This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 1998.
- January
- March
- April
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- 1998
- Nick Phillips writes the a cappella song I Suck.
- Ted Phillips writes the children's story Rex and Bobby.
- Nick Phillips produces the Car Crash 3D short.
- Nick Phillips produces the Ghost 3D short.
- Nick Phillips produces the Skelly 3D short.
- Ted Phillips produces the Skelly 2 3D movie.
- Ted Phillips's Christmas story Rudolph Quits! is water damaged.
- Nick Phillips's children's story Kong of the Gong Go of One is water damaged.
- Ted Phillips draws concept art for film adaptation of Synonymous Botch Returns, called Thrice Upon a Time.
- Ted Phillips produces the 3D version of The Glob.
- Ted Phillips produces the animated version of The Glob.
- January
- John Phillips gifts Ted and Nick the Aptiva computer for project development.
- March
- Ted Phillips and Mike Berrios found the company TM.
- TM begins developing the video game Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kremian Wars Beneath Donkey Kong Country Isle.
- March 22
- Ted Phillips illustrates the Mr. Ant and the Pest comic.
- Ted Phillips launches Ted's Fun Site online.
- Ted's Fun Site announces development of the film Y3K.
- April
- Ted Phillips creates the rolling-paper theater animation The Return to Jurassic Park.
- Ted Phillips and Mike Berrios begin writing a novel called Dreamland.
- Ted Phillips begins acquiring materials to build the animatronic dinosaurs for his live-action The Return to the Lost World: Jurassic Park, and storing them at The Rectory.
- Ted and Nick Phillips meet Ryan.
- June 8
- June 9
- Ted Phillips writes the computer game MASH.
- June 14
- Ted Phillips compiles The History of Teddy Phillips.
- Ted Phillips sprains his wrist at recess, and Fr. Ken Marks takes him to the emergency room.
- June 20
- Ted Phillips begins programming the video game Tomb Raider IV.
- June 21
- Ted Phillips begins updating Ted's Fun Site to 3D.
- June 25
- Ted's Fun Site introduces the concept of The Vault for publishing projects online, with its "Comic Vault."
- July
- Ted Phillips films coverage for the stop-motion The Return to the Lost World: Jurassic Park.
- July 4
- Ted Phillips films the infamous "Dr. Pepper Factory" scene for the film Y3K.
- July 5
- Ted Phillips writes the Train Problem.
- July 12
- Ted Phillips creates the Raptor comic.
- August 27
- Ted Phillips illustrates the Jaws comic.
- September
- Ted Phillips draws new concept art for the Tomb Raider IV video game and rebrands it as The Lost Pyramid.
- October
- Ted Phillips writes the historical fiction children's popup book Woody and Buzz Go to the Ancient Assyrian Empire.
- October 10
- Ted Phillips writes the horror short story Bloody Mary.
- October 22
- Ted Phillips allegedly encounters a UFO in Bicentennial Veterans Memorial Park.
- October 31
- The Phillips family adopts a kitten and names him Janya.
- November
- Ted Phillips begins building a 3D web site for St. Benedict Parish.
- November 1
- Ted Phillips forms the Prominent Men to investigate UFOs, paranormal, and extraphysical phenomena in the area.
- November 5
- Ted Phillips writes his account about the UFO in Bicentennial Veterans Memorial Park from late October.
- November 17
- Ted Phillips writes the science-fiction short story USN 1156.
- November 27
- Ted Phillips writes the computer software T Alpha.
- December
- Ted Phillips illustrates the Merry Christmas comic.
- Ted Phillips illustrates the comic The Way It Is With Reindeer.