This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2011.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January 10, 2011
- VaultWiki Team completes reprogramming the install and upgrade system for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- January 31
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.10.
- February 15
- VaultWiki Team programs a data management system for the VaultWiki 4.x series to track changes to attachment file data.
- February 16
- VaultWiki Team extends the IMAGE BB-Code in VaultWiki so that the image can be used within a link.
- February 18
- VaultWiki Team believes they discovered the MySQL injection vulnerability VWE-2011-0101 in VaultWiki, but it's actually just a regular database error.
- February 27
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the attachment data management system for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- February 28
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.11.
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerability VWE-2011-0101 in VaultWiki.
- March 3
- VaultWiki Team releases style updates to improve the experience on mobile devices.
- March 20
- Kathy Phillips adopts Squawker Jalawker.
- April 1
- Cracked Egg Studios is granted an extended validation SSL certificate for
- April 2
- VaultWiki Team moves its web site to a new dedicated server hosted by WiredTree.
- April 8
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the permissions system for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- April 9
- Cracked Egg Studios moves its web sites to the dedicated server hosted by WiredTree.
- April 26
- VaultWiki Team changes the default behavior of automatic links in VaultWiki so that they open in a new window.
- May 3
- VaultWiki Team learns of the data loss vulnerability VWE-2011-0186 in VaultWiki, but it is considered to be a standard bug, the code changes are not saved properly, and themselves lost.
- May 11
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the comment interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- May 20
- The Read-Only File System data loss event prevents new posts and updates to Cracked Egg Studios-managed web sites for 5 days.
- May 26
- VaultWiki Team adds support to VaultWiki for the new editor in vBulletin 4.1.4.
- June 7
- VaultWiki Team programs proxy files in VaultWiki for installations in a different document root.
- June 8
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to serve content at human-friendly URLs in VaultWiki from the document root rather than a subdirectory.
- June 12
- VaultWiki Team programs the GALLERY BB-Code in VaultWiki.
- June 14
- VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2011-0100 in VaultWiki.
- June 15
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the data import system in VaultWiki to attribute content to a guest when the target database has no matching user.
- June 18
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.12.
- June 27
- VaultWiki Team launches a custom version control system for software releases.
- VaultWiki Team institutes a more consumer-friendly security-patching policy.
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerability VWE-2011-0100 in VaultWiki.
- June 29
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.13.
- July 10
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the redirect view interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- July 14
- VaultWiki Team programs the area view interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- July 19
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the moderation interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- July 24
- Cracked Egg Studios removes user accounts on its web site related to VaultWiki licensing from before launched.
- August 1
- Cracked Egg Studios begins developing a video game starring HoJeong Park, called HoJeong the Dragon Slayer and the Prophecy of the Dark Mark.
- August 12
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to subscribe to categories in VaultWiki.
- August 16
- Cracked Egg Studios ramps up development of an online version of Observatory.
- William Mazzariello suggests that the title HoJeong the Dragon Slayer and the Prophecy of the Dark Mark is too epic for shorthand communication and effective marketing.
- Cracked Egg Studios renames the game to Prophecy of the Dark Mark.
- August 17
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.14.
- August 18
- Cracked Egg Studios begins level design for the video game Prophecy of the Dark Mark.
- August 20
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to receive inline notifications when VaultWiki content is edited.
- August 24
- Cracked Egg Studios begins seeking applications from student interns.
- August 25
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the editor interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- August 27
- Cracked Egg Studios packs all assets and raises them 3 feet above floor level.
- Cracked Egg Studios evacuates all personnel and animals on site and temporarily removes them to Hyde Park, New York.
- Hurricane Irene strikes the headquarters.
- August 31
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the book management interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- September 3
- Chris Moussot offers to compose the Bongomon ending theme.
- September 5
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the wiki page interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the category interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- September 10
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the history interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- September 12
- VaultWiki Team programs the option to allow for duplicate automatic links in VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team programs a system for wiki moderators in the VaultWiki 4.x series to be notified of new content.
- VaultWiki Team programs the option send notifications to users when their moderated content is approved in VaultWiki.
- September 15
- VaultWiki Team programs data management for wiki moderators in the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- September 16
- VaultWiki Team programs an interface to promote users to wiki moderators in the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- September 24
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the permissions management interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- VaultWiki Team programs the option to set permissions for individual users in VaultWiki.
- September 27
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the banned titles interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the wiki code management interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- October 4
- Cracked Egg Studios acquires various lighting and production equipment.
- October 7
- VaultWiki Team rediscovers the data loss vulnerability VWE-2011-0186 in VaultWiki.
- October 8
- VaultWiki Team extends markdown syntax support in VaultWiki to map #switch to the IF BB-Code.
- October 11
- VaultWiki Team releases a patch for the vulnerability VWE-2011-0186 in VaultWiki.
- October 16
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the special page interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- October 22
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the maintenance system for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- October 23
- VaultWiki Team programs the Special:MostContributions page in VaultWiki.
- October 26
- Chris Moussot collaborates on the Bongomon ending theme.
- VaultWiki Team programs an administrative interface for language management in the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- November 2
- VaultWiki Team programs integration management for the VaultWiki 4.x series to replace namespaces nested within regular forums.
- November 4
- Chris Moussot collaborates on the Bongomon ending theme.
- November 9
- VaultWiki Team reprograms an administrative interface for attachment management for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- November 10
- VaultWiki Team programs an XML parser for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- November 12
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the character replacement management system for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- November 13
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the URL conflict resolution system for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- November 14
- Cracked Egg Studios begins using smartphones for communication.
- November 15
- Chris Moussot collaborates on the Bongomon ending theme.
- November 17
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.15.
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the social group interfacefor the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the content lists for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
- November 23
- VaultWiki Team reprograms the one-click install system as a generic progress system in VaultWiki.
- November 28
- VaultWiki Team learns of the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2011-0148 in VaultWiki.
- December 2
- Chris Moussot collaborates on the Bongomon ending theme.
- December 6
- Ted Phillips designs the cover art for Rudolph Quits!
- December 8
- Cracked Egg Studios creates the Kindle version of Rudolph Quits!
- December 9
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 3.0.16.
- December 10
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerability VWE-2011-0148 in VaultWiki.
- December 13
- Cracked Egg Studios publishes the paperback and Kindle versions of Rudolph Quits!
- December 15
- December 18
- Ted Phillips begins writing the first Isles of Fortune novel.
- December 28
- VaultWiki Team reprograms poll data management for the VaultWiki 4.x series.