For Members Who Missed the 4/3 Meeting

o, THAT's whats wrong with my status, but w/e, I was technically on subject with 'Ryou Rules' until NICK butted in EVEN after I told everyone not to pick the name because it was a joke
I was just agreeing with what you said, Ryou. You said, "Don't pick it" and I said "Of course we wouldn't pick it." Then I elaborated on the topic, saying what we need in a name.
ok, i apologize, I was probably drunk and forgot what happened, that's why I picked that name for the club, either that or I was just overly proud
Maybe we could use YDC but change what it stands we could be the Young Ducks Club. Or maybe the Yucky Doofus Club. How about the You Do Crack? I don't know.