Work on the Ni-Ki-Oh! Season 4 script has finally been completed with a surprising twist that breaks up the season as originally planned into seasons 4, 5, and 6. Although principal photography took a serious hit this summer, Cracked Egg Studios still stands by its original projected Christmastime release.

In more present news, "The Twisted Mile" has been completed, and is now available for public viewing on YouTube. The DVD set for a September 8, 2006 release will include such features as Outtakes, subtitles, and the Teaser for the upcoming sequel.

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Resident Ball-Stomper
Wow, the trailer on youtube is doing pretty well actually. And I think it's due partly because of Thor, the Buttsex man. Right now, it's number 50 on the most discussed comedies on youtube, and number 79 in the top rated comedies as of today. This begs the question? Will there be a Twisted Mile 2? If so, when would it be finished? Who would be in it? What would it be about? And would it have Thor being Thor? I'm pondering these questions as I'm watching this epic motherf@*king trailer.


New member
Despite the "Coming Never" in the trailer, and considering the awesomeness of the completed original, I doubt that we would be foolish enough not to make the sequel.

Regarding the original, I have been trying to upload it to YouTube all day, but after about 2 hours of uploading it freezes at 92%. I will keep trying.


CES Staff
I think that this website should have at least a link to the Cracked Egg Studios videos on YouTube.


New member
Nick is still right. The site is stupid for telling us about the YouTube videos but not bothering to at least link to the channel, regardless of how easy it is to just type in. It's even easier to click a single link!


CES Staff
The Twisted Mile DVD comes out on Friday! With additional special features I presume.

Claw Snuff

Urban Emo
I posted a thread on RWP for you pegasus.


New member
Regarding the sequel. I believe it would be wise rather than making a direct sequel to make a series of The Twisted Mile perhaps with hour-long episodes.

These episodes would not be released serially, however. That is, with large gaps of time between each release. But not as large as Ni-Ki-Oh! 3-5 and 3-6, mind you.

Any comments?


CES Staff
Wow! A Twisted Mile series! That is quite an idea. However, like Ni-Ki-Oh!, it would be hard to get the actors all together regularly, and unlike Ni-Ki-Oh!, there is no larger plotline. I don't know how you can have hour-long episodes. A lot of planning would have to occur first.


New member
That's why I said they wouldn't be released serially. What I should have said was "on a regular basis."

The original Twisted Mile was only about 14 minutes, but I believe with the introduction of Thor, it can easily be expanded into an hour-long series.


Resident Ball-Stomper
We could have all this subplot for Thor, like his origins and why the hell he looks exactly like Rap lol. We could expand on Puck and Tommy Famm as well. Oh, oh...we could do a sort of Godfather 2 thing, like flashback to tell origin stories and then cut back to the real story. Like the origin of Thor Puck and Tommy, and then go back to the main story. Just a bit of redundacy to preserve clarity there.


New member
Well, we have been writing the second episode and this is how I expect the series to pan out.

The series will NOT be in hour-long format but have standard 30 minute episodes.

The first episode:
The first episode is an updated version of The Twisted Mile short film that was released on September 8, with more visual effects.
The first season:
Starting with the second episode, the series recaps the characters' individual stories that took place chronologically leading up to the pilot episode.

For example, episode 2 focuses on Tommy Famn being a cat-pucker, a mysterious cult of high-school students who literally trade their skin, a story about Fr. Juarez's life in the monastery, and David Rap is not yet a police officer.
The season finale:
The first season will end with the pilot episode again, only now from alternate points of view, with a newfound understanding from the pre-sequent episodes about what didn't make sense when we saw the pilot.


Resident Ball-Stomper
When will this happen? I'll choreograph action scenes in my bedroom


New member
Unless someone's willing to start shelling out for this, money is an issue. Filming is expensive. Also James is a busy son-of-a-bitch.

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