CES Auto-link Posts to Wiki Articles

CES Auto-link Posts to Wiki Articles was a vBulletin software plugin developed by Cracked Egg Studios that extended the functionality of NuHit's vBWiki Pro. It was announced on January 3, 2007, on nuhit.com, but development did not begin until March 24, 2007. The plugin was never completed or released to the general public, because it was cancelled around April 17, 2007.

The plugin would have scoured content throughout a vBulletin installation for words and terms matching the titles of wiki content and linked those terms to the matched wiki content.

The plugin was cancelled when Cracked Egg Studios migrated its own web sites from vBWiki Pro to NuWiki. NuWiki added the feature to its core functionality with version 1.0.2 on April 27, 2007, eliminating the need for Cracked Egg Studios to pursue a similar plugin on the new platform. Cracked Egg Studios eventually developed similar code for its release of the beta version of its competing wiki software CES VaultWiki in 2008.

The studio did not maintain copies of discontinued software prior to 2014. Thus, it is believed that no copies of this plugin survive to this day.

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