This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2002.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
  1. 2002
  2. January 5
  3. January 11
  4. January 12
  5. January 15
  6. January 16
  7. January 17
    • Ted Phillips begins reprogramming the video game Pokémon Black from scratch.
  8. February 11
  9. February 17
  10. February 19
  11. February 21
  12. February 28
  13. March 2
  14. March 9
  15. March 29
  16. March 31
    • Ted Phillips receives the video game Dark Duel Stories as a gift.
  17. April
    • Ted Phillips writes a short story about a forest.
  18. April 3
  19. April 5
  20. April 7
    • Members of the Pokémon Trainers Club begin playing the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game using only Pokémon cards.
  21. April 12
  22. April 14
  23. April 27
  24. May
    • Ted and Nick Phillips preorder a Yu-Gi-Oh! Metal Raiders booster box.
  25. May 4
  26. June 14
  27. June 20
    • Clare Phillips adopts a kitten named Tommy.
  28. June 24
  29. June 26
    • Nick Phillips receives a Hi8/8mm camcorder as a gift.
    • The Yu-Gi-Oh! Metal Raiders booster box shipment does not appear to arrive on time.
  30. June 27
    • Cracked Egg Studios and Dannick Studios test the camera by attempting to document the ongoing Duel Monsters Tournament, with Nick Phillips pretending to be a character.
    • The documentation goes awry when participants have to leave early, leading to the concept for the Ni-Ki-Oh! episode "No One to Duel."
  31. June 28
    • Cracked Egg Studios and Dannick Studios document a duel between Nick Phillips and Matt Justus, with several tournament participants now pretending to be characters.
  32. June 29
  33. July 1
    • The Pokémon Trainers Club member Joe Justus begins hosting the first half of his Duelist Kingdom tournament.
    • Noey Productions documents a duel between Nick Phillips and Joe Justus at a playground.
  34. July 4
    • Cracked Egg Studios records footage for the film Y3K: A Stupid Movie involving the destruction of the moon.
  35. July 5
    • John Phillips investigates the lost Yu-Gi-Oh! Metal Raiders booster box shipment.
  36. July 15
  37. July 16
    • Dannick Studios films a scene about a marriage between Clare Phillips and the cat Tommy.
    • Noey Productions produces the science-fiction short Pastel World.
    • Dannick Studios produces the fantasy short Tommy's Adventures.
  38. July 17
  39. July 18
    • Cracked Egg Studios films a scene about a secret Vacca Corporation meeting and retroscripts a duel between Jokuba Vacca and Pegasus over Pegasus's part in the meeting.
  40. July 19
  41. July 20
    • Cracked Egg Studios films a scene about the cat Tommy's comfortable life.
    • Chansey returns from the hospital.
    • Dannick Studios documents a trip to visit John Phillips in Hyde Park, New York.
    • Cracked Egg Studios documents a duel between Nick Phillips and John Phillips.
  42. July 23
  43. July 24
  44. July 25
  45. July 26
    • Cracked Egg Studios films a scene where Niki Moto mopes about his standing in the Duelist Kingdom tournament.
    • Cracked Egg Studios films coverage of Jokuba Vacca reacting to museum exhibits.
  46. July 27
  47. July 28
  48. July 29
  49. August 1
  50. August 7
  51. August 9
  52. August 11
    • Mike Vacca introduces Ted and Nick Phillips to the band Linkin Park.
  53. August 17
  54. August 20
  55. August 21
  56. August 22
  57. August 24
  58. August 25
  59. August 26
  60. August 28
  61. August 29
  62. August 31
  63. September 1
  64. September 2
    • Noey Productions films the comedy Funnypoop 2.
    • Noey Productions films the science-fiction short Adventure.
  65. September 3
  66. September 7
  67. September 8
  68. September 14
  69. September 21
  70. September 27
  71. September 28
  72. October
  73. October 5
  74. October 10
  75. October 12
  76. October 19
  77. October 23
  78. October 25
    • Noey Productions films the slapstick comedy Joeass.
  79. October 26
  80. October 27
  81. November 2
  82. November 11
  83. November 14
    • Noey Games releases their previously unannounced new game Sticks of Gum.
  84. November 16
  85. November 23
  86. November 28
    • Cracked Egg Studios films interviews with Ni-Ki-Oh! cast members at Hyde Park, New York.
    • Cracked Egg Studios films a duel between Niki Moto and Billy the Kid.
  87. December 1
  88. December 3
  89. December 5
  90. December 6
  91. December 7
  92. December 9
    • Nick Phillips competes in the New York City District 8 Spelling Bee.
  93. December 14
  94. December 15
  95. December 18
    • Noey Games begins developing the video game Noey-Oh!
  96. December 24
    • Cracked Egg Studios documents the Ni-Ki-Oh! editing process for the season 2 premiere episode "The Island."
  97. December 25
  98. December 31

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