Browser Compatibility

The Cracked Egg Studios web site has always had its issues with non-Mozilla Firefox browsers. After some basic layout adjustments, we have found that the site now displays properly in Internet Explorer 6.

The side menus no longer take up more space than necessary in the IE browser window, which had previously resulted in misshapen menu boxes. When the inline frames collapse in IE, it is now possible to simply click on the "Home" link or now the "Upcoming Releases" link to reload the inline frames correctly. Also, a much-requested "Skip Intro" link has been added to the Flash Intro.

We have also fixed some size issues in the File Manager that some hosting members may have encountered. We have also added a File Manager link to the account area so you can get back if you navigate to another page in the area and also to offer other browser users a work-around for the inline frames collapse issue in the File Manager.

We have tested on Mozilla Firefox, AOL, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera. Since Internet Explorer had been the browser with which we experienced the most quirks, we expect that the site should work properly in practically any browser now.
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