CES Last Post on Forum Home (product ID: ces_latest_post) was a vBulletin software plugin developed by Cracked Egg Studios that added a link to the forum's most recent post in the Forum Statistics on the home page. It was published on March 11, 2007, at vbulletin.org, and discontinued April 27, 2010.
The plugin was not the first of its kind to provide such functionality; however, it distinguished itself from competing plugins because it managed to do so without adding MySQL queries when displaying Forum Statistics.
Cracked Egg Studios also published a Project Tools edition of this plugin on July 31, 2007, which included content from vBulletin Project Tools as possible recent posts.
The plugin had multiple versions, ending with 1.0.3 on July 31, 2007. The plugin was discontinued on April 27, 2010, due to potential performance issues when building the plugin's statistics.
The plugin was not the first of its kind to provide such functionality; however, it distinguished itself from competing plugins because it managed to do so without adding MySQL queries when displaying Forum Statistics.
Cracked Egg Studios also published a Project Tools edition of this plugin on July 31, 2007, which included content from vBulletin Project Tools as possible recent posts.
The plugin had multiple versions, ending with 1.0.3 on July 31, 2007. The plugin was discontinued on April 27, 2010, due to potential performance issues when building the plugin's statistics.
Version | Release Date |
1.0.3 | July 31, 2007 |
1.0.2 | June 4, 2007 |
1.0.1 | March 17, 2007 |
1.0.0 | March 11, 2007 |