Guard Dog

Card ImageCard Image
Card Name: Guard Dog EARTH
Card No: MMT-002, DMT2-324

Level 5: Beast / Effect
While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot choose another monster on your side of the field as an attack target.

ATK/ 2000 DEF/ 1200


Guard Dog was given to finalists of the Duel Monsters of Mayhem Mash tournament, which was hosted by the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Club in January 2003. The card was reprinted beginning August 6, 2007 in the DMT2 Tournament Pack, a promotional expansion pack legal during the Cracked Egg Studios-sanctioned Duel Monsters Tournament II.

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TK Seya

Network Partner
Artwork: Why'd they bother?


Stats: Earth Beast that is level 5 with a measly 2000 ATK? Fails at life.


Effect: That's not that good.


Ease of Use: It be really lame and decently difficult to bring out. Dump and Revive or sacrificing some Flying Squirrels would do the trick.


Stupid Combo:

You summon two Guard Dogs dumped via Graceful Charity using Call of the Haunted and Premature Burial. Your opponent uses Heavy Storm. You get owned. Gay-muh End-uh.


CES Staff
Hey, is anyone else pissed off about this?


New member
Actually that is hilarious but it will make Ni-Ki-Oh! really confusing when it's played with a unofficial effect.

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