Ryou vs. Niki


CES Staff
Ryou said:
....not that you get turned on by women anyway....BUT, the Manga is better for getting turned on AND it makes you less lazy, because you have to turn pages and ACTUALLY READ, instead of looking at the blinding TV screen all the time, that just proves you're lazier than me.......and don't even get me started on how you do your HMK!

Now don't call me lazy, Ryou! I'm the one who got First Honors and I'm in a lot more Honors classes than you! And if I'm so lazy, why are you the one who doesn't even bother with correct punctuation, spelling, or capitalization and haven't even edited your forum profile?!

You're also the one who can't translate his own Latin homework! And what about that horribly constructed sentence? "Tu facere canis sed." That makes no sense! "Dog's you to do, but..." What the Free United Club of Kids is that supposed to mean? There is no predicate and a lingering conjuction! A better sentence would have been "In canis metam otiis futuis."

So I don't get turned on by women? If I remember correctly, Ryou, you were the one who left the Fordham Christmas dance early because you had lost interest in "that kind of thing."

And just so you know, I don't watch Love Hina on the TV, I watch it on the computer!

The way I do my homework is the way that best works for me! I plan on when to do it and I get it done! Meaning I am very organized person who always knows what to do!

So shut up, you mexican keldo!Edited by: Niki Moto
OK ::Cracks knuckles::
The only reason you got first honors is because after two quarters in Fordham after getting 'C's you realized you needed to bring the grades up, BUT, I guess you didn't notice the fact that this was the shortest and easiest quarter of THE ENTIRE YEAR! I worked harder than you to get 2nd honors(well, this has nothing to do with you, but I got a B in Pedro because he grades unfairly and because a kid with some physical and mental disability he feels pity for SEEMS to be doing better than me, like, I got an 80 on the Oppression paper for doing 90 work, and he got 100 for doing the same thing almost everyone else in the class did and making over 21
grammatical errors. and I got a 'B' in Latin b/c Mr. Mari is a pretty tough grader and I got a 74 on the Test). You're just in more honors classes than me b/c YOU weren't sick on the day of the Placement Test. ALSO, don't EVEN think of calling me lazy, I'm the one taking 7 subjects next quarter, not you. ( The Latin 'Tu facere canis sed' was not only a joke, but it was also the time when I got a 'c+' in Latin. And you probably just asked Ted to make a translation for "you did your dog in the butt").

You know why I lost intrest in that, but that really wasn't your business, anyway, you just asked me why I wasn't dancing. It was pretty stupid, I mean, where the Hell was the Christmas in that dance? Talk to me about it when you know what Christmas REALLY is!

What difference does it make about the TV or computer, it's the same show AND they're both displayed on VDT's.

The way you do your Homework not only works for you better, but it also shows your level of responsibility, and I respect you for that. I was just pointing it out to make a joke of it, b/c it's not the traditional way we all do it. It doesn't mean your organized, it means you're responsible.

I'm not Mexican, you Part-Italian, American son of a bitch, no offence to your mom, who is a very nice person, like you, sometimes......

Oh, sorry about the curse, I thought that it would automatically edit it out....oh well. I'll just say"Part-Italian American son of a pikachu!"
Ryou said:
The only reason you got first honors is because after two quarters in Fordham after \getting 'C's

NO, it was 2 quarters OF getting Cs, not after.

Ryou said:
you realized you needed to bring the grades up,

OF COURSE I DID, I'm not stupid.

Ryou said:
BUT, I guess you didn't notice the fact that this was the shortest and easiest quarter of THE ENTIRE YEAR!

OF course I noticed it was easier, that's why I did better! And it wasn't shorter, we just had a vacation during it, so it seemed shorter.

Ryou said:
I worked harder than you to get 2nd honors(well, this has nothing to do with you, but I got a B in Pedro because he grades unfairly and because a kid with some physical and mental disability he feels pity for SEEMS to be doing better than me, like, I got an 80 on the Oppression paper for doing 90 work, and he got 100 for doing the same thing almost everyone else in the class did and making over 21
grammatical errors.

I hope you're not referring to me. What physical and mental disabilities do I have? Huh? Name them! And what 21 grammatical errors? Huh? Name them!

Ryou said:
and I got a 'B' in Latin b/c Mr. Mari is a pretty tough grader and I got a 74 on the Test).


Mr. Mari said:
In my class, you can get a 64 on a test and 100 on a quiz the next day, and still have an A average. That's the beauty of this class. I think this calls for a song!

Ryou said:
You're just in more honors classes than me

I know.

Ryou said:
ALSO, don't EVEN think of calling me lazy, I'm the one taking 7 subjects next quarter, not you.

Music doesn't require any work whatsoever!

Ryou said:
( The Latin 'Tu facere canis sed' was not only a joke,

All your jokes suck keldo and you get mad whenever I point out their flaws.

Ryou said:
And you probably just asked Ted to make a translation for "you did your dog in the butt").

NO, Ted did that of his own free will. He chose to! Besides, it actually translates as, "You leisurely have sexual relations in a dog's butt."

Ryou said:
You know why I lost intrest in that,

You said it was because non-virgins lose interest in that. Bullshoot!

Ryou said:
but that really wasn't your business, anyway, you just asked me why I wasn't dancing.

If you didn't want to dance, why did you even go?

Ryou said:
It was pretty stupid, I mean, where the Hell was the Christmas in that dance?

The DJ said it was the Christmas dance.

Ryou said:
Talk to me about it when you know what Christmas REALLY is!

It's a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Ryou said:
What difference does it make about the TV or computer,

It's easier to get shows on the TV than the computer.

Ryou said:
it's the same show AND they're both displayed on VDT's.

What's VDTs?

Ryou said:
The way you do your Homework not only works for you better, but it also shows your level of responsibility, and I respect you for that.

Thank you.

Ryou said:
I was just pointing it out to make a joke of it, b/c it's not the traditional way we all do it. It doesn't mean your organized, it means you're responsible.

You said it means you're a better student than I am.

Ryou said:
I'm not Mexican,

Neither am I. Mexican just comes from the bad word filter.

Ryou said:
you Part-Italian,

You got something against part-Italians?

Ryou said:
American son of a bitch,

It's not like there's anything wrong with that.

Ryou said:
no offence to your mom, who is a very nice person, like you, sometimes......

That's right.

Ryou said:

This flame war's not over yet! Edited by: Niki Moto

Niki, you need to read sentences the proper way, you cannot divide a sentence and make it seem like it had a different meaning! If you read it correctly, you would know that it meant you were getting too many bad grades and realized after the 2nd quarter was over, NOT BEFORE, you needed to bring them up, and you only could in the EASIEST quarter of the year. This showed that you were not only being LAZY (yea, lazy!) but ALSO the fact that you can only do good in an easy quarter, proving that you cannot do good in a harder one.


AND, DON'T YOU LAUGH AT ME, NIKI MOTO!!! Mr. Mari was saying that if you only took that test and ONE quiz ALL YEAR, you would get an A, BUT, i did not take only that test and ONE quiz all year, DID I? DID I!?

There you go, dividing sentences AGAIN! Maybe you should post the whole thing, just to show everyone how wrong you really ARE!

NICK, this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say!! 'Music doesn't require WORK.'! I suppose it did not take Mozart hours and hours of work to compose his masterpieces that are world renound today! I suppose it didn't take me days of practice to master the Saxaphone!
Shut your mouth until you know how much work is REALLY required in Music!

My jokes suck KELDO! That's why you always laugh at them and never pointed out the mistakes in them up until that ONE time with 'tu facere Canis sed', keldo! And you're admitting that you could not look up that Latin sentence ON YOUR OWN, you needed your brother to do it FOR YOU! LAZINESS!

They do unless they're perverts, like you! But, I guess you'll never know what it's like, WILL YOU! HA HA HA!

I went because YOU were going to be there, FRIEND!

The DJ said it, huh? That's why there were no Christmas songs and decerations, where's the 'Free United Club of Kids'ING spirit in THAT?!

I did not mean you, I was referring back to the people there who made it happen.

Once again, dividing sentences, Niki. You're acting very immaturely doing that. There's really no difference, you're looking at Love Hina both ways on a VDT!

Look it up, Lazy!

Your 'Free United Club of Kids'ing welcome.

So, the point is I was making a joke of it.



There's something COMPLETELY wrong with that. It shows that you are the makings of a whore! Not that you are, I'm just saying that there is something wrong with being a son of a bitch.

Yes, that is right, she is very nice.......[notice I did not mention you].

But it will be soon, and I WIL BE THE VICTOR! HA HA HA!!!
Niki, you are done for!
AND to add to my last thread:

About Music not requiring work:
Just the fact that I'm taking a 7th subject and showing that I am willing to give up free periods shows that I am willing to make sacrifices for school, which you, like, NEVER DO!
Ryou said:
you were not only being LAZY (yea, lazy!)

I know I'm lazy but at least I admit it and I'm proud of it.

Ryou said:
you can only do good in an easy quarter, proving that you cannot do good in a harder one.

Neither can you. You also did not make honors during the first two quarters and FINALLY made second for the third quarter, whereas I made first, and now I know why: that post shows you cannot distinguish between adjectives and adverbs. "Good" is an adjective; the adverb is "well." Adjectives only modify nouns while adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and each other.

Ryou said:

I'm glad. But I can't change my sensitivity level just because you tell me to, Ryou. These kinds of things are engraved in one's personality.

Ryou said:

Why not? You laugh at me all the time AND are prejudiced against Jews and homosexuals. That's actually the reason why I think you would suck as our Supreme Court Judge!

Ryou said:
NICK, this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say!! 'Music doesn't require WORK.'! I suppose it did not take Mozart hours and hours of work to compose his masterpieces that are world renound today! I suppose it didn't take me days of practice to master the Saxaphone!
Shut your mouth until you know how much work is REALLY required in Music!

I apologize to the world of music. I was only speaking of Mr. Otis's music class, not music in general.

Ryou said:
My jokes suck KELDO! That's why you always laugh at them and never pointed out the mistakes in them up until that ONE time with 'tu facere Canis sed', keldo!

I fake most of those laughs. I starting pointing out mistakes because that sentence was so flawed and showed no thinking whatsoever. Even when I told you this you refused to correct it. Now, I point out the mistakes because it's my nature to disagree with people.

Ryou said:
And you're admitting that you could not look up that Latin sentence ON YOUR OWN, you needed your brother to do it FOR YOU! LAZINESS!

No, I could have looked it up myself, I just didn't want to put the correct sentence until my brother convinced me. It was not my laziness because my original intent was to leave the translation of your crappy sentence by itself so that no one could comprehend it, but Ted felt like making his own sentence. Makes sense, right?

Ryou said:
They do unless they're perverts, like you! But, I guess you'll never know what it's like, WILL YOU! HA HA HA!

We're at the age where everyone is perverted. Besides, you're the own who kept trying to make me send you porn, so don't call me a pervert! You also said that you knew what an orgy was before I was born. And you don't know that I'll never experience it; anything can happen.

Ryou said:
I went because YOU were going to be there, FRIEND!

When I told you I was going and asked if you were going, you didn't want to go. In reference to the dances I previously attended, you typed in an instant message, and I quote: "hey man, those probably sucked, and i have no intrest in those crappy things, all it is is a girl-watching fiesta, plus, u probablyy didnt even have a d8" Then I started talking about what they really do at the dances. You only changed your mind as soon as I said it looks like the orgy seen from the matrix, so don't call ME a pervert!

Ryou said:
The DJ said it, huh? That's why there were no Christmas songs and decerations, where's the 'Free United Club of Kids'ING spirit in THAT?!

My graduation dance had nothing to do with its name either, it just happened around the same time. I think you're thinking of PARTIES. You're right, parties do have decorations et cetera suited to their theme, but dances are totally different. That's why I don't like it when people get the terms confused.

Ryou said:
There's really no difference, you're looking at Love Hina both ways on a VDT!

We were talking about laziness, not VDTs. Besides, downloading whole episodes via KaZaa takes much more time and effort than watching TV.

Ryou said:
Look it up, Lazy!

I looked it up at Dictionary.com and it said video display terminal. And if I'M the lazy one, why did I look it up and define it for you while YOU didn't?! Huh?

Ryou said:
There's something COMPLETELY wrong with that. It shows that you are the makings of a whore! Not that you are, I'm just saying that there is something wrong with being a son of a bitch.

There you go again with your prejudices. Sons of bitches are people like the rest of us, and they are no less than us just because they are sons of bitches. We are all equal. Plus, where do whores come into play here? Last time I checked, a bitch was "a stupid, malicious woman," according to the dictionary, and that does not imply the state of being a whore at all.

Ryou said:
Yes, that is right, she is very nice.......[notice I did not mention you].

Yes, you did. Before, you said:

Ryou said:
no offence to your mom, who is a very nice person, like you, sometimes......

Ryou said:
But it will be soon, and I WIL BE THE VICTOR! HA HA HA!!!
Niki, you are done for!

Don't you know that in war there are no winners?

Ryou said:
Just the fact that I'm taking a 7th subject and showing that I am willing to give up free periods shows that I am willing to make sacrifices for school, which you, like, NEVER DO!

Not true. I frequently sacrifice my free periods to do school work. Why do you think I don't always go to the commons during my frees? You're the one who always tries to make me neglect my work by going to the commons or the computer center during my free period. I'm taking only 6 subjects because I need an extra free to get my work done. It's not because I don't want to sacrifice, but because I can't afford to sacrifice.Edited by: Niki Moto
Then WHY in the FIRST THREAD did you say, and I quote:
"Don't call me lazy Ryou!"

I CAN! That is why RIGHT NOW I have first honors for THIS quarter! We will wait until the end of the quarter to see who is the better student, after all, this is the Hardest Quarter. ALSO, stop going on with stupid grammatical errors. They are irrelevant to the subject, the only time they were relevant was when you kept dviding the sentences.

Nothing is ENGRAVED in one's personality, anyone can change anything about them if they try, you know that! The only thing they really cannot change is their past.

I TOLD you in the Joke Forum, I am not prejudiced, it was a joke my uncle told me, AND I have 2 Jewish friends and 1 Homosexual friend. The only reason I make fun of Homo's is because it is immoral to my religion. It is wrong and I apologize for that, I usually don't mean to. Plus, I never let my own personal interests or disinterests [I don't even think that's a word] get in the way of my work.

As a part of the world of Music, I forgive you and accept your apology. Also, Mr. Otis' Music class may not give us any written work, but he expands our minds and teaches us new things, and the fact that I am going into Music 4 adds to it.

You DO NOT fake ANY laughs, trust me, I know. And, when you corrected that sentence, I said "I know it's screwed, but I'm bad at Latin, anyway!" It's not REALLY your nature to disagree ALL the time. You agree with me sometimes in things that I say or do.

Makes Sense, but why do you have to make Ted fight parts of your arguements for you? Can't you face me YOURSELF, like a MAN? Like you do when you duel with me, face me on your own.

Not EVERYONE is perverted. What about the people who practice celibacy? And I asked you for the porn when I was perverted, but I was not perverted at the dance.

Not only is it kind of sad that you record my IM's, but it is also sad that you think that I wasn't there because you were going to be there too.

Yes it did. Was your class at the dance? Were they dancing? And I am 99.999% sure that most of the people there discussed graduation at some point at the dance. ALSO, there really isn't a lot of a difference, people dance at parties, people talk and familiarize themselves at dances, so screw you!

Oh My God! Clicking a mouse a bunch of times and waiting a while is SOOO much effort! Give me a break! I was explaining that it does not matter which you look at, a computer or a TV, YOU were the one who brought up the subject anyway!

I DID, I looked it up at exactly April 12th 2004 at 6:41 Eastern time. I told you to look it up instead of asking me and turning to others for help. LAZY!

I am sorry for sounding prejudiced, but I really meant to point out that you are not the one at fault. It is your parent [Dad or Mom] that is at fault, that they would choose to involve themselves in sexual intercourse with a whore instead of waiting until marriage. Not that one of your parents did, but you get the picture. ALSO, that term for bitch is what you call a 'bastardization', like "fo' shizzle my nizzle", the REAL term could be a female dog or, in this case, a whore. Also, bitch in itself is a 'bastardizational' word, but the slang term we are looking for is the one meaning whore.

I did not mean at that time! I meant the one that I responded to LAST! There you go, changing sentences again...

It depends on your point of view, who would you say won World War II? No one? It would seem that if so, you have no sense of Nationalism...
And in my point of view, you will not win, but I will...

Feel free to surrender at any time!::Meniacal Laughter::

Ryou said:
Then WHY in the FIRST THREAD did you say, and I quote:
"Don't call me lazy Ryou!"

Because admitting one's laziness is totally different from calling another lazy as an insult.

Ryou said:
I CAN! That is why RIGHT NOW I have first honors for THIS quarter! We will wait until the end of the quarter to see who is the better student, after all, this is the Hardest Quarter.

Yes, we shall see indeed.

Ryou said:
Nothing is ENGRAVED in one's personality, anyone can change anything about them if they try, you know that! The only thing they really cannot change is their past.

OK, maybe I did exaggerate, but generally, people don't change. There are some things that define a person's identity and therefore are most difficult to change.

Ryou said:
I TOLD you in the Joke Forum, I am not prejudiced, it was a joke my uncle told me, AND I have 2 Jewish friends and 1 Homosexual friend. The only reason I make fun of Homo's is because it is immoral to my religion. It is wrong and I apologize for that, I usually don't mean to. Plus, I never let my own personal interests or disinterests [I don't even think that's a word] get in the way of my work.

Homosexuality is not immoral to our religion, yet I could be wrong since I don't know what religion you really are...However, jokes about gays and Jews are the most common jokes you tell, and telling them on this forum is a violation of Article 005 of the Constitution, so you must refrain from telling them.

Ryou said:
You DO NOT fake ANY laughs, trust me, I know. And, when you corrected that sentence, I said "I know it's screwed, but I'm bad at Latin, anyway!" It's not REALLY your nature to disagree ALL the time. You agree with me sometimes in things that I say or do.

I may be laughing, but that doesn't mean I think jokes are funny, especially those prejudiced ones that I hate. And it IS my nature to disagree. Ask my mom, she'll tell you. That's also the reason I started this thread, because I disagreed with your post in the Anime forum.

Ryou said:
Makes Sense, but why do you have to make Ted fight parts of your arguements for you? Can't you face me YOURSELF, like a MAN? Like you do when you duel with me, face me on your own.

I said before, I didn't make him do it, or even ask for his help. I don't even like people LOOKING at me while I'm typing. And I am facing you myself, right now.

Ryou said:
Not EVERYONE is perverted. What about the people who practice celibacy? And I asked you for the porn when I was perverted, but I was not perverted at the dance.

You're right, not everyone is perverted. That statement I made was actually relaying what my friend Chris (C.J.) once said when a girl said that I have a dirty mind.

Ryou said:
Not only is it kind of sad that you record my IM's, but it is also sad that you think that I wasn't there because you were going to be there too.

I don't record all my IM's with you. I just like printing out instant messages that I feel are important, funny, or memorable. Is it sad that I keep souvenirs? Mementos are important to me because I cherish memory. There's nothing wrong with that. And it may be true that you went because I went, but that wasn't the original reason, unless you actually concealed your true feelings in the IM.

Ryou said:
Yes it did. Was your class at the dance? Were they dancing? And I am 99.999% sure that most of the people there discussed graduation at some point at the dance. ALSO, there really isn't a lot of a difference, people dance at parties, people talk and familiarize themselves at dances, so screw you!

You're right, except we both know that the Fordham dances don't adhere to their themes.

Ryou said:
Oh My God! Clicking a mouse a bunch of times and waiting a while is SOOO much effort! Give me a break! I was explaining that it does not matter which you look at, a computer or a TV, YOU were the one who brought up the subject anyway!

It's actually more effort than watching TV, especially since Love Hina doesn't broadcast to my TV! And you were the one who brought it up in the anime forum that people who watch TV are lazier than people who read graphic novels, which is not necessarily true!

Ryou said:
I DID, I looked it up at exactly April 12th 2004 at 6:41 Eastern time. I told you to look it up instead of asking me and turning to others for help. LAZY!

Dictionaries are definitely a form of turning to others for help. Turning to others for help is not such a bad thing. It gives you a feeling of support, and getting information from another source gives you more credit than making up groundless information. For example, saying "The dean said we're not allowed to play cards in school" gives more of an effect than, "We can't play cards in school." And stop saying that everything I do is lazy!

Ryou said:
I am sorry for sounding prejudiced, but I really meant to point out that you are not the one at fault. It is your parent [Dad or Mom] that is at fault, that they would choose to involve themselves in sexual intercourse with a whore instead of waiting until marriage.

Kind of like what you did, huh, Mr. "non-virgin"?

Ryou said:
I did not mean at that time! I meant the one that I responded to LAST! There you go, changing sentences again...

I wasn't changing any sentences, I was just using what you said at an earlier time against you.

Ryou said:
It depends on your point of view, who would you say won World War II? No one? It would seem that if so, you have no sense of Nationalism...
And in my point of view, you will not win, but I will...

We may have succeeded in preventing the Axis Powers from taking over the world, but there still were casualties on both sides, and that is what everyone refers to when saying that war has no winners.


No, I don't. Periods at the end of sentences? Menstrual periods?
Then why after so many times of me saying you were lazy do you FINALLY admit it?

Generally people don't change. You are right about that, but many people change themselves because, as Neo says: "They choose to."

I am a Catholic, just like you. And YES, HOMOSEXUALITY IS IMMORAL TO OUR RELIGION! Where did you hear that it wasn't? Mr. Pedro said that The Church cannot deny 'True Love', but it can dismiss Homosexuality, what do you think all the controversy about the first openly gay priest was about? And I shall stop telling those kinds of jokes, although some of them are funny.

You laugh at ALL of my jokes and you think they are funny, all but the so-called 'prejudiced' jokes, which you don't fake laugh at, you just don't laugh at. I know that it is also your nature to disagree, since you disagree with almost everything everyone says! But you know you can change that.

Well, let's drop that thing with Pegasus. And yes, you are facing me, Nikare, Nikavi, Nikatus sum.
(I am getting victory, Nike is Latin for Victory) LOL
Another Latin joke.

A lot of people say you have a dirty mind, not just girls. Also, you say a lot of things that other people say.

OK, I'm sorry, it's not sad, just a bit odd, but then again, you are a bit odd. Also, you DO have a better memory than me, so I can definately agree with you, you DEFINATELY cherish memory.

100% on your side about that!

That was a joke, I was only joking! I joke too much! But yes, I suppose there is more effort put into it!

It's not really turning to others, you are looking at sources by yourself. Do you consider that looking up things on the internet for a paper turning to others?

That's different, AND did I even say I was a "Non-Virgin", I said "Non-Vigins loose taste in this sort of thing."

Whatever, you always find a way to turn SOMETHING against SOMEONE!

People die in war because, as I said "They fight for what they believe in." Also, you have to make sacrifices in War, and lives are one of the many sacrifices. Small price to pay for a greater cause. Also, think about the good things in war, like when someone returns home after fighting in war to his/her family. Think about that.

YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This war will be over soon, Niki Moto, and this war is MINE! And in war, people die!
I told you there's a difference between admitting one's flaws and making fun of someone else for it!

That's true, I have changed myself, but some things I cannot!

Homosexuality is not immoral to our religion! The desire between two men is completely natural, therefore people cannot help it! There was a lot of controversy because homosexuals are simply a minority, so they are regarded as outsiders! Religious leaders speak against it with their own opinions, saying that it's against God's plan. However, just because they cannot procreate doesn't mean they shouldn't be together! It's like saying steriles and/or barrens can never be married because they won't fulfill the task of reproduction! What really matters is the love and commitment involved.

Nikare Nikavi, Nikatus sum? One of those letters does not exist in the Latin alphabet! And Nike is not Latin, it's Greek!

Of course looking up information on the internet is turning to others for help. That's why we cite our sources! Because we're not stating our own ideas and/or discoveries!

You said that non-virgins lose interest in that sort of thing, then you told me to interpret the meaning of that sentence. I immediately knew you were implying that you were a non-virgin, but I was trying to figure out WHY they lose interest. Then you asked me again, and I said, "I know what you're saying, that you're not a virgin, but--" and you said, "Yes!"

Someone returning home from war is only a good thing because peace has returned. But the peace could have been reached by means other than violence! The time at war is a bad thing itself! While a father is away at war, the children are without a father, the father misses his children growing up, and the father also loses some army buddies to the battle. So the war is not a good thing for anyone!

Also, people don't win wars by killing off the entire enemy country. They surrender the war because they've suffered too great losses, and then they seek a resolution by treaty.

Anyone else who has any comments can feel free to post.Edited by: Niki Moto
okkk first of all ryou free united club of kids you for saying toenail abotu italians second off the christmas dance if for you to go out and get som pikachu but your not interested in things like that coz ur a homo and third of all free united club of kids you free united club of kids you free united club of kids you free united club of kids you free united club of kids you u dirty mountain lion u live in the extremem google whacker nieghborhood of woodlong u stupid cumburninator firthermore poop in your face u dirty queen u think ur bette rthan everyone lmao i go to lehman public google whacker school and im probly smarter than you you cant even speak your own elective langugae u dumb free united club of kids go suck a gran-dlorff im back in the ydc to shut down simbaes like you your now at the bottom of the food chain little toenailhead ur a killy and im the shrk you have officillay been.......... pope slapped!
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Wow...I've never seen more edited curses in my whole life. And, no, I haven't been 'pope' slapped. This post is over....very old. My opinions have changed. Niki's a nice guy. Though, I still stand by my quote, except this time, it's directed to you...tu facere canis sed! LOL

Actually, Niki, if you can tell me what the proper term is, I'll use it. Thanks.

Also, Mike, why do you hate me so much? People seem to think I said you were a red-neck....when I never did. You must love to change around people's words a lot. Anyway, see you some other time(hopefully not in jail).
Who is JustLooker?! Anyway, the GREEK word for victory is Nike, at least that's what my Global teacher last year told me. I'll go ask Groepler sometime, Niki.
JustLooker is just what the name implies, consider it somewhat of a bot, only it has magical powers.

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