This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 1998.
  1. January
  2. March
  3. April
  4. June
  5. July
  6. August
  7. September
  8. October
  9. November
  10. December
  1. 1998
  2. January
    • John Phillips gifts Ted and Nick the Aptiva computer for project development.
  3. March
  4. March 22
  5. April
  6. June 8
  7. June 9
    • Ted Phillips writes the computer game MASH.
  8. June 14
  9. June 20
  10. June 21
  11. June 25
  12. July
  13. July 4
    • Ted Phillips films the infamous "Dr. Pepper Factory" scene for the film Y3K.
  14. July 5
  15. July 12
    • Ted Phillips creates the Raptor comic.
  16. August 27
    • Ted Phillips illustrates the Jaws comic.
  17. September
  18. October
  19. October 10
    • Ted Phillips writes the horror short story Bloody Mary.
  20. October 22
  21. October 31
    • The Phillips family adopts a kitten and names him Janya.
  22. November
  23. November 1
    • Ted Phillips forms the Prominent Men to investigate UFOs, paranormal, and extraphysical phenomena in the area.
  24. November 5
  25. November 17
    • Ted Phillips writes the science-fiction short story USN 1156.
  26. November 27
    • Ted Phillips writes the computer software T Alpha.
  27. December

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