The Ni-Ki-Oh! Era began June 26, 2002 and continued until the end of 2006. It was preceded by the Second Live Action Era and followed by the Web Site Era, running mostly concurrently with the Game Movie Era.
The Ni-Ki-Oh! Era was heavily focused on creating and airing episodes for the Ni-Ki-Oh! series, with high enthusiasm among cast, crew, and fans until the end of 2004. During 2005, there was some production of new scenes, but the focus shifted to preserving the series through DVD releases, as the Web Site Era was beginning to dominate studio time. Throughout 2006, the studio wrote an entire additional season of the series but struggled to film it, with production schedules becoming increasingly difficult to arrange and fading interest, since there was now a years-long gap between episode releases. The era finally ended in December 2006, as the web site finally won out as the main focus of studio efforts.
Apart from the series itself, a number of related projects and spinoffs were developed during this era that include:
The Ni-Ki-Oh! Era was heavily focused on creating and airing episodes for the Ni-Ki-Oh! series, with high enthusiasm among cast, crew, and fans until the end of 2004. During 2005, there was some production of new scenes, but the focus shifted to preserving the series through DVD releases, as the Web Site Era was beginning to dominate studio time. Throughout 2006, the studio wrote an entire additional season of the series but struggled to film it, with production schedules becoming increasingly difficult to arrange and fading interest, since there was now a years-long gap between episode releases. The era finally ended in December 2006, as the web site finally won out as the main focus of studio efforts.
Apart from the series itself, a number of related projects and spinoffs were developed during this era that include: