
Forum Fixed

  • Publisher Ted
  • Date published
  • Last update by Ted
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I'm sure nobody even realized it, but the ASP engine corruption on the K-drive also meant that the forum wasn't working. Well the forum has been moved to another location with a working ASP engine.

All the veteran forum users should be happy… Read more

News Comments

  • Publisher Ted
  • Date published
  • Last update by Ted
  • Last update time
Due to popular demand, we have upgraded the news section on the main page of the site. The news is now broken up into multiple pages to eliminate indefinite scrolling visitors were beginning to have to do. Visitors can now also make comments about news… Read more

On Time

  • Publisher Ted
  • Date published
After so many months of Cracked Egg Studios making and breaking its promises, we all had our doubts that Ni-Ki-Oh! Duelist Kingdom would ever come out. To much of our pleasant surprise, the beta version of Duelist Kingdom was screened this past Friday evening. The… Read more

Project: Waffle Iron

  • Publisher Ted
  • Date published
Production is finally coming together on the mysterious Project: Waffle Iron. Pegasus is currently assembling a team of twisted people who can pull this one off perfectly. Project: Waffle Iron is a Ni-Ki-Oh!-themed short video that will be used in a promotional… Read more

Plans for the Website

  • Publisher Ted
  • Date published
We have future plans for the website. Some things to come include:
  • Summaries for each past meeting
  • Biographies for each club member
  • Links for more information about each datum on the Presidents and Such page
  • More Ni-Ki-Oh episode summaries
  • More Promos
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