E0Ho was the third installment of a graphic novel following iTO3A and OH3i, written in early 1992, and was the third earliest use of the Cracked Egg Logo by the founder Ted Phillips. Although only an image, this predates the name T.J.'s Cracked Egg Productions as first announced with the release of The Bloody Man in April of the following year. This story, also predating Ted Phillips learning to write coherently, further calls into question the precise meaning of the cracked egg image itself.
E0Ho tells the story of the reuniting of young Godzilla with his father. However, it seems that in his exploration of the big city, young Godzilla has become friends with a human or two. In fact, young Godzilla has been corrupted by the city as suggested by the final two pages, where he is contained within a robot of himself that is under the control of a man.
E0Ho tells the story of the reuniting of young Godzilla with his father. However, it seems that in his exploration of the big city, young Godzilla has become friends with a human or two. In fact, young Godzilla has been corrupted by the city as suggested by the final two pages, where he is contained within a robot of himself that is under the control of a man.
The Novel
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