The Lost Gem was a computer game created by Joseph Justus at Noey Games around December 2003, which was partially developed but cancelled before being released to the public.


The evil Benny steals a mysterious gem from Joe's mother, breaks it into pieces, and scatters the pieces across the world. Joe must embark on an epic quest against Benny and his horde of monsters to recover all the pieces of the gem.


Justus announced The Lost Gem in an undated memo to members of the historical Free United Club of Kids. The official Noey Productions web site listed the game as being created some time in 2004, but the memo is signed by Justus with the honorific "Your President." Given that Justus was president of the club from November 8, 2003 - January 3, 2004, that places development of The Lost Gem during the last two months of 2003.

Even though Noey Productions was merged into Cracked Egg Studios in 2006, the transition was not well handled, due to various Noey intellectual property being in the possession of different executives, held in different locations. Thus, development copies of The Lost Gem are now considered to be lost.
Categories: Lost Projects

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