This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 1999.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. December
  1. 1999
  2. January
  3. February
  4. February 17
  5. March
  6. March 3
    • TM begins planning to adapt Dreamland into a film epic.
    • Ted and Nick Phillips open a local mercantile called Thingamabob's.
  7. March 6
    • A local street gang trades an allegedly ancient macaroni, among other items, to Thingamabob's.
  8. March 7
  9. April
  10. April 3
  11. April 21
  12. April 22
  13. April 27
  14. April 28
  15. April 29
  16. May
  17. May 3
  18. May 9
  19. May 26
    • Ted and Nick Phillips write a flyer rebranding their local mercantile from Thingamabob's to ""
  20. June
    • Patches gives birth to a litter of feral kittens.
    • Ted Phillips loses access to his America Online account and the internet.
    • The marble notebook containing Dreamland outlines, story snippets, and notes is stolen.
    • Under the cover of a trip to Six Flags Great Adventure, the Prominent Men establish a new level of secrecy by using numeric designations instead of names.
  21. June 24
  22. June 26
  23. June 28
  24. July
    • Ted and Nick Phillips are no longer able to use 3D Movie Maker due to CD-ROM disc read errors.
    • Ted and Nick Phillips begin using Directors Chair regularly.
    • Ted Phillips adopts Patches's kittens, Mew and Mewtwo.
  25. July 2
  26. July 4
    • Ted Phillips records coverage of various buildings and vehicles exploding for the film Y3K.
  27. August
  28. August 4
  29. August 28
  30. September 5
  31. September 6
  32. September 7
    • The marble notebook containing Dreamland is confiscated from the thief by authorities.
  33. September 9
  34. September 18
  35. September 19
  36. October 28
  37. December 15
  38. December 19
  39. December 25
    • Fr. Ken Marks gifts Ted Phillips a Nintendo 64, bundled with Donkey Kong 64, and Super Smash Bros.
  40. December 26

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