 2
- Ted and Nick Phillips write the lyrics for the Bongomon ending theme.
- February 3
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to have forum social groups manage designated wiki forums in VaultWiki.
- February 4
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.0 Beta 4.
- February 19
- February 20
- Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Bash goes for a walk.
- Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Beam Socket beams up.
- Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where the prison warden takes a call.
- February 22
- VaultWiki Team programs an interface to translate content in VaultWiki into various forum languages.
- February 25
- VaultWiki Team reprograms forum headers in VaultWiki to associate by ID and to support custom titles.
- February 26
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to specify an external database for MediaWiki imports into VaultWiki.
- February 27
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to import custom namespaces from MediaWiki into VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Beam Socket beams up.
- Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Bash chats with Larry.
- February 28
- Cracked Egg Studios records vocals for the Bongomon theme song.
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.0 Beta 5.
- March 4
- March 5
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.0 Beta 6.
- March 11
- VaultWiki Team extends the breadcrumbs for content in VaultWiki to make it easier to jump to content lists.
- March 15
- March 19
- VaultWiki Team reprograms Special page permissions in VaultWiki so there is no longer a separate permission for each Special page.
- March 20
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to replace the wiki index in VaultWiki with another wiki page.
- March 21
- VaultWiki Team extends Special:WantedPages in VaultWiki so users can review red links appearing in a specified wiki page.
- March 24
- VaultWiki Team programs the Source tab in VaultWiki so users can view source code without editing a wiki page.
- March 25
- VaultWiki Team programs the Apply tab in VaultWiki so users can change page associations without editing the page's content.
- VaultWiki Team programs different position choices for forum headers in VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team extends the management interface for URL conflicts in VaultWiki to display more metadata about each conflict.
- March 26
- Cracked Egg Studios records dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Bash asks Crock for a rematch.
- Cracked Egg Studios records backup vocals for the Bongomon theme song.
- Cracked Egg Studios records more dialogue for a Bongomon scene where Bash's mom drives him home.
- VaultWiki Team adds administrator notifications in VaultWiki alerting them when major changes occur in an update that require their attention.
- March 28
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.0 RC 1.
- April 6
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki - vBSEO Sitemap Integration version 1.0.3.
- April 10
- Cracked Egg Studios documents a performance of "Two Long Curves" by Ani Neimann.
- April 15
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to disable individual BB-Codes in VaultWiki based on whether the content is wiki content or not.
- April 16
- VaultWiki Team extends thread icons in VaultWiki to visually reflect whether the thread is wiki content or not.
- April 17
- Cracked Egg Studios documents the "Double Edge" duo-piano performance by Edmund Niemann and Nuritt Tilles.
- April 19
- New York Law Journal begins publishing a Notice of Formation for Cracked Egg Studios.
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to render content in VaultWiki as plain text.
- April 21
- VaultWiki Team programs new BB-Codes in VaultWiki to replace various BB-Codes that were unique to NuWiki.
- VaultWiki Team programs the INCLUDEONLY and NOINCLUDE BB-Codes in VaultWiki to control the contexts where portions of template content should be applied.
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to allow normal forum posts to use the content renderer from VaultWiki.
- April 22
- VaultWiki Team extends HTML support in VaultWiki to accomodate changes in vBulletin 4.0.3.
- April 24
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.0 RC 2.
- April 27
- Cracked Egg Studios discontinues CES Last Post on Forum Home.
- Cracked Egg Studios cancels development of CES Review System.
- The web site migrates to vBulletin 4.
- The web site removes "VaultWiki" from its main navigation.
- The web site adds "Forum" to its main navigation.
- The web site's In Development area is hidden from staff and becomes defunct.
- April 28
- April 29
- Bronx Times Reporter begins publishing a Notice of Formation for Cracked Egg Studios.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.2.1.
- May
- VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2010-0094 in VaultWiki.
- May 1
- The web site theme changes to a color palette based on eggs.
- May 2
- The web site adds the Recent Releases widget to its home page.
- May 3
- The web site renames "The Arsenal" to the "Store."
- The web site adds "Store" to its main navigation.
- May 6
- The web site reorganizes The Vault using portals.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2010-0070 in VaultWiki.
- May 14
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.0 RC 3.
- May 15
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2010-0070 and VWE-2010-0094 in VaultWiki.
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.2.2.
- May 19
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to adjust the position of the main navigation menu in VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to show comments in VaultWiki below the wiki content.
- May 20
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to customize the pagination options in VaultWiki.
- May 23
- VaultWiki Team extends books in VaultWiki with more links to add chapters.
- May 24
- VaultWiki Team extends notifications in VaultWiki to alert subscribers of books to changes within their chapters.
- May 25
- Cracked Egg Studios becomes a contributor to the project management software vBulletin Project Tools.
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to mark a book's chapters as read in VaultWiki.
- May 30
- VaultWiki Team programs a separate character limit for content in VaultWiki.
- June 3
- VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2010-0096 in VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 3.0.0.
- June 5
- VaultWiki Team makes the logo on the wiki index in VaultWiki more customizable.
- June 8
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki - vBSEO Sitemap Integration version 1.0.4.
- June 9
- VaultWiki Team releases the first stable VaultWiki 3.x release, version 3.0.0.
- June 22
- VaultWiki Team programs an RSS feed for VaultWiki that syndicates all wiki content.
- June 23
- VaultWiki Team programs separate permissions in VaultWiki to view the list of a wiki forum's contents.
- June 24
- Ted Phillips applies to become a developer for vBulletin.
- June 29
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.1.
- July 1
- Cracked Egg Studios releases VaultWiki - vBSEO Sitemap Integration version 1.0.5.
- July 3
- Cracked Egg Studios writes the custom vBulletin plugin Ted Article for a client.
- July 4
- July 9
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to exclude certain terms from automatically linking to content in VaultWiki.
- July 13
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to report suspicious edits in VaultWiki.
- July 18
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to purge old edits in VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team extends the management interface for URL conflicts in VaultWiki to allow renaming to resolve conflicts.
- July 21
- Cracked Egg Studios begins reprogramming the video game The Lost Pyramid from scratch using Unreal Developer Kit.
- July 27
- VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2010-0072 in VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2010-0102, which can lead to HTML injection in VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 3.0.2.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the denial of service vulnerability VWE-2010-0103 in VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 3.0.2.
- July 28
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.2.
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerability VWE-2010-0072 in VaultWiki.
- August 2
- August 3
- Cracked Egg Studios considers selling a Bongomon plush toy.
- August 5
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short story Volcanos on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the pop-up book Woody & Buzz Go to the Ancient Assyrian Empire on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the historical account Poop Lady on its web site.
- August 6
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short story The Escape of Jurassic Park on its web site.
- August 7
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel WasitGood on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel E0Ho on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel X on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes remnants of the novel Candy Land Dies on its web site.
- August 9
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short story The Real Phantasm: Batman on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes excerpts from the Ni-Ki-Oh! novelization on its web site.
- August 10
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel Fhi3F on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short children's story K'cap'n Lou on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the comic Pre-Production on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the comic Gofers on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the comic Empire State Building on its web site.
- August 11
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the graphic novel THD on its web site.
- August 12
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the horror short story Bloody Mary on its web site.
- August 14
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short story Waiting on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short story Water on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short story The Right Stuff on its web site.
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the short story Demon of the Spanish Cloister on its web site.
- August 17
- Ted Phillips designs cover art for the novel Candy Land Dies.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2010-0106, which can lead to HTML injection in VaultWiki, addressing it in the upcoming version 3.0.3.
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.3.
- August 18
- VaultWiki Team begins programming the VaultWiki 3.1.x series.
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the plugin system for the VaultWiki 3.1.x series.
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the style renderer for the VaultWiki 3.1.x series.
- August 20
- VaultWiki Team begins migrating VaultWiki 3.0.x series coding to the 3.1.x series format.
- August 21
- VaultWiki Team begins researching a VaultWiki version for Invision Power.
- August 29
- Alex Zuleta illustrates cover art for the short story Water.
- August 30
- Cracked Egg Studios digitally restores the water-damaged children's book manuscript of Rudolph Quits!
- September
- Squawker Jalawker is born.
- September 4
- Willy Mazzariello illustrates cover art for the short story The Right Stuff.
- September 10
- Cracked Egg Studios begins improvements to its archives.
- September 13
- Ted Phillips creates more illustrations for the Rudolph Quits! manuscript.
- September 16
- Ted Phillips begins seeking a publisher for Rudolph Quits!
- September 17
- VaultWiki Team extends the FORUMINDEX BB-Code in VaultWiki to allow filtering the results alphabetically.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the denial of service amplification vulnerability VWE-2010-0110 in VaultWiki, but a single-character typo prevents it from being successfully addressed.
- September 18
- VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2010-0075 in VaultWiki, which it partially addresses in the upcoming version 3.0.4.
- September 19
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to import old edits from MediaWiki into VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to import old edits from NuWiki into VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2010-0000-1 in VaultWiki, but considers it a regular bug.
- September 22
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.4.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2010-0102 in earlier versions of VaultWiki as VWE-2010-0074-1.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the denial of service amplification vulnerability VWE-2010-0103 in earlier versions of VaultWiki as VWE-2010-0074-2.
- September 27
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the database adapter for the VaultWiki 3.1.x series.
- September 30
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2010-0074-1, VWE-2010-0074-2, VWE-2010-0110, and VWE-2010-0075 in VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team announces the major changes planned for the VaultWiki 3.1.x series.
- October 3
- VaultWiki Team discontinues the VaultWiki Standard license tier.
- October 4
- VaultWiki Team renumbers the VaultWiki 3.1.x series to the 4.0.x series.
- October 5
- VaultWiki Team begins researching a VaultWiki version for XenForo.
- October 6
- VaultWiki Team finishes migrating VaultWiki 3.x series coding to the 4.x series format.
- October 7
- VaultWiki Team programs a system for overlay dialogs in the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- October 11
- VaultWiki Team programs a framework for a new Admin Panel in the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- October 13
- VaultWiki Team implements YUI 3 as the Javascript framework in the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- October 18
- VaultWiki Team programs a prefix management system to replace namespaces in the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- October 20
- VaultWiki Team extends the TABLE BB-Code in VaultWiki to enable users to sort the contents.
- October 23
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.5.
- November 8
- Cracked Egg Studios releases CES Parser Permissions version 2.2.3.
- November 9
- VaultWiki Team programs an area management system to replace wiki forums in the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- November 15
- VaultWiki Team programs a wiki page data management system to replace wiki threads in the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- November 16
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the user session handler for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerabilities VWE-2010-0122-1, VWE-2010-0122-2, and VWE-2010-0122-3 in VaultWiki, but only considers them regular bugs and only addresses them in the upcoming version 3.0.6.
- November 17
- VaultWiki Team discovers the Javascript injection vulnerability VWE-2010-0076 in VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2010-0077 in VaultWiki, but it is actually a moot issue.
- November 22
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.6.
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2010-0076 and VWE-2010-0077 in VaultWiki.
- November 23
- VaultWiki Team discontinues support for VaultWiki versions in the 2.x series.
- December 1
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.7.
- December 13
- VaultWiki Team updates the list of a page's categories in VaultWiki so they are shown alphabetically.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2010-0136 in VaultWiki, but doesn't believe its severity is high enough, so only addresses it in the upcoming version 3.0.8.
- December 17
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.8.
- December 18
- VaultWiki Team begins selling Professional Upgrade services for VaultWiki.
- December 26
- VaultWiki Team discovers the denial of service issue VWE-2010-0144 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 3.0.9.
- December 27
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.9.