The Game Movie Era began February 2002 and continued until roughly September 2006. It was preceded by the Second Live Action Era and followed by the Web Site Era, running mostly concurrently with the Ni-Ki-Oh! Era.
The Game Movie Era was heavily focused on creating movies based on video games, using actual gameplay footage and in-game cinematics from the respective games, with the purpose being for existing fans of the games to relive their experiences and favorite chapters without having to play through entire games again. These projects were mostly the brainchild of Ted Phillips, where most were of his own personal favorite game titles; however, some such projects struggled due to low interest among the core studio fan community and due to successive reissues. The era ended abruptly in 2006, as the studio began to adopt a stricter interpretation of fair use under copyright law and discontinued earlier projects.
Game movies that were developed during this era include:
The Game Movie Era was heavily focused on creating movies based on video games, using actual gameplay footage and in-game cinematics from the respective games, with the purpose being for existing fans of the games to relive their experiences and favorite chapters without having to play through entire games again. These projects were mostly the brainchild of Ted Phillips, where most were of his own personal favorite game titles; however, some such projects struggled due to low interest among the core studio fan community and due to successive reissues. The era ended abruptly in 2006, as the studio began to adopt a stricter interpretation of fair use under copyright law and discontinued earlier projects.
Game movies that were developed during this era include:
- Sonic: The Movie
- Kingdom Hearts VCD Collection
- Sonic Adventure DX DVD Collection
- Kingdom Hearts: Special Edition DVD Collection
- Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix: Special Edition DVD Collection
- Kingdom Hearts 2 DVD Collection
- Dummy Has KO Zones
- Super Smash Bros. Movie
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