This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines
This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2015.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
  1. January 16, 2015
  2. January 20
  3. January 27
  4. January 28
  5. January 29
  6. January 31
  7. February 1
  8. February 19
  9. February 26
  10. February 27
  11. March 1
  12. March 3
  13. March 6
  14. March 9
  15. March 11
  16. March 12
  17. March 13
  18. March 16
  19. March 26
    • The VaultWiki Mug does not meet project expectations and is canceled.
  20. March 27
  21. March 31
  22. April 1
  23. April 7
  24. April 8
  25. April 12
  26. April 13
  27. April 14
    • VaultWiki Team reprograms popup menus in VaultWiki to require clicking rather than hovering in order to toggle their visibility.
  28. April 15
  29. April 16
  30. April 17
  31. April 21
  32. April 28
  33. May 12
  34. May 21
  35. May 27
  36. June 26
    • Cracked Egg Studios begins building a video projection system.
  37. July 11
  38. July 18
    • Ted Phillips continues writing the first Isles of Fortune novel, with the goal of writing every day.
  39. July 27
  40. July 29
    • Cracked Egg Studios implements backup power systems to prevent minor data-loss due to outages.
  41. August 22
    • VaultWiki Team reprograms the BB-Code management system in VaultWiki to support renaming any BB-Code tag its provides.
  42. September 10
  43. September 26
    • VaultWiki Team extends content integrations in VaultWiki with options to partially hide and/or fully collapse their content.
  44. October 2
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2015-1601, which has an approximate success rate of 1 in 50,000, in VaultWiki.
  45. October 4
  46. October 6
  47. October 10
  48. October 11
  49. October 12
  50. October 14
  51. October 24
    • Ted Phillips and Diana Muniz visit Storm King Art Center for the first time.
    • Ted Phillips experiments with panoramic photography.
  52. October 25
    • VaultWiki Team extends user profiles in VaultWiki to require additional permissions before a user can receive credit for wiki contributions on their profile.
  53. October 27
  54. October 31
  55. November 6
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the denial of service amplification vulnerabilities VWE-2015-1766 and VWE-2015-1778 in VaultWiki.
  56. November 7
  57. November 10
  58. November 11
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2015-1766, VWE-2015-1778, VWE-2015-1812, and VWE-2015-1840 in VaultWiki.
  59. November 14
    • Ted Phillips retires from his position at Loretta's Pizza, seeking to focus more closely on Cracked Egg Studios and other creative endeavors.
  60. December 1
  61. December 14
  62. December 23

This page has been seen 73 times.

    • Created by on
      Last updated by on


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