Not much has changed since March 17. Cracked Egg Studios has been taking a break to allow its staff to finish any outside work before the summer productions. The web site has been developing a new, faster and more flexible version of The Vault, currently not codenamed.

At the same time, pre-production on a big budget Isles of Fortune has begun, and the script for the first episode of The Twisted Mile series has been finalized. Both projects will be shot on HD-video.

While Ni-Ki-Oh! S03E07 is set to be released very soon, Ni-Ki-Oh! S03E06 is not scheduled for release until mid-August, although animation work will be completed before then. The episode is being retained until the studio can obtain a copy of Adobe Ultra 3 to render the highest quality composites for the long-awaited Final Genesis pilot.

Programming for The Lost Pyramid game will not continue until Ni-Ki-Oh! reaches Season 4 and Isles of Fortune Season 1.

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