Bandit Richard Howard

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Bandit Rich in Ni-Ki-Oh! S03E01.
Bandit Rich is a hotshot duelist who uses power to overwhelm his opponents. Currently wanted for the criminal acts of homicide, manslaughter, grand theft auto, aggravated assault, grand larceny, solicitation, highway robbery, train robbery, and more, Bandit Rich will let nothing prevent him from obtaining the rare cards he wants for his deck. Friend to Seto Vacca and nothing to Niki Moto, Rich owns a beautiful estate with tractors and little birdies.

Pre-Duelist Kingdom

Bandit Rich first appears in No One to Duel, when Niki accidentally transports him to the Shadow Realm during the duel with Great Terra. Bandit Rich taunts Niki from the sidelines throughout the duel, but much of this interaction was cut when the match was compressed for the DVD release of the episode.

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