This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines
This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2012.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
  1. January 6, 2012
  2. January 17
  3. February 1
  4. February 5
  5. February 7
  6. February 13
  7. February 14
    • VaultWiki Team extends the prefix management system in the VaultWiki 4.x series to support BB-Code tags containing numeric characters.
  8. February 28
  9. March 4
  10. March 6
    • VaultWiki Team extends the section table of contents for the VaultWiki 4.x series with a configurable minimum number of entries.
  11. March 16
    • VaultWiki Team reprograms the commenting system for the VaultWiki 4.x series to support multiple threads of discussion for a single wiki page.
  12. March 17
  13. March 29
  14. March 30
  15. April 2
  16. April 3
    • Cracked Egg Studios considers using CryEngine to develop the video game Prophecy of the Dark Mark.
    • VaultWiki Team extends the content interfaces and data management in the VaultWiki 4.x series to support arbitrary combinations of content-type behaviors.
  17. April 12
  18. April 18
    • VaultWiki Team reprograms the social group interface for the VaultWiki 4.x series to embed a group's main page in the host platform's group page.
  19. April 19
  20. April 20
    • VaultWiki Team begins programming various data caches for the VaultWiki 4.x series.
    • VaultWiki Team extends the Source tab in the VaultWiki 4.x series, so it is available in addition to, rather than as a fallback for, the editor for the same content.
  21. April 23
    • VaultWiki Team extends areas in the VaultWiki 4.x series to automatically set a default protection level for new content.
  22. April 24
  23. April 25
  24. April 28
  25. April 29
  26. April 30
  27. May 2
  28. May 5
  29. May 7
  30. May 8
  31. May 13
  32. May 19
  33. May 20
  34. May 21
  35. May 22
  36. May 27
    • William Mazzariello begins designing graphic elements for VaultWiki.
  37. June 1
  38. June 17
  39. June 18
  40. June 20
  41. June 21
  42. June 23
  43. June 24
  44. June 29
    • Cracked Egg Studios documents Clare Phillips moving to Springfield, Illinois.
  45. July 2
  46. July 6
    • Kathy Phillips removes to St. Thomas, USVI.
    • VaultWiki Team programs history for uploaded files in the VaultWiki 4.x series.
  47. July 8
  48. July 18
    • Cracked Egg Studios designs the packaging for the cereal Popcorn Puffs.
  49. July 25
    • VaultWiki Team reprograms attachment support for comments in the VaultWiki 4.x series.
    • The headquarters sewer system is destroyed by nearby cement work.
  50. July 26
    • Cracked Egg Studios halts nearly all projects until repairs are completed.
  51. August 9
  52. August 13
    • A real estate boundary dispute brings projects to a crawl for several days.
  53. August 18
  54. August 25
  55. August 28
  56. August 29
  57. September 18
  58. September 20
  59. September 21
  60. September 24
  61. October 29
    • Hurricane Sandy floods Cracked Egg Studios.
    • A collection of tape-based media is submerged.
    • A wooden chest containing short stories, essays, and important documents is submerged.
    • The Museum of Natural Hoaxes is damaged beyond repair.
  62. October 30
    • Cracked Egg Studios halts nearly all projects until repairs are completed.
  63. November 4
    • Janya mysteriously disappears.
  64. November 6
  65. December 6
  66. December 26
    • The company vehicle is totaled.
  67. December 29

This page has been seen 74 times.

    • Created by on
      Last updated by on


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