Rebirth Staff

Card ImageCard Image
Card Name: Rebirth Staff MAGIC
Card No: MOD-002, DMT2-023

Tribute all monsters on your side of the field to Special Summon the same number of monsters from your Graveyard.


Rebirth Staff was one of the prizes given out at the Master of Duels III tournament, which was hosted by the historical Free United Club of Kids in January 2004, and was won by the historical Bandit Rich.

The card was reprinted beginning August 6, 2007 in the DMT2 Tournament Pack, a promotional expansion pack legal during the Cracked Egg Studios-sanctioned Duel Monsters Tournament II.

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TK Seya

Network Partner
Artwork: It be a stick.


Stats: Normal Spell = Good Times


Effect: It is very tricky though it can be very beneficial. The dump high level monsters and revive them strategy just got easier.


Ease of Use: Oh no, you have to have one monster. You could always have used Scapegoat in your opponents end phase so that you get 4 real monster thanks to Rebirth Staff.


Stupid Combo:

Rebirth Staff your three remaining goats to bring back three Hyozanryu. You want to make use of that United We Stand and Shield and Sword in your hand but your opponent activates Torrential Tribute. You then discard Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite and Snapesnatch to bring out The Unbridled God of the Underworld Anubis. Gay-muh End-uh.

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