This evening we modified the left navigation menu to contain links to the most frequently accessed and most important parts of the web site. Previously there had been several links to areas that did not even exist, and some of the more important sections, like "Productions," were difficult to find.

In addition, we modified the right navigation menu, which has contained only links to "Upcoming Releases" for a couple of years now. The releases listed were ones whose development was particularly slow and teased visitors to the point where they paid no attention to its contents anymore. The "Upcoming Releases" box now contains a list of titles that will soon be uploaded to the "Productions" page. As titles are uploaded, this box will update so that it contains a total of 10 upcoming titles.

We have also set up an area for our company's staff to blog about whatever they feel like, so that we can connect with the community a little better.

While we continue to update the Cracked Egg Studios web site, we are not going to be modifying version numbers unless a highly significant change occurs (like supporting multiple languages).
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