This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines
This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2013.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. June
  6. July
  7. August
  8. September
  9. October
  10. November
  11. December
  1. January 6, 2013
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the arbitrary code execution vulnerability VWE-2013-0228-1 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 3.0.20.
  2. January 7
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the arbitrary code execution vulnerability VWE-2012-0205 in VaultWiki.
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the arbitrary code execution vulnerability VWE-2013-0228-2 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 3.0.20.
  3. January 8
  4. January 9
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the arbitrary code execution vulnerability VWE-2013-0228-3 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the prior release 3.0.20.
  5. January 13
    • Ted and Nick Phillips focus group the concept for an animé about forklifts.
  6. January 14
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the arbitrary code execution vulnerability VWE-2013-0228-4 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the prior release 3.0.20.
  7. January 27
  8. January 29
    • Cracked Egg Studios performs data recovery on a hard drive with broken data pins.
  9. January 31
    • Ted Phillips travels to Omaha, Nebraska.
  10. February 3
    • Kathy Phillips gifts Ted Phillips a new company vehicle.
  11. February 6
    • Ted Phillips travels to Springfield, Illinois.
  12. February 8
    • Ted Phillips returns from Springfield, Illinois.
  13. February 11
    • VaultWiki Team extends the parser in the VaultWiki 4.x series so it can alternatively render content as plain text.
  14. February 12
  15. February 17
    • Hot water infrastructure at headquarters fails.
  16. February 18
    • Ted Phillips begins staying with Diana Muniz.
    • Ted Phillips begins gradually moving studio assets to facilitate remote work.
  17. March 6
  18. March 7
  19. March 14
  20. March 20
  21. March 31
  22. April
  23. April 1
  24. April 4
  25. April 7
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2013-0012 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 4.0.0 Alpha 5.
  26. April 8
  27. April 16
  28. April 23
  29. April 24
    • Repairs to facility interiors are postponed until exterior repairs can be completed.
  30. April 25
  31. June 10
  32. June 14
  33. June 28
  34. July 4
  35. July 5
  36. July 10
  37. July 11
  38. July 12
  39. July 13
  40. July 19
  41. July 20
  42. July 25
  43. July 26
  44. July 30
  45. July 31
    • VaultWiki Team reprograms the book interface in VaultWiki to support chapters rendered in columns and to simplify calculations of chapter orders in books with multiple units.
  46. August
    • Ongoing repairs bring Cracked Egg Studios finances to the brink.
  47. August 5
  48. August 6
  49. August 8
  50. August 11
  51. August 13
    • VaultWiki Team removes the direct upgrade from the VaultWiki 3.x series to 4.x series in favor of an import process.
  52. August 20
    • Ted Phillips takes a second job at Luca's Pizza.
  53. August 22
  54. August 23
  55. September 4
  56. September 9
  57. September 23
  58. September 29
  59. October 6
    • VaultWiki Team extends the language system in VaultWiki so existing content is automatically moved to a different language when one is deleted.
  60. October 14
    • Cracked Egg Studios builds the mobile workstation the EGG-CARRIER.
  61. October 15
  62. October 16
  63. October 17
    • VaultWiki Team extends the content integration system in VaultWiki to support various content-types in vBulletin Blogs, vBulletin CMS, and user profiles.
    • VaultWiki Team extends automatic linking in VaultWiki so individual users have an option to disable it.
  64. October 27
  65. October 28
  66. November 17
  67. November 27
  68. December 3
  69. December 10
  70. December 12
  71. December 14
    • Cracked Egg Studios finishes building and powers on the CHAOS-EGG.
  72. December 24
    • Cracked Egg Studios web sites are restored.
  73. December 25
    • All EggPlayer content is accidentally deleted.

This page has been seen 85 times.

    • Created by on
      Last updated by on
  • Contributors:


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