This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2001.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- 2001
- Dannick Studios produces Sweet Dreams using Directors Chair.
- Dannick Studios produces Sweet Dreams 2 using Directors Chair.
- Dannick Studios develops the series Nikolai.
- January
- Ted Phillips produces the music anthology I Stole This CD From My Best Friend aka "Songz 2".
- January 13
- Cracked Egg Studios begins principle photography for the film The Twisted Mile, based on Dannick Studios's 1999 The Prisoners.
- January 20
- Thingamabob.com2 announces that the Skelly 3D movie will be released on its site on July 4, 2001.
- February
- Nick Phillips rediscovers the original Constitution of the Pokémon Trainers Club.
- Dannick Studios produces The 3D Movie Maker Movie 3D short.
- February 19
- Thingamabob.com2 publishes the short Christmas Crisis online.
- March
- Nick Phillips and Joe Justus found the video game development company Noey Games.
- March 5
- Ted Phillips begins reprogramming the video game The Lost Pyramid using RPG Maker 2000.
- Ted Phillips begins programming the video game Pokémon Black using RPG Maker 2000.
- Nick Phillips begins programming the video game Pokémon White using RPG Maker 2000.
- March 10
- Noey Games takes over development of the video game Pokémon White.
- Noey Games begins programming the video game Pokémon Orange.
- March 19
- Thingamabob.com2 launches its RPG Maker section.
- March 31
- A meeting of the Pokémon Trainers Club holds the club's presidential election.
- Joseph and Matthew Justus join the Pokémon Trainers Club.
- In his final campaign speech, Nick Phillips promises all members of the Pokémon Trainers Club copies of the video game Pokémon White.
- The First Hard Drive Crash of 2001 causes the loss of several films, video games, and other projects by Ted and Nick Phillips.
- April 9
- Ted Phillips begins reprogramming the video game The Lost Pyramid using RPG Maker 2000.
- May 27
- Mike Vacca begins production on the video game MIKES WORLD.
- June
- The editors of the 2001 St. Benedict School yearbook mention that Ted Phillips has created a video game.
- June 15
- Ted Phillips graduates from St. Benedict School.
- June 25
- A meeting of the Pokémon Trainers Club holds the club's presidential election.
- In his final campaign speech, Nick Phillips promises all members of the Pokémon Trainers Club copies of the video game Pokémon White again, and to prosecute the alleged thief of Ted Phillips's Pokémon Silver game.
- June 30
- Ted Phillips and Rich Falantano produce the parody Mortal Combat.
- July 14
- The Pokémon Trainers Club publishes its first weekly newsletter.
- July 19
- The Pokémon Trainers Club holds the trial for the thief of Ted Phillips's Pokémon Silver game.
- August 15
- While riding his bicycle to attend church services, Ted Phillips falls and injures his thumb, requiring a visit to the emergency room.
- A meeting of the Pokémon Trainers Club votes to deflate its currency 99%.
- August 18
- Ted Phillips vetoes the Pokémon Trainers Club's currency deflation law.
- August 27
- Dannick Studios begins production on the video game adaptation of The Twisted Mile.
- September 5
- Ted Phillips starts attending Fordham Preparatory School.
- September 13
- The Pokémon Trainers Club newsletter #9 begins publishing a guide for the video game Pokémon White.
- September 22
- Ted Phillips announces plans to release a set of vanity Pokémon cards for Pokémon Trainers Club members.
- September 29
- Cracked Egg Studios produces the science fiction film The Big Crunch.
- Dannick Studios begins releasing extended versions of previous 3D The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita episodes.
- October
- Dannick Studios releases the 3D The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita episode "Halloween II."
- October 7
- John Phillips holds a logo design contest for his food truck company Fork in the Road.
- October 20
- Nick Phillips releases the first demo of the video game Pokémon White.
- Chris Mojica joins the Pokémon Trainers Club.
- October 22
- The Pokémon Trainers Club web site launches as a hidden addition to the Thingamabob.com2 web site.
- October 23
- The Pokémon Trainers Club newsletter #14 begins publishing a serial recounting of the 3D Bongomon episode "I Choose You."
- October 27
- The Pokémon Trainers Club web site notes that the Thingamabob.com2 web site's RPG Maker 2000 section is unexpectedly offline.
- October 31
- Ninteddo Power starts taking subscriptions.
- November 1
- Dannick Studios produces the variety show Funny Pun, the sequel to 1994's Funny Fun.
- November 3
- Dannick Studios produces the short Rich Teaches History.
- November 4
- The Pokémon Trainers Club newsletter #16 begins publishing a serial recounting of the short The Twisted Mile.
- November 17
- Dannick Studios produces the documentary Phillips 2001.
- November 18
- Dannick Studios attempts reshoots for the variety show Funny Pun, the sequel to 1994's Funny Pun.
- Dannick Studios produces the documentary Brutus's Intrusion.
- A meeting of the Pokémon Trainers Club votes to rename their currency from dollars to celbos, to reduce confusion over exchange rates.
- The Pokémon Trainers Club votes to approve a 100% monthly wealth tax.
- November 22
- Dannick Studios films video game development discussions between Ted Phillips and Bill Como.
- Cracked Egg Studios produces the film High and Toon Noon Pt. 2.
- December 10
- The Pokémon Trainers Club newsletter #23 begins publishing a serial recounting of the short Christmas Crisis.
- December 11
- Nick Phillips begins reprogramming the RPG Pokémon White based on a demo copy.
- December 16
- Dannick Studios releases the 3D The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita episode "Crisis."
- December 20
- Dannick Studios produces the documentary How Many Licks.
- December 24
- Dannick Studios begins production on the video game adaptation of 1999's Skelly, called Skelly: The Last Revelation.
- Ted and Nick Phillips begin documenting Christmas 2001.
- December 25
- Ted and Nick Phillips produce the documentary A Dog Named Banjo.
- December 26
- Clare Phillips produces the horror short A Killer Christmas.
- Dannick Studios releases the 3D The Adventures of Bongo and Nakita episode "These Things Happen."