Here you go
On the boat to Powisia I began to reminisce about Tommy and what he was doing." Probably big stuff for a prince."
" You like him, don't you."
"No I don't!..."
"Caught you."
" You're right, Yaku, I am in love."
Yaku the spirit then said," You better snap out of it Claw! A princess can't work like that!"
"You're right I shouldn't think about him at all!"
Then we reached Powisia. It was a exotic place with pink shores and a volcano spewing ravished versions of normal animals with spectacularly colored feathers,fur,and eyes.
"Wow, I wasn't expecting it to be so pretty. I only expected it to be a regular island with a few palm trees."
Yaku then said,"You're a ****ing princess! What the hell did you expect! A pile of crap?!"
It took awhile but I got used to being in charge. People were moving in and fighting so I had to create stricter laws...
Then one day a sage's assistant brought
"Hell is about to come upon us."
I said,"Yeah I know."
"No.Tell the sage to
stop focusing on the horrible and to look for good prophecies."
"Okay, Claw Snuff, I will."
Then one of my assistants came to me and said, "Prince Thomas is here. He would like to see you."
"Ok I'll be right there."I said running towards the front door, which lead to the beach.
I ran to Tommy and hugged him.He said, " I came just to see you."
I smiled and told him, "I missed your logic classes."
We both laughed.
To Be Continued