This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines
This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2016.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
  1. 2016
    • Cracked Egg Studios' VHS to digital transfer equipment is stolen.
  2. January 9
  3. January 13
  4. January 18
  5. January 19
  6. January 20
  7. January 21
  8. January 23
  9. January 30
  10. February 1
  11. February 4
  12. February 9
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2016-2047, VWE-2016-2064, and VWE-2016-2081 in VaultWiki.
  13. February 25
  14. March 1
  15. March 4
  16. March 7
  17. March 8
  18. March 16
  19. March 18
    • VaultWiki Team extends inline moderation tools in VaultWiki on vBulletin platforms with the ability to select all actionable content at once.
  20. March 22
  21. March 25
  22. March 29
  23. April 1
  24. April 5
    • VaultWiki Team postpones developing a VaultWiki version for Invision Power Suite until further product refactoring can be performed.
  25. April 15
  26. April 18
  27. April 29
  28. April 30
  29. May 3
    • VaultWiki Team extends the installation process for VaultWiki to prompt for a usergroup for wiki moderators, rather than assigning one automatically.
  30. May 9
  31. May 12
  32. May 18
    • VaultWiki Team programs a persistent alert notifying administrators when VaultWiki is partially disabled by maintenance tasks.
  33. May 21
    • VaultWiki Team extends the permissions management interface in VaultWiki to show the values and sources of inherited permissions.
  34. May 22
    • VaultWiki Team reprograms the permissions management system for file uploads in VaultWiki to support "Not Set" and "Never" values.
  35. May 30
  36. June 3
  37. June 5
    • VaultWiki Team extends content lists in VaultWiki to show an abbreviated list of contributors to that content.
    • VaultWiki Team reprograms the styles of content lists in VaultWiki to be more consistent with the style of similar items in the host platform.
  38. June 9
    • VaultWiki Team reprograms the style of history in VaultWiki to be more consistent with the style of similar items in the host platform.
  39. June 14
  40. June 26
  41. July 2
  42. July 5
  43. July 13
    • Cracked Egg Studios launches Ted Phillips's author web site.
  44. July 28
    • VaultWiki Team extends the URL routing system in VaultWiki to support using the wiki as the site's landing page on XenForo-based host platforms.
  45. August 1
  46. August 9
  47. August 15
  48. August 16
  49. August 18
    • VaultWiki Team extends automatic links in VaultWiki with an option to link to target content with the prefix that matches a rule from the content containing the link.
  50. August 22
  51. August 30
  52. August 31
  53. September 7
    • VaultWiki Team programs a tool for VaultWiki that can recalculate the totals for various types of user contributions.
  54. September 19
  55. September 26
    • Cracked Egg Studios begins working in 4K.
  56. October 12
  57. October 13
  58. October 18
  59. October 20
  60. November 1
  61. November 8
  62. November 14
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the local file inclusion and remote code execution vulnerability VWE-2016-3063 in VaultWiki.
  63. November 15
  64. November 16
    • The web site begins failing to successfully generate database backups.
  65. November 22
  66. November 23
  67. November 26
  68. November 29
  69. December 2
  70. December 7
  71. December 14
  72. December 15
  73. December 17
  74. December 20
  75. December 21
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2016-3087, VWE-2016-3104, and VWE-2016-3112 in VaultWiki.
  76. December 22
  77. December 27
  78. December 28

This page has been seen 74 times.

    • Created by on
      Last updated by on


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