Ni-Ki-Oh! News

Ni-Ki-Oh! DVD 3

  • Publisher Ted
  • Date published
Early this morning the beta preview of Ni-Ki-Oh! The World According to Maximillion Pegasus completed. The DVD featured one of the most evil menu setups on any DVD, using a mazelike and falsely-labeled system to mislead viewers and make it incredibly difficult to… Read more

Final Genesis: Power Surge Demo

  • Publisher Ted
  • Date published
  • Last update by Ted
  • Last update time
The Beta preview of Ni-Ki-Oh! Final Genesis: Episode 3-6 "Power Surge" took place at 3pm today. The episode was in its complete final form; however, the preview did not include a video feed because the CG elements of the episode have yet to be completed.… Read more

On Time

  • Publisher Ted
  • Date published
After so many months of Cracked Egg Studios making and breaking its promises, we all had our doubts that Ni-Ki-Oh! Duelist Kingdom would ever come out. To much of our pleasant surprise, the beta version of Duelist Kingdom was screened this past Friday evening. The… Read more

Project: Waffle Iron

  • Publisher Ted
  • Date published
Production is finally coming together on the mysterious Project: Waffle Iron. Pegasus is currently assembling a team of twisted people who can pull this one off perfectly. Project: Waffle Iron is a Ni-Ki-Oh!-themed short video that will be used in a promotional… Read more

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