Work on this page is still very much in progress. This timeline is still far from complete, only reflecting data from a small number of sources.
This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 1996.
- 1996
- Nick Phillips writes the short story The Earthquake.
- Nick Phillips writes the collection of short stories Nick is Happy.
- Nick Phillips writes the children's story The Sun.
- Nick Phillips writes the children's story You are so Silly, Sally 6.
- Ted Phillips writes the nursery rhyme Father.
- Nick Phillips writes the old tale My Dog Jumps on Me.
- Nick Phillips writes the cute story Clare the Baby.
- Nick Phillips writes the children's story Silly Nicky and Teddy Part 2.
- Nick Phillips compiles the literature textbook Open My Amrms.
- Nick Phillips creates the literature workbook The Sea is About the Water.
- Nick Phillips writes the holiday story THe EAster House.
- Nick Phillips writes the holiday story Easter Is Coming!
- Nick Phillips writes the holiday story I Got My Ashes on Ash Wednesday.
- Nick Phillips writes the table song THE EAsteR Bunny Gave me cAnDy in my CAnDy BAg.
- Nick Phillips writes the religious story The History Story of Why There Isn't Easter.
- Nick Phillips writes the children's story My GARBAGe House.
- Nick Phillips writes the poem Willoughby, Wallaby, Woo Part 4.
- Nick Phillips writes the children's story The Pancake Part 4.
- Nick Phillips writes the poem Round Is a Pancake Part 4.
- Nick Phillips writes the poem A House Is a House for Me Part 5.
- Nick Phillips writes the poem My Basket Is Full of Eggs.
- Nick Phillips compiles the literature textbook Ash Wednesday.
- Nick Phillips compiles the literature textbook I've Go to a Place.
- Ted Phillips writes the fairy tale Zofa.
- Nick Phillips writes the fancy tale Donkey Kong Meets Stuff.
- January 5
- Ted Phillips directs a live performance of Legal Eagle at St. Benedict School
- May
- Ted Phillips begins developing the video game Donkey Kong Country 3: Diddy's Kong Quest 2 using Fr. Marks's computer.
- May 6
- Ted and Nick Phillips produce the short The Night Before Christmas.
- September 3
- Ted Phillips writes to Damon Ross at Nickelodeon to learn how to enter the industry.
- October
- John Phillips gifts Ted Phillips a Longmouth mask from Odd Job.
- Ellen Rampino gifts Ted and Nick Phillips prop sickles.
- Ted Phillips writes the horror short story The Trick-or-Treat Bags.
- Ted Phillips begins writing the novel Candy Land Dies using the typewriter.
- October 26
- Ted Phillips is locked in the Haunt Walk at Fr. Albert Hall after it closes for the night.
- November
- Ted Phillips produces the horror short Rising of Evil Spirits.
- November 28
- The Phillips and Como families jointly write the short story Santa Was Late This Year.
- December
- Ted Phillips and Marc Skehan write the holiday story Christmastime Crisis.
- T.J.'s Cracked Egg Pictures produces the stop-motion short Swat Kats: The Movie.