In 2002, the Pokemon Trainers Club (now known as the Free United Club of Kids) hosted their first Duel Monsters Tournament as an homage to the Duelist Kingdom tournament on the hit anime Yu-Gi-Oh! The tournament playoffs were filmed for the first season of the parody series Ni-Ki-Oh!

Now, Cracked Egg Studios is hosting a sequel tournament unlike no other. This is a tournament for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, but the rules have been drastically altered to allow for a fun and interesting game. It will be held over two weeks during this August. The fee is $3 at the door to compete, which will go towards a pot for the champion.

The tournament will consist of two rounds: a qualifying round and the playoffs. At the beginning of the qualifying round, each competitor will be given 2 star cards. Competitors will wager these star cards on duels. You must earn your place in the playoffs by collecting enough of these star cards. The qualifying round will take place from Monday, August 6 to Friday, August 17. The playoffs will take place from Monday, August 20 to Tuesday, August 21.

Pegasus has been spending the last few weeks writing the tournament rules. Specific rules for the tournament (in progress) are posted: Duel Monsters II: Tournament Rulebook

RSVP by commenting on this article and contacting us (with your name, location, and that you plan to attend) to confirm your place in the tournament. (You must do both!)

Build your deck ahead of time with the gameplay rules, card errata, and limited list (all specific to this tournament) in mind and refine it for the big event. Happy dueling!
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Resident Ball-Stomper
ITT: I win said moneys for the purpose of purchasing and relishing WoW.


Resident Ball-Stomper
I don't know how effective the training was, considering that I was barely conscious the entire time.


Staff member
Hm, well Nick isn't around anymore, but I can try my best to expose you to all the dueling possibilities in the mean time.

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