Work on this page is still very much in progress. This timeline is still far from complete, only reflecting data from a small number of sources.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January 2004
- Ted Phillips produces a commercial for the Kingdom Hearts: Special Edition DVD set.
- Cracked Egg Studios and Dannick Studios merge.
- January 24
- The Ni-Ki-Oh! episode "Duel for All Souls (3)" airs.
- January 31
- Cracked Egg Studios releases the Ni-Ki-Oh! The Lost Episodes DVD collection, including 3 vanity Yu-Gi-Oh! trading cards.
- February 5
- The Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club web site launches.
- February 17
- Nick Phillips begins programming the video game 1-D.
- March 1
- Ted Phillips releases the video game compilation Sonic Adventure DX on DVD.
- March 4
- The DomainDLX Crash causes the loss of the Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club web site.
- March 17
- The Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club web site reopens.
- March 27
- The Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club hosts the Master of Duels III tournament.
- April 19
- James Corbett joins the Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club.
- April 24
- The Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Club member Conor Anderson hosts his Chaos Empire tournament.
- April 30
- Nick Phillips writes the short story Gigantism.
- May 3
- Nick Phillips writes the short story Mail.
- June
- Mike Vacca announces that he intends to retire from his role as Seto Vacca in Ni-Ki-Oh!
- June 24
- Ted Phillips purchases the new camera.
- June 26
- Ted Phillips attends Ithaca College's summer program.
- June 27
- Clare Phillips begins programming the video game Draconian Dungeon.
- July 1
- Noey Productions writes the music parody album The Arrival.
- Noey Productions records the song Doggy Paradise.
- Noey Productions records the song Little Sac.
- Noey Productions records the song Star-Spankied Ballsac.
- Noey Productions records the song 80.
- July
- Noey Productions begins pre-production on the parody short Mortal Kombat II.
- July 6
- Cracked Eggs Pictures produces the slasher short Lead Dust.
- July 15
- Noey Productions begins filming the documentary The Life of Joey Lee.
- July 28
- Cracked Eggs Pictures produces the short Crossing the Border.
- July 30
- Cracked Eggs Pictures releases Lead Dust.
- Cracked Eggs Pictures releases Crossing the Border.
- August
- Ted Phillips visits film colleges in the area of Los Angeles, California.
- Cracked Egg Studios acquires a green screen.
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Niki Moto is distracted by a mechanic on his way to school.
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene of Niki Moto and Jokuba Vacca in Virtua World.
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Seto Vacca meets Gozaburo Loser.
- Cracked Egg Studios films a Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Gozaburo Loser meets the cat Celebi.
- Cracked Egg Studios films coverage for the Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Niki Moto and Tommy meet in the shadow realm.
- August 1
- August 18
- Cracked Egg Studios releases a trailer for the 3rd season finale of Ni-Ki-Oh!.
- September 11
- Nick Phillips begins programming the video game Battle of the Sexes.
- October
- Cracked Egg Studios films more coverage for the Ni-Ki-Oh! scene where Niki Moto and Tommy meet in the shadow realm.
- Noey Productions films the comedy Dumbass 2.
- October 23
- Cracked Egg Studios releases an updated trailer for the 3rd season finale of Ni-Ki-Oh!.
- November
- Ted Phillips writes the monologue Character Profile, based on the character Tommy from Ni-Ki-Oh!
- Ted Phillips writes the short story Waiting.
- Ted Phillips writes the short story Emotion.
- November 1
- Ted Phillips releases the video game compilation Kingdom Hearts: Special Edition as a 4-disc DVD set.
- November 5
- Cracked Egg Studios films live performances of Don't Drink the Water at Fordham Preparatory School.
- November 24
- Ted Phillips compiles his Portfolio List.
- December
- Noey Productions films the comedy Dumbass 3.
- December 13
- Joe Justus announces his retirement from the Ni-Ki-Oh! role of Jokuba Vacca.
- December 16
- Mike Vacca renegotiates the terms of his actor release.
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- Contributors: