Dark Kuriboh

Card ImageCard Image
Card Name: Dark Kuriboh LIGHT
Card No: RQT-001, DMT2-277

Level 1: Fiend / Effect
Discard this card from your hand in order to negate the activation and effect of "Kuriboh" during your own Battle Phase. Destroy your own monster involved in battle during this Damage Step after damage calculation.

ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300


Dark Kuriboh was made by special request by the Free United Club of Kids member Loser, who had become annoyed with other members successfully using Kuriboh against his decks. However, when he received the card, he was disappointed in the effect, because as he had dictated the card text while he was inebriated, it did not deter anyone from using Kuriboh in the first place.

For years, it was believed that Loser additionally commissioned the card Divine Kuriboh when Dark Kuriboh did not meet his expectations. However, Divine Kuriboh was actually created by TK Seya in a forum thread.

Dark Kuriboh was reprinted beginning August 6, 2007 in the DMT2 Tournament Pack, a promotional expansion pack legal during the Cracked Egg Studios-sanctioned Duel Monsters Tournament II.

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TK Seya

Network Partner
Artwork: It looks like a Kuriboh dimly lit.


Stats: Light Fiend Level 1 200 ATK/300 DEF is not much. It is one of the few Light Fiends though along with Theban Nightmare and Desrook Archfiend.

11/10 just b/c it is a light fiend

Effect: Really bad and really situational. But nothing negates Kuriboh except for this!


Ease of Use: Um...not so easy.


Stupid Combo:

You direct attack an opponent with Blue Eyes Shining Dragon for the win but they activate Kuriboh, their last card between their hand and field, to save themselves. You laugh because you activate Dark Kuriboh and since the attack still goes through, you win. Gay-muh End-uh.

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